RadioShuttle Lib for the STM32 L4 Heltec Board

Dependents:   Turtle_RadioShuttle

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00001 /*
00002  * The file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
00003  * (c) 2019 Helmut Tschemernjak
00004  * 30826 Garbsen (Hannover) Germany
00005  */
00008 #ifdef ARDUINO
00009 #include <Arduino.h>
00010 #include "arduino-mbed.h"
00011 #include <time.h>
00012 #define FEATURE_LORA    1
00013 #endif
00014 #ifdef __MBED__
00015 #include "mbed.h"
00016 #include "PinMap.h"
00017 #endif
00018 #include "RadioStatusInterface.h"
00019 #include "RadioStatus.h"
00020 #ifdef FEATURE_LORA
00023 MyRadioStatus::MyRadioStatus()
00024 {
00025     _totalTX = 0;
00026     _totalRX = 0;
00027     _totalError = 0;
00028     _totalTimeout = 0;
00030     ledTX = NULL;
00031     ledRX = NULL;
00032     ledTimeout = NULL;
00033     inverted = false;
00035 #ifdef TARGET_STM32L0
00036     ledTX = new DigitalOut(LED3); // blue
00037     *ledTX = 0;
00038     ledRX = new DigitalOut(LED4); // red
00039     *ledRX = 0;
00040     ledTimeout = new DigitalOut(LED1); // green
00041     *ledTimeout = 0;
00042 #endif
00043 #ifdef HELTECL432_REV1
00044     ledTX = new DigitalOut(STATUS_LED); // green
00045     *ledTX = 0;
00046     ledRX = new DigitalOut(LED2); // red
00047     *ledRX = 0;
00048 #endif
00049 #ifdef MyHOME_BOARD_REV4
00050     ledTX = new DigitalOut(LED2); // yellow
00051     *ledTX = 0;
00052     ledRX = new DigitalOut(STATUS_LED); // red
00053     *ledRX = 0;
00054     ledTimeout = new DigitalOut(LED3); // green
00055     *ledTimeout = 0;
00056 #endif
00057 #ifdef __SAMD21G18A__
00058     inverted = true;
00059 #ifdef PIN_LED_TXL
00060     ledTX = new DigitalOut(PIN_LED_TXL); // yellow
00061     *ledTX = 1;
00062 #endif
00063 #ifdef PIN_LED_RXL
00064     ledRX = new DigitalOut(25); // red
00065     *ledRX = 1;
00066 #endif
00067 #endif
00068 #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP32_DEV // ESP32_ECO_POWER_REV_1
00069     ledTX = new DigitalOut(2);  // green
00070     *ledTX = 0;
00071     ledRX = new DigitalOut(12); // red
00072     *ledRX = 0;
00073 #endif
00074 #if defined(ARDUINO_Heltec_WIFI_LoRa_32) || defined(ARDUINO_WIFI_LORA_32) \
00075      || defined(ARDUINO_WIFI_LORA_32_V2) || defined(ARDUINO_WIRELESS_STICK) \
00076      || defined(ARDUINO_WIRELESS_STICK_LITE) // the Heltec boards
00077     ledTX = new DigitalOut(25);     // white
00078     *ledTX = 0;
00079 #endif
00081 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00082     invertedDisplay = false;
00083     _line1[0] = 0;
00084     _line2[0] = 0;
00085     _line3[0] = 0;
00086     _line4[0] = 0;
00087     _line5[0] = 0;
00088     displayReset = NULL;
00089 #if defined(ARDUINO_Heltec_WIFI_LoRa_32) || defined(ARDUINO_WIFI_LORA_32) \
00090      || defined(ARDUINO_WIFI_LORA_32_V2) || defined(ARDUINO_WIRELESS_STICK)
00091  #define DISPLAY_ADDRESS 0x3c
00092  #define DISPLAY_SDA     4
00093  #define DISPLAY_SCL     15
00094  #define DISPLAY_RESET   16
00095     displayReset = new DigitalOut(DISPLAY_RESET);
00096 #endif
00097 #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP32_DEV // ESP32_ECO_POWER_REV_1
00098  #define DISPLAY_ADDRESS 0x3c
00099  #define DISPLAY_SDA     21
00100  #define DISPLAY_SCL     22
00101 #endif
00102     if (displayReset) {
00103         *displayReset = 0;
00104         wait_ms(50);
00105         *displayReset = 1;
00106     }
00107     display = new SSD1306(DISPLAY_ADDRESS, DISPLAY_SDA, DISPLAY_SCL);
00108     display->init();
00109     // display->flipScreenVertically();
00110     display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16); // ArialMT_Plain_10);
00111     display->clear();
00112     display->drawString(0, 0, "RadioShuttle 1.4");
00113     display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_10);
00114     int yoff = 17;
00115     display->drawString(0, yoff, "Peer-to-Peer LoRa Protcol");
00116     yoff += 12;
00117     display->drawString(0, yoff, "Efficient, Fast, Secure");
00118     yoff += 12;
00119     display->drawString(0, yoff, "");
00120     display->display();
00121 #endif
00122 }
00124 MyRadioStatus::~MyRadioStatus()
00125 {
00126     if (ledTX) {
00127         if (inverted)
00128             *ledTX = 1;
00129         else
00130             *ledTX = 0;
00131         delete ledTX;
00132     }
00133     if (ledRX) {
00134         if (inverted)
00135             *ledRX = 1;
00136         else
00137             *ledRX = 0;
00138         delete ledRX;
00139     }
00140     if (ledTimeout) {
00141         if (inverted)
00142             *ledTimeout = 1;
00143         else
00144             *ledTimeout = 0;
00145         delete ledTimeout;
00146     }
00147 }
00149 void
00150 MyRadioStatus::TXStart(int AppID, int toStation, int length, int dBm)
00151 {
00152     UNUSED(AppID);
00153     UNUSED(toStation);
00154     UNUSED(length);
00155     UNUSED(dBm);
00156     if (ledTX) {
00157         if (inverted)
00158             *ledTX = 0;
00159         else
00160             *ledTX = 1;
00161     }
00162 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00163     snprintf(_line2, sizeof(_line2), "TX(%d) ID(%d) %d dBm", length, toStation, dBm);
00164     UpdateDisplay(true);
00165 #endif
00166     _totalTX++;
00167 }
00169 void
00170 MyRadioStatus::TXComplete(void)
00171 {
00172     if (ledTX) {
00173         if (inverted)
00174             *ledTX = 1;
00175         else
00176             *ledTX = 0;
00177     }
00178 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00179     UpdateDisplay(false);
00180 #endif
00181 }
00183 void
00184 MyRadioStatus::RxDone(int size, int rssi, int snr)
00185 {
00186     UNUSED(size);
00187     UNUSED(rssi);
00188     UNUSED(snr);
00189     if (ledRX) {
00190         if (inverted)
00191             *ledRX = 0;
00192         else
00193             *ledRX = 1;
00194     }
00195     _totalRX++;
00196 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00197     snprintf(_line3, sizeof(_line3), "RX(%d) RSSI(%d) SNR(%d)", size, rssi, snr);
00198     UpdateDisplay(true);
00199 #endif
00200 }
00202 void
00203 MyRadioStatus::RxCompleted(void)
00204 {
00205     if (ledRX) {
00206         if (inverted)
00207             *ledRX = 1;
00208         else
00209             *ledRX = 0;
00210     }
00211 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00212     UpdateDisplay(false);
00213 #endif
00214 }
00216 void
00217 MyRadioStatus::MessageTimeout(int App, int toStation)
00218 {
00219     UNUSED(App);
00220     UNUSED(toStation);
00221     if (ledTimeout)
00222         *ledTimeout = 1;
00223     _totalTimeout++;
00224 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00225     UpdateDisplay(false);
00226 #endif
00227 }
00230 void
00231 MyRadioStatus::UpdateDisplay(bool invertDisplay)
00232 {
00233     UNUSED(invertDisplay);
00234 #ifdef HAS_OLED_DISPLAY
00235     int yoff = 0;
00236     int hight = 12;
00237     time_t t = time(NULL);
00238     struct tm mytm;
00239     localtime_r(&t, &mytm);
00241     snprintf(_line1, sizeof(_line1), "%s (%d) %02d:%02d:%02d", _radioType, _stationID,
00242              mytm.tm_hour, mytm.tm_min, mytm.tm_sec);
00243     snprintf(_line4, sizeof(_line4), "Packets RX(%d) TX(%d)", _totalRX, _totalTX);
00244     snprintf(_line5, sizeof(_line5), "RXErr(%d) TOut(%d) %.2f %d", _totalError, _totalTimeout, (double)_frequency/1000000.0, _spreadingFactor);
00246     if (invertDisplay)
00247         display->invertDisplay();
00248     else
00249         display->normalDisplay();
00251     display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_10);
00252     display->clear();
00254     display->drawString(0, yoff, String(_line1));
00255     yoff += hight;
00256     display->drawString(0, yoff, String(_line2));
00257     yoff += hight;
00258     display->drawString(0, yoff, String(_line3));
00259     yoff += hight;
00260     display->drawString(0, yoff, String(_line4));
00261     yoff += hight;
00263     display->display();
00264 #endif
00265 }
00267 #endif // FEATURE_LORA