Plant Monitoring Project

Dependencies:   mbed SHT21_ncleee WakeUp SSD1306 DHT Adafruit_TCS34725 DS1820

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00001 #include "main.hh"
00003 int main(){
00004     #ifdef DEEPSLEEP
00005     //WakeUp::calibrate();
00006     #endif
00008     #ifdef INTERRUPTEUR
00009     interrupteur = 1;
00010     #endif
00012     #ifdef OLED
00013     bouton.rise(interruption_bouton);
00014     initOLED();
00015     #endif
00017     while(1) {
00018         if(flag_readData)
00019             readData();
00020         flag_readData = true;
00021         #ifndef DEEPSLEEP
00022         wait(DUREE_OFF);
00023         #endif
00024         #ifdef DEEPSLEEP
00025         if(oled_on){
00026             wait(DUREE_ECRAN_ON);
00027             turnOffScreen();
00028             flag_readData = false;
00029         }
00030         else{
00031             WakeUp::set_ms(DUREE_OFF*1000);
00032             deepsleep();
00033         }
00034       #endif
00035     }
00036 }
00038 #ifdef AIR_PARAMETERS_DHT22
00039 void air_temp_hum(){
00040     int err;
00041     wait(1);
00042     do{
00043         err = dht_sensor.readData();
00044         wait(1);
00045     }while(err != 0);
00046     temperature_air = dht_sensor.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS);
00047     humidity_air = dht_sensor.ReadHumidity();
00048 }
00049 #endif
00052 void temp_sol()
00053 {
00054     int result = 0;
00055     ds1820.begin();
00056     ds1820.startConversion();   // start temperature conversion from analog to digital
00057     wait(1.0);                  // let DS1820 complete the temperature conversion
00058     result =; // read temperature from DS1820 and perform cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
00059     #ifdef DEBUG
00060     switch (result) {
00061         case 0:                 // no errors -> 'temp' contains the value of measured temperature
00062             pc.printf("temp = %3.1f C\r\n", temperature_sol);
00063             break;
00065         case 1:                 // no sensor present -> 'temp' is not updated
00066             pc.printf("no sensor present\n\r");
00067             break;
00069         case 2:                 // CRC error -> 'temp' is not updated
00070             pc.printf("CRC error\r\n");
00071     }
00072     #endif
00074 }
00075 #endif
00077 #ifdef FLOOR_HUMIDITY
00078 int fct_humidity_sol(void)
00079 {
00080     float val_min = 0.377;
00081     float val_max = 0.772;
00082     float mesure, mesure_etalonnee;
00083     mesure =;
00084     mesure_etalonnee = (1-((mesure - val_min)/(val_max - val_min)))*100;
00085     #ifdef DEBUG
00086     pc.printf("hum sol: %d\n\r", (int) mesure_etalonnee);
00087     #endif
00088     return (int) mesure_etalonnee;
00089 }
00090 #endif
00092 #ifdef RGB
00093 void fct_RGB(void)
00094 {
00095     int somme;
00096     uint16_t clear, red, green, blue;
00097     if (!RGBsens.begin())
00098     {
00099         #ifdef DEBUG
00100         pc.printf("No TCS34725 found ... check your connections");
00101         #endif
00102         //while (1); // halt!
00103     }
00104         RGBsens.getRawData(&red, &green, &blue, &clear);
00105         somme = red + green + blue;
00106         pr = red*100/somme;
00107         pg = green*100/somme;
00108         pb = blue*100/somme;
00109         lum = (unsigned short) RGBsens.calculateLux(red, green, blue);
00110         #ifdef DEBUG
00111         pc.printf("luminosite : %d \n\r", lum);
00112         pc.printf("rouge:%d vert:%d bleu:%d \n\r", pr, pg, pb);
00113         #endif
00114 }
00115 #endif
00117 #ifdef SIGFOX
00118 void sendDataSigfox(void){
00119     #ifdef DEBUG
00120     pc.printf("Sending Data to Sigfox \n\r");
00121     #endif
00122     short tempSol_short, tempAir_short;
00123     tempSol_short = (short)(temperature_sol*10);
00124     tempAir_short = (short)(temperature_air*10);
00126     wisol.printf("AT$SF=%04x%02x%04x%02x%04x%02x%02x%02x%02x\r\n",tempSol_short, humidity_sol, tempAir_short, humidity_air, lum, pr, pg, pb, vBat);
00127 }
00128 #endif
00130 #ifdef OLED
00131 void oledData(void){
00132     #ifdef DEBUG
00133     pc.printf("Displaying Data\r\n");
00134     #endif
00136     if(!oled_on){
00137         oled.wake();
00138         oled.clear();
00139         oled_on = 1;
00140     }
00141     oled.clear();
00142     oled.printf("AIR T : %.1f", temperature_air);
00143     oled.printf("\n\r");
00144     oled.printf("AIR H : %d", humidity_air);
00145     oled.printf("\n\r\n\r");
00146     oled.printf("FLOOR T : %.1f", temperature_sol);
00147     oled.printf("\n\r");
00148     oled.printf("FLOOR H : %d", humidity_sol);
00149     oled.printf("\n\r\n\r");
00150     oled.printf("Light : %d", lum);
00151     oled.printf("\n\r");
00152     oled.printf("R %d G %d B %d", pr, pg, pb);
00153     oled.update();
00154 }
00155 #endif
00157 void readData(void){
00158     #ifdef INTERRUPTEUR
00159     interrupteur = 1;
00160     wait_ms(100);
00161     RGBsens.begin();
00162     wait_ms(100);
00163     #endif
00164     #ifdef DEBUG
00165     pc.printf("Reading Data\n\r");
00166     #endif
00167     #ifdef FLOOR_TEMPERATURE
00168     temp_sol();
00169     #endif
00170     #ifdef FLOOR_HUMIDITY
00171     humidity_sol = fct_humidity_sol();
00172     #endif
00173     #ifdef AIR_PARAMETERS_DHT22
00174     air_temp_hum();
00175     #endif
00176     #ifdef DEBUG
00177     printf("hum air: %d\n\r", humidity_air);   
00178     printf("temp air: %.1f\n\r", temperature_air);  
00179     #endif
00180     #ifdef RGB  
00181     fct_RGB();
00182     #endif
00183     #ifdef BATTERY_LVL
00184     readBatteryLvl();
00185     #endif
00186     #ifdef SIGFOX
00187     sendDataSigfox();
00188     #endif
00189     #ifdef OLED
00190     if(oled_on)
00191         oledData();
00192     #endif
00193     #ifdef INTERRUPTEUR
00194     wait(8);                // Il faut du temps au module SigFox pour envoyer les données
00195     interrupteur = 0;
00196     #endif
00197 }
00199 void interruption_bouton(){
00200     bouton.disable_irq();
00201     #ifdef DEBUG
00202     pc.printf("Button interrupt\r\n");
00203     #endif
00204     #ifdef OLED
00205     if(!oled_on){
00206         oledData();
00207     }
00208     #endif
00209     bouton.enable_irq();
00210 }
00212 #ifdef OLED
00213 void turnOffScreen(void){
00214     #ifdef DEBUG
00215     pc.printf("Turning off screen \n\r");
00216     #endif
00217     oled_on = 0;
00218     oled.sleep();
00219 }
00220 #endif
00222 #ifdef OLED
00223 void initOLED(void){
00224     oled.on();
00225     oled.initialise();
00226     oled.clear();
00227     oled.set_contrast(255);
00228     oled.set_font(bold_font, 8);
00229     oled.printf("================");
00230     oled.printf("\n\r");
00231     oled.printf("      2PA2S");
00232     oled.printf("\n\r\n\r");
00233     oled.printf("FRAYSSE GERMAIN");
00234     oled.printf("\n\r\n\r");
00235     oled.printf("   DUPLESSIS");
00236     oled.printf("\n\r");
00237     oled.printf("================");
00238     oled.update();
00239     wait(10);
00240     oled.clear();
00241     oled.update();
00242     oled.sleep();
00243 }
00244 #endif
00246 void readBatteryLvl(void){
00247     float calcVbat = 0;
00248     int batIn = 0;
00249     float ain =;
00250     for(int i = 0; i < NB_MESURES; i++){
00251         batIn = 100*ain;
00252         calcVbat += ((float)(batIn - BATTERIE_MIN)/(float)(BATTERIE_MAX - BATTERIE_MIN))*100;
00253     }
00254     vBat = (char)(calcVbat/NB_MESURES);
00255     #ifdef DEBUG
00256     pc.printf("batIn = %d\n\r", batIn);
00257     pc.printf("calcVbat = %d\n\r", calcVbat);
00258     pc.printf("vBat = %d\n\r", vBat);
00259     #endif
00260 }