A library for the Avago ADJD-S311-CR999 Color Light Sensor

Dependents:   ADJD-S311_HelloWorld

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00001 #ifndef ADJDs311_h
00002 #define ADJDs311_h
00005 //Includes
00007 #include "mbed.h"
00009 // ADJD-S311's I2C address, don't change
00010 #define WRITE_ADDRESS   0xE8    // Address for write
00011 #define READ_ADDRESS    0xE9    // Address for read
00014 // ADJD-S311's register list
00015 #define CTRL            0x00
00016 #define CONFIG          0x01
00017 #define CAP_RED         0x06
00018 #define CAP_GREEN       0x07
00019 #define CAP_BLUE        0x08
00020 #define CAP_CLEAR       0x09
00021 #define INT_RED_LO      0xA
00022 #define INT_RED_HI      0xB
00023 #define INT_GREEN_LO    0xC
00024 #define INT_GREEN_HI    0xD
00025 #define INT_BLUE_LO     0xE
00026 #define INT_BLUE_HI     0xF
00027 #define INT_CLEAR_LO    0x10
00028 #define INT_CLEAR_HI    0x11
00029 #define DATA_RED_LO     0x40
00030 #define DATA_RED_HI     0x41
00031 #define DATA_GREEN_LO   0x42
00032 #define DATA_GREEN_HI   0x43
00033 #define DATA_BLUE_LO    0x44
00034 #define DATA_BLUE_HI    0x45
00035 #define DATA_CLEAR_LO   0x46
00036 #define DATA_CLEAR_HI   0x47
00037 #define OFFSET_RED      0x48
00038 #define OFFSET_GREEN    0x49
00039 #define OFFSET_BLUE     0x4A
00040 #define OFFSET_CLEAR    0x4B
00042 /**
00043  * A structure contain info about the red, green, blue and clear channel
00044  */
00045 struct RGBC{
00046     int red;
00047     int blue;
00048     int green;
00049     int clear;
00050 };
00052 /**
00053  * A ADJD-S311 color sensor class 
00054  */
00055 class ADJDs311{
00056  public:
00058 /** 
00059  * Create a color sensor interface
00060  *
00061  * @param sda       Pin connected to sda of color sensor
00062  * @param scl       Pin connected to scl of color sensor
00063  * @param led       Pin connected to on board led of the sensor
00064  */
00065   ADJDs311(PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName led);
00068 /**
00069  * Calibrate the capacitance and integration time slot so that the current
00070  * readings are as close to 1000 as possible and the difference between RGB
00071  * readings are as small as possible
00072  */
00073   void calibrate();
00075 /**
00076  * Turn the on board LED on/off.
00077  *
00078  * @param ledOn     Whether to turn the LED on.
00079  */
00080   void ledMode(bool ledOn);
00082 /**
00083  * Get the current offset stored in offset registers
00084  *
00085  * @return          Current offset stored in offset registers
00086  */
00087  RGBC getOffset();
00089 /**
00090  * Use the current light condition to set the offset
00091  *
00092  * @param useOffset Wether to use the offset
00093  * @return          The offset set
00094  */
00095  RGBC setOffset(bool useOffset = true);
00098 /**
00099  * Use the offset registers to automatically subtract offset from the readings
00100  *
00101  * @param useOffset Wether to use the offset
00102  */
00103   void offsetMode(bool useOffset);
00105 /**
00106  * Read in the color value from the sensor
00107  *
00108  * @return          Structure containing the value of red, green, blue and clear
00109  */
00110   RGBC read();
00112 /**
00113  * Get the gain of number of capacitor for each channel, in the range of 0 to
00114  * 15. Less capacitor will give higher sensitivity.
00115  *
00116  * @return          Structure containing the gain of number of capacitor for each 
00117  *                  channel.
00118  */
00119   RGBC getColorCap();
00121 /**
00122  * Get the gain of number of integration time slot, in the range of 0 to 4095.
00123  * More integration time slot will give higher sensitivity.
00124  *
00125  * @return          Structure containing the gain of number of integration time 
00126  *                  slot for each channel.
00127  */
00128   RGBC getColorInt();
00130 /**
00131  * Set the gain of number of capacitor for each channel, in the range of 0 to
00132  * 15. Less capacitor will give higher sensitivity.
00133  *
00134  * @param red       gain value for red
00135  * @param green     gain value for green
00136  * @param blue      gain value for blue
00137  * @param clear     gain value for clear
00138  */
00139   void setColorCap(int red, int green, int blue, int clear); 
00141 /**
00142  * Set the gain of number of integration time slot, in the range of 0 to 4095.
00143  * More integration time slot will give higher sensitivity.
00144  *
00145  * @param red       gain value for red
00146  * @param green     gain value for green
00147  * @param blue      gain value for blue
00148  * @param clear     gain value for clear
00149  */
00150   void setColorInt(int red, int green, int blue, int clear);   
00152 private:
00154     // fields
00155     I2C _i2c;
00156     DigitalOut _led;
00158     RGBC colorCap;
00159     RGBC colorInt;
00160     RGBC colorOffset;
00162 // private memeber functions
00164 /** Write a byte of data to ADJD-S311 register
00165  *
00166  * @param data      byte data to write to the register
00167  * @param regAddr   address of the register to write
00168  */
00169     void writeRegister(char data, char regAddr);
00171 /** Read a byte of data from ADJD-S311 register
00172  *
00173  * @param regAddr   address of the register to write
00174  * @retrun          byte data read from the register
00175  */
00176     char readRegister(char regAddr);
00178 /** Read 2 bytes of data from ADJD-S311 registers and return as an integer
00179  *
00180  * @param loRegAddr low register address
00181  * @return          value from registers as an int
00182  */
00183   int readInt(char loRegAddr);
00185 /** Write an integer data of 2 bytes to ADJD-S311 registers
00186  * 
00187  * @param loRegAddr low register address
00188  * @param data      integer value to write
00189  */
00190    void writeInt(int data, char loRegAddr);  
00192 /**
00193  * Tell the color sensor to perform measurement and store data to the color and
00194  * clear registers. Must be called before reading
00195  * color values
00196  */
00197   void performMeasurement();
00199 /**
00200  * Calibrate the clear integration time slot so that current reading of the 
00201  * clear channel will be as close to 1000 as possible     
00202  */  
00203   void calibrateClearInt();
00205 /**
00206  * Calibrate the color integration time slots so that the max current reading 
00207  * of the RGB channels will be as close to 1000 as possible
00208  */  
00209   void calibrateColorInt();
00211 /**
00212  * Calibrate the color capacitors so the difference of reading of different
00213  * channels are as small as possible 
00214  */  
00215   void calibrateCapacitors();
00216 };
00218 #endif