Mbed temperature sensor for Samsung SmartThings.

Dependencies:   C12832 LM75B mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Sep 16 10:38:54 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

C12832.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LM75B.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9d5aac2f5d0a C12832.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/C12832.lib	Fri Sep 16 10:38:54 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9d5aac2f5d0a LM75B.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LM75B.lib	Fri Sep 16 10:38:54 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9d5aac2f5d0a Main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Main.cpp	Fri Sep 16 10:38:54 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "C12832.h"
+#include "LM75B.h"
+#define AppV 0x01
+#define HarV 0x01
+#define MaxTemp 125 
+#define MinTemp -55
+C12832 lcd(p5, p7, p6, p8, p11);                                        //configure LCD
+LM75B tmp       (p28,p27);                                              //Temperature Sensor
+RawSerial xbee(p9,p10);                                                 //Set Serial to XBee
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                                                //Set Serial to PC.
+DigitalOut led2 (LED2);                                                 //configure onboard LEDs
+DigitalOut led1 (LED1); 
+DigitalOut LED (LED4);        
+volatile char x,y,z,len,sum;                                            //some useful internal variables
+volatile int length, size, temp, check;
+char packet[60];
+char PacketAddr[10];
+char Opacket[60];
+char AI[8] = {0x7E,0x00,0x04,0x08,0x21,0x41,0x49,0x4C};                 //create AT command to querey network joined?
+char MY[8] = {0x7E,0x00,0x04,0x08,0x21,0x4D,0x59,0x30};                 //create AT command to get my network ID.
+char SL[8] = {0x7E,0x00,0x04,0x08,0x21,0x53,0x4C,0x37};                 //create AT command to get 64bit LSB.
+char SH[8] = {0x7E,0x00,0x04,0x08,0x21,0x53,0x48,0x3B};                 //create AT command to get 64bit MSB.
+char CB[8] = {0x7E,0x00,0x04,0x08,0x21,0x43,0x42,0x51};                 //Create AT command to leave network.
+char LNw[2];
+char Addr[8];
+char pay[101];
+char Buffer[101];
+char EP, DEP, SEP, seqNum, cmdID, frmType;
+char atID[2];
+char Clu[2];
+char Pro[2];
+char Temperature[2];
+char Man[3] = {'A','R','M'};                                            //Product manufacturer
+char Dev[10] = {'N','X','P','L','P','C','1','7','6','8'};               //Device Name
+void packet_interupt();                                                 //Create subroutine to deal with incoming packet.
+void Psend(char API_packet[]);                                          //Create subroutine to send API commands  
+void PBuild(char FrameAddr[], char sEP, char dEP, char Profile[], char Cluster[], char Payload[], char PaySize); //function to create packets to send.
+void Builder();                                                         //Get usefull infromation from packets.
+void checksum();                                                        //Create the checksum for the packet.
+void DevAnnc();                                                         //function to send the device announce command.
+void SimpleDesc();                                                      //Function to create the Simple description packet
+void ActiveEPReq();                                                     //Function to create the Active end point request.
+void ClusterBasic();                                                    //Function to create the Cluster Basic.
+void Temp();                                                           //Function to process on off commands.
+int main(){
+    lcd.cls();                                                          //clear lcd screen.
+    lcd.locate(0,1);                                                    //locate the cursor.
+    lcd.printf("         Joining network...");                          //Print to lcd screen
+    memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));                                  //Clear array
+    xbee.attach(&packet_interupt, Serial::RxIrq);                       //attach interupt when recieving serial information.
+    while(packet[5] != 0){                                              //While Xbee has not joined a network
+        wait(1);                                                        //Wait 0.1 second.
+        Psend(AI);                                                      //Send network joined status again.
+        while(check == 0)
+        {}                                                              //Read data.
+    }
+    lcd.cls();                                                          //Clear lcd screen.
+    lcd.locate(0,1);                                                    //Locate the cursor.
+    lcd.printf("        Connected");                                    //Print to lcd screen.
+    check = 0;
+    Psend(MY);                                                          //Send AT command to get the 16bit network address.
+    while(check == 0)                                                   //Wait for packet.
+    {}
+    LNw[0] = packet[5];                                                 //Transfer 16 bit address payload.
+    LNw[1] = packet[6];                                                 //Transfer 16 bit address payload.
+    check = 0;
+    Psend(SH);                                                          //Send AT command to get the 64bit address MSB.
+    while(check == 0)                                                   //Wait for packet.
+    {}
+    Addr[0] = packet[5];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    Addr[1] = packet[6];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    Addr[2] = packet[7];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    Addr[3] = packet[8];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    check = 0;
+    Psend(SL);                                                          //Send AT command to get the 64bit address LSB.
+    while (check == 0)                                                  //Wait for packet.
+    {}
+    Addr[4] = packet[5];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    Addr[5] = packet[6];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    Addr[6] = packet[7];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    Addr[7] = packet[8];                                                //Transfer 64 bit address payload.
+    DevAnnc();                                                          //Send Device Announce.
+while(1) {   
+    lcd.locate(0,21);                                                   //Locate LCD cursor.
+    lcd.printf("Packets recieved = %d", z);                             //Print to LCD display.
+    check = 0;
+    while(check == 0)                                                   //Wait for packet.
+    {}
+    if (packet[16] == 0x00){                                            //If packet profile = 16.
+        if (packet[14] == 0x04){                                        //If packet cluster = 14.
+            lcd.locate(0,11);                                           //Locate LCD cursor.
+            lcd.printf("       simple dec");    
+            SimpleDesc();                                               //Process Simple Desciption request.
+        }
+        else if (packet[14] ==0x05){                                    //If packet cluster = 15.
+            lcd.locate(0,11);                                           //Locate LCD display
+            lcd.printf("       Active EP req");
+            ActiveEPReq();                                              //Process active EP Request.
+        }
+        else{
+            lcd.locate(0,11);                                           //Locate LCD cursor.
+            lcd.printf("     Unknown Packet");                          //Print to lcd screen.
+            }
+        }
+    else{                                                               //Else if packet profile is not = 00.
+        if (packet[14] == 0x00){                                        //If packet Cluster = 00.
+            lcd.locate(0,11);                                           //Locate LCD cursor.
+            lcd.printf("       Cluster Basic");
+            ClusterBasic();                                             //Process Cluster Basic request.
+        }
+        else if (packet[14] == 0x02){                                   //Else if packet profile is not = 06.
+            lcd.locate(0,11);                                           //Locate LCD cursor.
+            lcd.printf("        Temperature    ");     
+            Temp();                                                    //Process On/Off.
+        }
+        else{
+            lcd.locate(0,11);                                           //Locate the cursor.
+            lcd.printf("     Unknown Packet");                          //Print to lcd screen.
+            }
+        }
+    }                                                                   //end of while(1)
+/********************************* Packet interupt ***************************************
+When a new Xbee packet is revieved it is sent to this function to be processed.
+void packet_interupt(){                                                 //packet interupt begins when incoming data sensed on the rx line.
+if (xbee.readable())                                                    //If data is available
+    x=xbee.getc();                                                      //Get data
+if (x==0x7E){                                                           //Test for start of Frame.
+    led2 = 1;                                                           //Set indicator LED2 to on.
+    z ++;                                                               //Increment packet counter.
+    memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));                                  //Clear packet buffer.
+    while(xbee.readable() == 0);                                        //If data is available.
+        x = xbee.getc();                                                //Get data MSB length.
+    while(xbee.readable() == 0);                                        //If data is available.
+        len = xbee.getc();                                              //Get data LSB length.
+        x = 0;                                                          //Counter to 0.
+        sum = 0;                                                        //Set checksum calculator to 0.
+        while(x < (len + 1)){                                           //Fill packet variable with entire API packet.
+            while (xbee.readable() == 0);                               //If data is available.
+            packet[x] = xbee.getc();                                    //Get data and place it in the data array.
+            sum = (sum + packet[x]);                                    //Add value to checksum calculation.
+            x++;
+            }    
+        sum = (0xFF - ( sum & 0xFF));                                   //Finish calculating the checksum.
+        if (packet[x] == sum ){                                         //If the checksum and the calculated checksum are equal.
+            if (packet[0] == 0x91){                                     //If packet ID = 0x91
+                Builder();                                              //Extract packet information
+                check = 1;
+            }
+            else if(packet[0] == 0x88){                                  //Else if packet ID = 0x88.
+                check = 1;
+            }
+            else
+                memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));                      //Clear array
+        }
+        else{
+            memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));                          //Clear array
+        }
+    led2 = 0;                                                           //Set indicator LED2 to off.
+    }   
+/************************************* Builder ******************************************
+Extract all the important inforamtion from the packet and assoicate it to the relevant variable.
+void Builder()
+    x = 0;                                                              //Set the counter to 0.
+    while (x < 10){         //send the command
+        PacketAddr[x] = packet[(x+1)];                                  //Copy the packets 16 and 64bit address.
+        x ++;
+    }
+    DEP = packet[11];                                                   //Get the source endpoint.
+    SEP = packet[12];                                                   //Get the destination endpoint.
+    Clu[0] = packet[13];                                                //Get Cluster ID MSB.
+    Clu[1] = packet[14];                                                //Get Cluster ID LSB.
+    Pro[0] = packet[15];                                                //Get profile ID MSB.
+    Pro[1] = packet[16];                                                //Get profile ID LSB.
+    x = 0;                                                              //Set counter to 0.
+    while ((x+18) < len){
+        pay[x] = packet[(x+18)];                                        //Copy packet payload.
+        x++;
+    }
+/************************************ PBuild ******************************************
+Organise the information from other functions into the correct packet format. 
+void PBuild(char FrameAddr[], char sEP, char dEP, char Profile[], char Cluster[], char Payload[],char PaySize){
+    size = 0;                                                           //Set size to 0.
+    x = 0;                                                              //Set counter to 0.
+    memset(Opacket, 0, sizeof(Opacket));                                //Clear output buffer.
+    size = 20 +(PaySize);                                               //Find out the size of the out going packet.
+    Opacket[0] = 0x7E;                                                  //Packet start bit.
+    Opacket[1] = 0x00;                                                  //Packet length MSB.
+    Opacket[2] = size;                                                  //Packet length LSB.
+    Opacket[3] = 0x11;                                                  //Packet Type
+    Opacket[4] = 0x00;                                                  //No response needed.
+    Opacket[5] = FrameAddr[0];                                          //64 bit address High
+    Opacket[6] = FrameAddr[1];  
+    Opacket[7] = FrameAddr[2];
+    Opacket[8] = FrameAddr[3];
+    Opacket[9] = FrameAddr[4];                                          //64 bit address Low
+    Opacket[10] = FrameAddr[5];
+    Opacket[11] = FrameAddr[6];
+    Opacket[12] = FrameAddr[7];
+    Opacket[13] = FrameAddr[8];                                         //16 bit PAN address
+    Opacket[14] = FrameAddr[9];
+    Opacket[15] = sEP;                                                  //Source Endpoint
+    Opacket[16] = dEP;                                                  //Destinaton Endpoint
+    Opacket[17] = Cluster[0];                                           //Cluster ID
+    Opacket[18] = Cluster[1];
+    Opacket[19] = Profile[0];                                           //Profile ID
+    Opacket[20] = Profile[1];
+    Opacket[21] = 0x00;                                                 //Broadcast radius
+    Opacket[22] = 0x00;                                                 //Trasmit option bitfield
+    while (x < PaySize){
+        Opacket[(23 + x)] = Payload[x];                                 //Copy packet payload
+        x ++;
+    }
+    checksum();                                                         //Create the check sum.
+    Psend(Opacket);                                                     //Send the packet.
+/************************************ Checksum ******************************************
+Create the checksum for outgoing packets.
+void checksum(){
+    y = 0;                                                              //Set Alternatie counter to 0
+    sum = 0;
+    while (y < (Opacket[2])){                                           //Create the checksum.
+        sum = (sum + Opacket[y + 3]);                           
+        y++;
+    }
+    Opacket[23 + x] = (0xFF - ( sum & 0xFF));
+/************************************* Psend ********************************************
+Send the packet out serially to the Xbee module.
+void Psend(char API_packet[]){
+    led1 = 1;                                                           //Set onboard LED1 on for diagnostics
+    length = (API_packet[2] + 4);                                       //Calaculate packet length using packet length identifier and add the start byte, 2 byte length and checksum.
+    x = 0;
+    while (x < length){                                                 //Send the command
+        xbee.putc(API_packet[x]);
+        x ++;
+    }
+    led1 = 0;                                                           //Set diagnostics LED1 to off
+/********************************* Device Announce **************************************
+Send a Device announce packet when joining or re joining and network.
+For more informaion see ZigBee spec page 109 
+void DevAnnc(){
+    char AnncFrame[16] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE};
+    char AnncPayload[12];                                               //Create char array for payload.
+    char DevClu[2] = {0x00, 0x13};                                      //Create char array for Cluster ID.
+    char DevPro[2] = {0x00, 0x00};                                      //Create char array for Profile ID.
+    AnncPayload[0] = 0x22;                                              //Set seqence ID to 0x22.
+    AnncPayload[1] = LNw[1];                                            //Copy 16bit PAN address little endian.
+    AnncPayload[2] = LNw[0];
+    AnncPayload[3] = Addr[7];                                           //Copy 64bit address little endian.
+    AnncPayload[4] = Addr[6];
+    AnncPayload[5] = Addr[5];
+    AnncPayload[6] = Addr[4];
+    AnncPayload[7] = Addr[3];
+    AnncPayload[8] = Addr[2];
+    AnncPayload[9] = Addr[1];
+    AnncPayload[10] = Addr[0]; 
+    AnncPayload[11] = 0x8C;                                             //Set device parameters.
+    PBuild(AnncFrame,0x00,0x00,DevPro,DevClu, AnncPayload, 12);         //Send packet to builder.
+/******************************** Simple Description ************************************
+Send a response to a Simple Description Request.
+For more informaion see ZigBee spec page 159. 
+void SimpleDesc(){
+    EP = pay[3];                                                        //Get endpoint from payload.
+    char DescClu[2] = {0x80,0x04};                                      //Create char array for cluster ID.
+    char DescPro[2] = {0x00,0x00};                                      //Create char array for profile ID.
+    if( EP == 0x76){                                                    //If Endpoint = 38.
+        memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));                              //Clear array                                                                                
+        Buffer[0] = pay[0];                                             //Set Transcation Seq number to match inbound packets seq number
+        Buffer[1] = 0x00;                                               //Status $00 = success Table 2.93 on page 159 of ZBSpec 
+        Buffer[2] = pay[1];                                             //Set Network address little endian order
+        Buffer[3] = pay[2]; 
+        Buffer[4] = 0x0E;                                               //Length in bytes of the Simple Descriptor to Follow
+        Buffer[5] = 0x76;                                               //Endpoint of the simple descriptor Table 2.38 on page 88 of ZBSpec
+        Buffer[6] = 0x04;                                               //Application Profile ID 2 Bytes Little endian. $0104 = Home Automation Profile
+        Buffer[7] = 0x01;
+        Buffer[8] = 0x02;                                               //Device type 2 Bytes Little endian, $0002 = On/Off Output see page 42 of ZigBee Home Automation Profile
+        Buffer[9] = 0x00;                                                             
+        Buffer[10] = 0x00;                                              //App Dev Version 4bits + reserved 4bits  
+        Buffer[11] = 0x02;                                              //Input cluster count in this case we only have $02 input clusters
+        Buffer[12] = 0x00;                                              //Input cluster list 2 bytes each little endian. $0000 = Basic Cluster 
+        Buffer[13] = 0x00;
+        Buffer[14] = 0x02;                                              //Output cluster 2 bytes each little endian. $0006 = On / Off Cluster
+        Buffer[15] = 0x04;
+        Buffer[16] = 0x00;                                              //Output cluster list. No output cluster.
+        PBuild(PacketAddr,0x00,0x00,DescPro,DescClu, Buffer, 0x11);
+    }
+    else{
+        memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));                              //Clear array.                                                                               
+        Buffer[0] = pay[0];                                             //Set Transcation Seq number to match inbound packets seq number.
+        Buffer[1] = 0x82;                                               //Status $82 = Invalid_EP page 212 of ZigBee Specification.  
+        Buffer[2] = pay[1];                                             //Set Network address little endian order.
+        Buffer[3] = pay[2];
+        Buffer[4] = 0x00;                                               //Length in bytes of simple descriptor to follow.
+        PBuild(PacketAddr,0x00,0x00,DescPro,DescClu, Buffer, 0x05); 
+    }
+/******************************** Active EP Request ************************************
+Send a response to and Active EP Request.
+For more informaion see ZigBee spec page 161. 
+void ActiveEPReq(){
+    char EPReqClu[2] = {0x80, 0x05};                                    //Create char array for Cluster.
+    char EPReqPro[2] = {0x00, 0x00};                                    //Create char array for Profile.
+    memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));                                  //Clear array.                                                                            
+    Buffer[0] = pay[0];                                                 //Set Transcation Seq number to match inbound packets seq number.
+    Buffer[1] = 0x00;                                                   //Status $00 = success Table 2.93 on page 159 of ZBSpec.
+    Buffer[2] = pay[1];                                                 //Set Network address little endian order.
+    Buffer[3] = pay[2];
+    Buffer[4] = 0x01;                                                   //Active end point count in this case 1.
+    Buffer[5] = 0x76;                                                   //Endpoint 38.
+    PBuild(PacketAddr,0x00,0x00,EPReqPro,EPReqClu, Buffer, 0x06); 
+/********************************** Cluster Basic ***************************************
+Process a Basic Cluster request.
+For more informaion see ZigBee cluster library page 78 
+void ClusterBasic(){
+    cmdID = 0;                                                          //Set command ID to 0.
+    seqNum = 0;                                                         //Set seqence number to 0.
+    memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));                                  //Clear array.
+    memset(atID, 0, sizeof(atID));                                      //Clear array.
+    seqNum = pay[1];                                                    //Copy seqence number from payload.
+    cmdID = pay[2];                                                     //Copy command ID from payload.
+    atID[0] = pay[3];                                                   //Copy attribute ID LSB from payload.
+    atID[1] = pay[4];                                                   //Copy attribute ID MSB from payload.
+    if ((cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x01) && (atID[1] == 0x00)){     //If Application version is requested.
+        Buffer[0] = 0x18;                                               //Frame control direction is server to client.
+        Buffer[1] = seqNum;                                             //Reply with seqence number from request.
+        Buffer[2] = 0x01;                                               //Command indetifier = 1, Read attribute response.
+        Buffer[3] = 0x01;                                               //Attribute Identfier (2 bytes) field being reported.
+        Buffer[4] = 0x00;       
+        Buffer[5] = 0x00;                                               //status 00 success.
+        Buffer[6] = 0x20;                                               //Attribute data type 0x20 = unsigned 8 bit integer.
+        Buffer[7] = AppV;                                               //Application version.
+        PBuild(PacketAddr,SEP,DEP,Pro,Clu, Buffer, 0x08);               //Send data to packet builder.
+        } 
+    if ((cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x03) && (atID[1] == 0x00)){     //If Hardware version is requeted.
+        Buffer[0] = 0x18;                                               //Frame control direction is server to client.
+        Buffer[1] = seqNum;                                             //Reply with seqence number from request.
+        Buffer[2] = 0x01;                                               //Command indetifier = 1, Read attribute response.
+        Buffer[3] = 0x03;                                               //Attribute Identfier (2 bytes) field being reported.
+        Buffer[4] = 0x00;
+        Buffer[5] = 0x00;                                               //status 00 success.
+        Buffer[6] = 0x20;                                               //Attribute data type 0x20 = unsigned 8 bit integer.
+        Buffer[7] = HarV;                                               //Hardware version.
+        PBuild(PacketAddr,SEP,DEP,Pro,Clu, Buffer, 0x08);               //Send data to packet builder.
+        }
+    if ((cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x04) && (atID[1] == 0x00)){     //If device Manufacturer is requested
+        Buffer[0] = 0x18;                                               //Frame control direction is server to client.
+        Buffer[1] = seqNum;                                             //Reply with seqence number from request.
+        Buffer[2] = 0x01;                                               //Command indetifier = 1, Read attribute response.
+        Buffer[3] = 0x04;                                               //Attribute Identfier (2 bytes) field being reported.
+        Buffer[4] = 0x00;
+        Buffer[5] = 0x00;                                               //status 00 success.
+        Buffer[6] = 0x42;                                               //Attribute data type 0x42 = character string.
+        Buffer[7] = sizeof(Man);                                        //Size of string to follow.
+        x = 0;
+        while( x < (sizeof(Man))){                                      //Send sting byte by byte.
+            Buffer[(x+8)] = Man[x];
+            x++;
+            }
+        PBuild(PacketAddr,SEP,DEP,Pro,Clu, Buffer, (0x08 + Buffer[7])); //Send data to packet builder.
+        }
+    if ((cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x05) && (atID[1] == 0x00)){     //If Device devoloper is requested.
+        Buffer[0] = 0x18;                                               //Frame control direction is server to client.
+        Buffer[1] = seqNum;                                             //Reply with seqence number from request.
+        Buffer[2] = 0x01;                                               //Command indetifier = 1, Read attribute response.
+        Buffer[3] = 0x05;                                               //Attribute Identfier (2 bytes) field being reported.
+        Buffer[4] = 0x00;
+        Buffer[5] = 0x00;                                               //status 00 success.
+        Buffer[6] = 0x42;                                               //Attribute data type 0x42 = character string.
+        Buffer[7] = sizeof(Dev) ;                                       //Size of string to follow.
+        x = 0;
+        while( x < (sizeof(Dev))){                                      //Send sting byte by byte.
+            Buffer[(x+8)] = Dev[x];
+            x++;
+            }
+        PBuild(PacketAddr,SEP,DEP,Pro,Clu, Buffer, (0x08 + Buffer[7])); //Send data to packet builder.
+        } 
+/******************************** Switch Cluster ************************************
+Process and respond to a Switch cluster command.
+For more informaion see ZigBee Cluster library page 125. 
+void Temp()
+    cmdID = 0;                                                          //Set command ID to 0.
+    seqNum = 0;                                                         //Set seqence number to 0.
+    frmType = 0;                                                        //Set frame type to 0.
+    memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));                                  //Clear array 
+    memset(atID, 0, sizeof(atID));                                      //Clear array 
+    frmType = pay[0];                                                   //Get frame type from payload.
+    frmType = frmType & 0x01;                                           //Bitwise & with 0x03 to make sure you are looking at the first 2 bits.
+    seqNum = pay[1];                                                    //Get Seqence Number for payload.
+    cmdID = pay[2];                                                     //Get command ID from payload.
+    atID[0] = pay[3];                                                   //Get attribute ID MSB.
+    atID[1] = pay[4]; 
+    if ((frmType == 0x00) && (cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x00)){     //Read current temperature.
+        temp = tmp.read();
+        temp = temp - 8;
+        Temperature[0] = (temp >> 8) & 0xFF;
+        Temperature[1] = temp & 0xFF;                                  
+    } 
+    if ((frmType == 0x00) && (cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x01)){     //Read minimum temperature.
+        Temperature[0] = (MinTemp >> 8) & 0xFF;
+        Temperature[1] = MinTemp & 0xFF;        
+    }
+    if ((frmType == 0x00) && (cmdID == 0x00) && (atID[0] == 0x02)){     //Read maximum temperature.
+        Temperature[0] = (MaxTemp >> 8) & 0xFF;
+        Temperature[1] = MaxTemp & 0xFF;                                
+    } 
+    Buffer[0] = 0x18;                                                   //Frame control direction is server to client.
+    Buffer[1] = seqNum;                                                 //Reply with seqence number from request.
+    Buffer[2] = 0x01;                                                   //Command indetifier = 1, Read attribute response.
+    Buffer[3] = atID[0];                                                //Attribute Identfier (2 bytes) field being reported.
+    Buffer[4] = atID[1];
+    Buffer[5] = 0x00;                                                   //Status 00 = success.
+    Buffer[6] = 0x29;                                                   //Attribute data type 29 = signed 16-bit interger.
+    Buffer[7] = Temperature[1];                                         //MSB temperature.
+    Buffer[8] = Temperature[0];                                         //LSB temperature.
+    PBuild(PacketAddr,SEP,DEP,Pro,Clu, Buffer, 0x09);                   //Send to packet builder.    
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diff -r 000000000000 -r 9d5aac2f5d0a mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Sep 16 10:38:54 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file