Fork of Smoothie to port to mbed non-LPC targets.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Smoothie by Stéphane Cachat

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00001 #ifndef _DESCRIPTOR_H
00002 #define _DESCRIPTOR_H
00004 #include <stdint.h>
00006 #define DL_DEVICE                   0x12
00007 #define DL_CONFIGURATION            0x09
00008 #define DL_INTERFACE                0x09
00009 #define DL_ENDPOINT                 0x07
00010 #define DL_LANGUAGE                 0x04
00011 #define DL_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION    0x08
00013 #define mA                          /2
00015 #define DT_DEVICE                   0x01
00016 #define DT_CONFIGURATION            0x02
00017 #define DT_STRING                   0x03
00018 #define DT_LANGUAGE                 0x03
00019 #define DT_INTERFACE                0x04
00020 #define DT_ENDPOINT                 0x05
00021 #define DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER         0x06
00022 #define DT_OTHER_SPEED              0x07
00023 #define DT_INTERFACE_POWER          0x08
00024 #define DT_OTG                      0x09
00025 #define DT_DEBUG                    0x0A
00026 #define DT_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION    0x0B
00028 #define USB_VERSION_1_0             0x0100
00029 #define USB_VERSION_1_1             0x0110
00030 #define USB_VERSION_2_0             0x0200
00031 #define USB_VERSION_3_0             0x0300
00033 #define UC_PER_INTERFACE            0x00
00034 #define UC_AUDIO                    0x01
00035 #define UC_COMM                     0x02
00036 #define UC_HID                      0x03
00037 #define UC_PHYSICAL                 0x05
00038 #define UC_STILL_IMAGE              0x06
00039 #define UC_PRINTER                  0x07
00040 #define UC_MASS_STORAGE             0x08
00041 #define UC_HUB                      0x09
00042 #define UC_CDC_DATA                 0x0A
00043 #define UC_CSCID                    0x0B
00044 #define UC_CONTENT_SEC              0x0D
00045 #define UC_VIDEO                    0x0E
00046 #define UC_WIRELESS_CONTROLLER      0xE0
00047 #define UC_MISC                     0xEF
00048 #define UC_APP_SPEC                 0xFE
00049 #define UC_VENDOR_SPEC              0xFF
00051 #define SUBCLASS_IAD                0x02
00052 #define PROTOCOL_IAD                0x01
00054 #define CA_BUSPOWERED               0x80
00055 #define CA_SELFPOWERED              0x40
00056 #define CA_REMOTEWAKEUP             0x20
00058 #define EP_DIR_MASK                 0x80
00059 #define EP_DIR_OUT                  0x00
00060 #define EP_DIR_IN                   0x80
00062 #define EA_CONTROL                  0x00
00063 #define EA_ISOCHRONOUS              0x01
00064 #define EA_BULK                     0x02
00065 #define EA_INTERRUPT                0x03
00067 #define EA_ISO_NONE                 0x00
00068 #define EA_ISO_ASYNC                0x04
00069 #define EA_ISO_ADAPTIVE             0x08
00070 #define EA_ISO_SYNC                 0x0C
00072 #define EA_ISO_TYPE_DATA            0x00
00073 #define EA_ISO_TYPE_FEEDBACK        0x10
00074 #define EA_ISO_TYPE_EXPLICIT        0x20
00076 #define SL_USENGLISH                0x0409
00077 #define SL_AUENGLISH                0x0C09
00078 #define SL_GERMAN                   0x0407
00080 #include "USBEndpoints.h"
00082 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00083 {
00084     uint8_t         bLength;                // descriptor length
00085     uint8_t         bDescType;              // descriptor type: see DT_* defines
00086 }
00087     usbdesc_base;
00089 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00090 {
00091     uint8_t         bLength;                // Device descriptor length (0x12)
00092     uint8_t         bDescType;              // DT_DEVICE (0x01)
00093     uint16_t        bcdUSB;                 // USB Specification Number which device complies to - see USB_VERSION_* defines
00094     uint8_t         bDeviceClass;           // USB Device Class - see UC_* defines
00095     uint8_t         bDeviceSubClass;        // Subclass Code
00096     uint8_t         bDeviceProtocol;        // Protocol Code
00097     uint8_t         bMaxPacketSize;         // Maximum Packet Size for Zero Endpoint. Valid Sizes are 8, 16, 32, 64
00098     uint16_t        idVendor;               // Vendor ID
00099     uint16_t        idProduct;              // Product ID
00100     uint16_t        bcdDevice;              // Device Release Number
00101     uint8_t         iManufacturer;          // Index of Manufacturer String Descriptor
00102     uint8_t         iProduct;               // Index of Product String Descriptor
00103     uint8_t         iSerialNumber;          // Index of Serial Number String Descriptor
00104     uint8_t         bNumConfigurations;     // Number of Possible Configurations
00105 }
00106     usbdesc_device;
00108 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00109 {
00110     uint8_t         bLength;                // Configuration Descriptor Length (0x09)
00111     uint8_t         bDescType;              // DT_CONFIGURATION (0x02)
00112     uint16_t        wTotalLength;           // Total length in bytes of this descriptor plus all this configuration's interfaces plus their endpoints, see
00113     uint8_t         bNumInterfaces;         // Number of Interfaces
00114     uint8_t         bConfigurationValue;    // Value that host uses to select this configuration
00115     uint8_t         iConfiguration;         // Index of String Descriptor describing this configuration
00116     uint8_t         bmAttributes;           // bitmap. see CA_* defines
00117     uint8_t         bMaxPower;              // Max. Current = bMaxPower * 2mA
00118 }
00119     usbdesc_configuration;
00121 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00122 {
00123     uint8_t         bLength;                // Interface Descriptor Length (0x09)
00124     uint8_t         bDescType;              // DT_INTERFACE (0x04)
00125     uint8_t         bInterfaceNumber;       // Number of Interface
00126     uint8_t         bAlternateSetting;      // Value used to select alternative setting
00128     uint8_t         bNumEndPoints;          // Number of Endpoints used for this interface
00129     uint8_t         bInterfaceClass;        // Class Code - see Device_Class_Enum
00130     uint8_t         bInterfaceSubClass;     // Subclass Code
00131     uint8_t         bInterfaceProtocol;     // Protocol Code
00133     uint8_t         iInterface;             // Index of String Descriptor Describing this interface
00134     uint8_t         selectedAlternate;      // the currently selected alternate for this group of interfaces. Set on alternate 0 for easy lookups
00135     uint8_t         dummy1;                 // pad to 32 bit boundary
00136     uint8_t         dummy2;                 // pad to 32 bit boundary
00138     USB_Class_Receiver *classReceiver;      // who do we call when we receive a setup packet for this interface?
00139 }
00140     usbdesc_interface;
00142 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00143 {
00144     uint8_t         bLength;                // Endpoint Descriptor Length (0x07)
00145     uint8_t         bDescType;              // DT_ENDPOINT (0x05)
00146     uint8_t         bEndpointAddress;       // 0x00-0x0F = OUT endpoints, 0x80-0x8F = IN endpoints
00147     uint8_t         bmAttributes;           // bitmap, see Endpoint_Attributes_Enum
00149     uint16_t        wMaxPacketSize;         // Maximum Packet Size this endpoint is capable of sending or receiving
00150     uint8_t         bInterval;              // Interval for polling endpoint data transfers. Value in frame counts. Ignored for Bulk & Control Endpoints. Isochronous must equal 1 and field may range from 1 to 255 for interrupt endpoints.
00151     uint8_t         dummy;                  // pad to 32 bit boundary
00153     USB_Endpoint_Receiver *epReceiver;      // Who do we call when something happens on this endpoint?
00154 }
00155     usbdesc_endpoint;
00157 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00158 {
00159     uint8_t         bLength;                // String Descriptor Length (2 + 2*nLang)
00160     uint8_t         bDescType;              // DT_STRING (0x03)
00161     uint16_t        wLangID[1];             // language code(s)
00162 }
00163     usbdesc_language;
00165 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00166 {
00167     uint8_t         bLength;                // 2 + strlen
00168     uint8_t         bDescType;              // DT_STRING (0x03)
00169     uint16_t        str[];                  // UNICODE string
00170 }
00171     usbdesc_string;
00173 #define usbdesc_string_l(l) struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescType; char16_t str[l]; }
00175 #define usbstring(string) { sizeof(u ## string), DT_STRING, { u ## string } }
00177 #define usbstring_init(name, string) struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { const uint8_t bLength; const uint8_t bDescType; char16_t str[sizeof(string)]; } name = { sizeof(u ## string), DT_STRING, { u ## string } }
00179 #define usbstring_const_init(name, string) const struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { const uint8_t bLength; const uint8_t bDescType; const char16_t str[sizeof(string)]; } name = { sizeof(u ## string), DT_STRING, { u ## string } }
00181 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed))
00182 {
00183     uint8_t         bLength;
00184     uint8_t         bDescType;
00185     uint8_t         bFirstInterface;        // interface index of the first interface for this function
00186     uint8_t         bInterfaceCount;        // number of contiguous interfaces used with this function
00187     uint8_t         bFunctionClass;         // Class code - see Device descriptor
00188     uint8_t         bFunctionSubClass;      // Subclass code
00189     uint8_t         bFunctionProtocol;      // Protocol code
00190     uint8_t         iFunction;              // function name string
00191 }
00192     usbdesc_iad;
00194 #endif /* _DESCRIPTOR_H */