Ambient library. It provides "set" function to set data to a packet and "send" function to send the packet to the Ambient server. It also provides "bulk_send" function to send multiple data. (Japanese: IoT用のクラウドサービス「Ambient」のデーター送信ライブラリーです。Ambientはマイコンから送られたセンサーデーターを受信し、蓄積し、可視化(グラフ化)します。

Dependents:   AmbientExampleSITB AmbientHeartRateMonitor AmbientHeartBeat AmbientExampleSITB_ws ... more

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00001 #ifndef Ambient_h
00002 #define Ambient_h
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
00007 #define AMBIENT_WRITEKEY_SIZE 18
00008 #define AMBIENT_MAX_RETRY 5
00009 #define AMBIENT_DATA_SIZE 24
00010 #define AMBIENT_NUM_PARAMS 11
00011 #define AMBIENT_TIMEOUT 3000 // milliseconds
00013 /** Ambient class
00014  * to send data to Ambient service.
00015  *
00016  * Exsample:
00017  * @code
00018  * #include "mbed.h"
00019  * #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00020  * #include "Ambient.h"
00021  * #include "HDC1000.h"
00022  * 
00023  * unsigned int channelId = 100;
00024  * const char* writeKey = "ライトキー";
00025  * Ambient ambient;
00026  * 
00027  * HDC1000      hdc1000(p9,p10);
00028  * 
00029  * int main() {
00030  *     printf("start\r\n");
00031  * 
00032  *     EthernetInterface eth;
00033  *     eth.init(); //Use DHCP
00034  *     eth.connect();
00035  * 
00036  *     TCPSocketConnection socket;
00037  *     ambient.init(channelId, writeKey, &socket);
00038  * 
00039  *     printf("Ambient send to ch: %d\r\n", channelId);
00040  * 
00041  *     while (true) {
00042  *         float temp, humid;
00043  *         char tempbuf[12], humidbuf[12];
00044  * 
00045  *         hdc1000.get();
00046  *         temp = hdc1000.temperature();
00047  *         humid = hdc1000.humidity();
00048  * 
00049  *         sprintf(tempbuf, "%2.1f", temp);
00050  *         ambient.set(1, tempbuf);
00051  *         sprintf(humidbuf, "%2.0f", humid);
00052  *         ambient.set(2, humidbuf);
00053  *         printf("Temp: %s C, Humid: %s %%\r\n", tempbuf, humidbuf);
00054  *         
00055  *         ambient.send();
00056  *         
00057  *         wait(30.0);
00058  *     }
00059  * }
00060  * @endcode
00061  */
00062 class Ambient
00063 {
00064 public:
00065     /** Create Ambient instance
00066      */
00067     Ambient(void);
00069     /** Initialize the instance
00070      * @param channelId Initialize the Ambient instance with channelId.
00071      * @param writeKey and writeKey
00072      * @param s and pointer to socket
00073      * @returns
00074      *    true on success,
00075      *    false on failure
00076      */
00077     bool init(unsigned int channelId, const char * writeKey, TCPSocketConnection * s, int dev = 0);
00079     /** Set data on field-th field of payload.
00080      * @param field index of payload (1 to 8)
00081      * @param data data
00082      * @returns
00083      *    true on success,
00084      *    false on failure
00085      */
00086     bool set(int field, char * data);
00088     /** Set data on field-th field of payload.
00089      * @param field index of payload (1 to 8)
00090      * @param data data
00091      * @returns
00092      *    true on success,
00093      *    false on failure
00094      */
00095     bool set(int field, int data);
00097     /** Set data on field-th field of payload.
00098      * @param field index of payload (1 to 8)
00099      * @param data data
00100      * @returns
00101      *    true on success,
00102      *    false on failure
00103      */
00104     bool set(int field, double data);
00106     /** Clear data on field-th field of payload.
00107      * @param field index of payload (1 to 8)
00108      * @returns
00109      *    true on success,
00110      *    false on failure
00111      */
00112     bool clear(int field);
00114     /** Send data to Ambient
00115      * @returns
00116      *    true on success,
00117      *    false on failure
00118      */
00119     bool send(void);
00121     /** Send bulk data to Ambient
00122      * @param buf pointer to the data buffer
00123      * @returns
00124      *    the number of written bytes on success (>=0)
00125      *    -1 on failure
00126      */
00127     int bulk_send(char * buf);
00129     /* Delete data stored in this channel
00130      * @param userKey userKey
00131      * @returns
00132      *    true on success,
00133      *    false on failure
00134      */
00135     bool delete_data(const char * userKey);
00137 private:
00139     TCPSocketConnection * s;
00140     unsigned int channelId;
00141     char writeKey[AMBIENT_WRITEKEY_SIZE];
00142     int dev;
00143     char host[18];
00144     int port;
00146     struct {
00147         int set;
00148         char item[AMBIENT_DATA_SIZE];
00149     } data[AMBIENT_NUM_PARAMS];
00150 };
00152 #endif // Ambient_h