Snake vs Block Game to be run upon K64F.

Dependencies:   mbed

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
Barriers.cpp [code]
Barriers.h [code]
Bitmap.cpp [code]
Bitmap.h [code]
Blocks.cpp [code]
Blocks.h [code]
ccsbcs.cpp [code]
diskio.cpp [code]
diskio.h [code]
FATDirHandle.cpp [code]
FATDirHandle.h [code]
FATFileHandle.cpp [code]
FATFileHandle.h [code]
FATFileSystem.cpp [code]
FATFileSystem.h [code]
ff.cpp [code]
ff.h [code]
ffconf.h [code]
FXOS8700CQ.cpp [code]
FXOS8700CQ.h [code]@ brief FXOS8700CQ Library
Gamepad.cpp [code]
Gamepad.h [code]
integer.h [code]
LengthManager.cpp [code]
LengthManager.h [code]
main.cpp [code]This file is designated to start the program by calling all the necessary functions in a sequential manner
main.h [code]Main.cpp's header file that defines all the directives and objects to use along with the definition of it's own function prototypes
MemFileSystem.h [code]
N5110.cpp [code]
N5110.h [code]
SDFileSystem.cpp [code]
SDFileSystem.h [code]
Settings.cpp [code]
Settings.h [code]
Snake-test.h [code]Used to check response of the snake to different kinds of inputs
Snake.cpp [code]
Snake.h [code]
SnakeFood.cpp [code]
SnakeFood.h [code]
SnakevsBlock.cpp [code]
SnakevsBlock.h [code]
StartScreen.cpp [code]
StartScreen.h [code]
Stats.cpp [code]
Stats.h [code]
tests.h [code]Used to call Snake-test.h and check the results of the tests performed
Tutorial.cpp [code]
Tutorial.h [code]
WinLoose.cpp [code]
WinLoose.h [code]