A program designed to run on the microbit. Used for driving a buggy.

Dependencies:   microbit

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00001 /*********************************************************
00002 *buggy_functions.h                                       *
00003 *Author: Elijah Orr & Dan Argust                         *
00004 *                                                        *
00005 *A library of functions that can be used to control the  *
00006 *RenBuggy.                                               *
00007 *********************************************************/
00009 /* include guards are used to prevent problems caused by 
00010 multiple definitions */
00011 #ifndef BUGGY_FUNCTIONS_H
00012 #define BUGGY_FUNCTIONS_H
00014 /* mbed.h must be included in this file also */
00017 /* #define LeftMotorPin P0_3 tells the preprocessor to replace
00018 any mention of LeftMotorPin with P0_3 etc. 
00019 This currently used the Large pads labled 0 and 1.
00020 P0_18 is equivelent to pad 8.
00021 P0_16 is equivelent to pad 16.
00022 potential pads could be P0,P1,P8,P12,P2,P16
00023 */
00024 #define LeftMotorPin P0_18
00025 #define RightMotorPin P0_16
00026 #define follow_Speed 0.3
00029 /*This typedef defines what direction the buggy can go in, it is also used to determine what to display.*/
00030 typedef enum {
00031     Up,
00032     Down,
00033     Left,
00034     Right,
00035     TopLeft,
00036     TopRight,
00037     BottomLeft,
00038     BottomRight,
00039     Stop,
00040     Clear,
00041 }Direction;
00043 /* these are function prototypes that declare all the functions
00044 in the library.*/
00045 extern void forward(float); //Move the buggy forward for (float) seconds
00046 extern void left(float); //Turn left for (float) seconds
00047 extern void right(float); //Turn right for (float) seconds
00048 extern void hold(float); //Hold the buggy in an idle state for (float) seconds
00049 extern void bear_Right(float); // Turns the buggy to the right while moving forward
00050 extern void bear_Left(float); // Turns the buggy to the left while moving forward
00051 extern void stop(); //Stop all motors
00052 extern void follow_Line(float);
00053 extern void follow_Line();
00055 extern void readButton(float); //Similar to hold, but scans for button presses while waiting
00056 extern int rollDice(); //Randomly generate a number a display it on the seven segment display
00059 /* stop() and rollDice() do not need to be giving a float
00060 to be run unlike the other functions which use a (float)
00061 to know how long they should run for */
00063 #endif // BUGGY_FUNCTIONS_H