xrocusOS_ADXL355 version

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00001 #include "global.h"
00003 /* UartLineHandler (start parsing) */
00004 static void lineHandler(char *line)
00005 {
00006     pCP->parse(line);
00007 }
00009 /* constructor */
00010 CommandParser::CommandParser(UartReceiver *setUartReceiver, int setDeviceID,
00011     CmdParseRule *setRuleTable, int setRuleTableLen)
00012 {
00013     pR = setUartReceiver;
00014     pR->setLineHandler(lineHandler);
00015     deviceID = setDeviceID;
00016     ruleTable = setRuleTable;
00017     ruleTableLen = setRuleTableLen;
00018     pUart = pR->getCurrentUart();
00019 }
00021 /* start parsing */
00022 void CommandParser::run(void)
00023 {
00024     pR->run();
00025 }
00027 /* process parsing */
00028 int CommandParser::parse(char *pStr)
00029 {
00030     int rn;
00031     int len;
00032     char *head;
00033     /** skip - empty command*/
00034     if (pStr[0] == '\0') {
00035         uprintf("(empty)\n");
00036         return 0;
00037     }
00038     /* protection for buffer overrun */
00039     pStr[UartReceiver::MaxStr] = '\0';
00040     len = strlen(pStr);
00042     /* parsing */
00043     head = pStr;
00044     //uprintf("%s\n", pStr);
00046     /** Command Format ":0 CMD 0000" */
00047     if (len != CmdLen) {
00048         this->reply(false, CommandParser::NakCode::NAK_INVAL_LEN);
00049         return -1;
00050     }
00051     /** check Command Header */
00052     if (head[0] != ':') {
00053         this->reply(false, CommandParser::NakCode::NAK_INVAL_FMT);
00054         return -1;
00055     }
00056     /** check Command DeviceID */
00057     if ((head[1] - '0') != deviceID) {
00058         return 0;
00059     }
00061     /** search Command */
00062     head += 3;
00063     for(rn = 0; rn < ruleTableLen; rn++) {
00064         int check;
00065         check = strncmp((const char*)(ruleTable[rn].cmdName), 
00066             (const char*)(head),CmdNameLen);
00067         if (check != 0) {
00068             continue;
00069         }
00070         head += 4;
00071         return (*ruleTable[rn].func)(this, head,
00072             ruleTable[rn].exarg);
00074     }
00075     this->reply(false, CommandParser::NakCode::NAK_INVAL_CMD);
00076     return -1;
00077 }
00079 /* get my Device ID */
00080 int CommandParser::getDeviceID(void)
00081 {
00082     return deviceID;
00083 }
00085 /* generate ACK/NAK with int code */
00086 void CommandParser::reply(bool ack, int replyCode)
00087 {
00088     char replyStr[] = "0000";
00089     sprintf(replyStr, "%04d", replyCode);
00090     this->reply(ack, replyStr);
00091 }
00093 /* generate ACK/NAK with String */
00094 void CommandParser::reply(bool ack, char* replyStr)
00095 {
00096     const char CmdReplyStrDefault[] = ":0 ACK 0004 0000\n";
00097     const int CmdReplyLen = sizeof(CmdReplyStrDefault) /* include \0 */;
00098     const int CmdReplyDevPos = 1;
00099     const int CmdReplyAckPos = 3;
00100     const int CmdReplyCodePos = 12;
00101     const int CmdReplyEndPos = 16;
00103     char str[CmdReplyLen];
00105     /* set default handler */
00106     memcpy(str, CmdReplyStrDefault, CmdReplyLen);
00107     str[CmdReplyDevPos] = '0' + getDeviceID();
00108     if (!ack) {
00109         memcpy(&str[CmdReplyAckPos], "NAK", 3);
00110     }
00111     memcpy(&str[CmdReplyCodePos], replyStr, 4);
00112     str[CmdReplyEndPos] = '\n';
00113     uprintf(str);
00114 }
00116 /* get currentUart */
00117 Serial *CommandParser::getCurrentUart(void)
00118 {
00119     return pUart;
00120 }