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00001 /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */
00002 /* Generated by nanopb-0.2.6 at Mon Aug 18 13:42:41 2014. */
00004 #include "vocit4.pb.h"
00008 const pb_field_t BaseMessage_fields[8] = {
00009     PB_FIELD2(  1, ENUM    , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, BaseMessage, messageType, messageType, 0),
00010     PB_FIELD2(  2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC  , OTHER, BaseMessage, time, messageType, &Time_fields),
00011     PB_FIELD2(  3, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC  , OTHER, BaseMessage, request, time, &RequestImages_fields),
00012     PB_FIELD2(  4, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC  , OTHER, BaseMessage, images, request, &Images_fields),
00013     PB_FIELD2(  5, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC  , OTHER, BaseMessage, packet, images, &ImagePacket_fields),
00014     PB_FIELD2(  6, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC  , OTHER, BaseMessage, preferences, packet, &Preferences_fields),
00015     PB_FIELD2(  7, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC  , OTHER, BaseMessage, ack, preferences, &Ack_fields),
00016     PB_LAST_FIELD
00017 };
00019 const pb_field_t Time_fields[2] = {
00020     PB_FIELD2(  1, INT32   , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, Time, remainingTime, remainingTime, 0),
00021     PB_LAST_FIELD
00022 };
00024 const pb_field_t Images_fields[4] = {
00025     PB_FIELD2(  1, BOOL    , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, Images, isFirstImage, isFirstImage, 0),
00026     PB_FIELD2(  2, INT32   , REQUIRED, STATIC  , OTHER, Images, fileSize, isFirstImage, 0),
00027     PB_FIELD2(  3, INT32   , REQUIRED, STATIC  , OTHER, Images, numberOfPackets, fileSize, 0),
00028     PB_LAST_FIELD
00029 };
00031 const pb_field_t ImagePacket_fields[3] = {
00032     PB_FIELD2(  1, INT32   , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, ImagePacket, packetNumber, packetNumber, 0),
00033     PB_FIELD2(  2, BYTES   , REQUIRED, STATIC  , OTHER, ImagePacket, image, packetNumber, 0),
00034     PB_LAST_FIELD
00035 };
00037 const pb_field_t Preferences_fields[2] = {
00038     PB_FIELD2(  1, INT32   , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, Preferences, timeInterval, timeInterval, 0),
00039     PB_LAST_FIELD
00040 };
00042 const pb_field_t Ack_fields[2] = {
00043     PB_FIELD2(  1, BOOL    , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, Ack, ok, ok, 0),
00044     PB_LAST_FIELD
00045 };
00047 const pb_field_t RequestImages_fields[2] = {
00048     PB_FIELD2(  1, BOOL    , REQUIRED, STATIC  , FIRST, RequestImages, request, request, 0),
00049     PB_LAST_FIELD
00050 };
00053 /* Check that field information fits in pb_field_t */
00054 #if !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT)
00055 /* If you get an error here, it means that you need to define PB_FIELD_32BIT
00056  * compile-time option. You can do that in pb.h or on compiler command line.
00057  * 
00058  * The reason you need to do this is that some of your messages contain tag
00059  * numbers or field sizes that are larger than what can fit in 8 or 16 bit
00060  * field descriptors.
00061  */
00062 STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(BaseMessage, time) < 65536 && pb_membersize(BaseMessage, request) < 65536 && pb_membersize(BaseMessage, images) < 65536 && pb_membersize(BaseMessage, packet) < 65536 && pb_membersize(BaseMessage, preferences) < 65536 && pb_membersize(BaseMessage, ack) < 65536), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_32BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_BaseMessage_Time_Images_ImagePacket_Preferences_Ack_RequestImages)
00063 #endif
00065 #if !defined(PB_FIELD_16BIT) && !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT)
00066 #error Field descriptor for ImagePacket.image is too large. Define PB_FIELD_16BIT to fix this.
00067 #endif