programma di prova

Dependencies:   SDFileSystemFunzionante mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "header.h"
00003 #include <time.h>
00004 #include "MPU6050.h"
00006 int main()
00007 {
00008     i2c.frequency(400000);
00009     MPU6050 mpu6050;
00010     uint8_t whoami = mpu6050.readByte(MPU6050_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_MPU6050);  // Read WHO_AM_I register for MPU-6050
00011     //pc.printf("I AM 0x%x\n\r", whoami); pc.printf("I SHOULD BE 0x68\n\r");
00013     if (whoami == 0x68) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x68
00014     {  
00015     //pc.printf("MPU6050 is online...");
00016     //wait(1);
00018         mpu6050.MPU6050SelfTest(SelfTest); // Start by performing self test and reporting values
00020         if(SelfTest[0] < 1.0f && SelfTest[1] < 1.0f && SelfTest[2] < 1.0f && SelfTest[3] < 1.0f && SelfTest[4] < 1.0f && SelfTest[5] < 1.0f){
00021             mpu6050.resetMPU6050(); // Reset registers to default in preparation for device calibration
00022             mpu6050.calibrateMPU6050(gyroBias, accelBias); // Calibrate gyro and accelerometers, load biases in bias registers  
00023             mpu6050.initMPU6050(); pc.printf("MPU6050 initialized for active data mode....\n\r"); // Initialize device for active mode read of acclerometer, gyroscope, and temperature
00024         }
00025         else
00026             pc.printf("Device did not the pass self-test!\n\r");
00027     }
00028     else{
00029     pc.printf("Could not connect to MPU6050: \n\r");
00030     pc.printf("%#x \n",  whoami);
00032     while(1) ; // Loop forever if communication doesn't happen
00033     }
00035     int i;
00036     for(i = 0; i < BLOCCO; i++){
00038             vettore[i].x = 0;
00039             vettore[i].y = 0;
00040             vettore[i].z = 0;
00041             vettore[i].xx = 0;
00042             vettore[i].yy = 0;
00043             vettore[i].zz = 0;
00045     }
00047    while (true) {
00048      // Read the WHO_AM_I register, this is a good test of communication
00049     srand(time(NULL));
00050     int i;
00051     static const int off_set_a=400;
00052     //time_t rawtime;
00053     //struct tm* timeinfo;
00054     //Timer temp3;
00055     //temp3.start();
00056     for(i = 0; i < BLOCCO; i++){
00058         // If data ready bit set, all data registers have new data
00059         if(mpu6050.readByte(MPU6050_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01) {  // check if data ready interrupt
00060                 mpu6050.readAccelData(accelCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values
00061                 mpu6050.getAres();
00063             // Now we'll calculate the accleration value into actual g's
00064                 vettore[i].x = (float)accelCount[0]*aRes - accelBias[0];  // get actual g value, this depends on scale being set
00065                 vettore[i].y = (float)accelCount[1]*aRes - accelBias[1];   
00066                 vettore[i].z = (float)accelCount[2]*aRes - accelBias[2];  
00068                 mpu6050.readGyroData(gyroCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc values
00069                 mpu6050.getGres();
00071             // Calculate the gyro value into actual degrees per second
00072                 vettore[i].xx = (float)gyroCount[0]*gRes; // - gyroBias[0];  // get actual gyro value, this depends on scale being set
00073                 vettore[i].yy = (float)gyroCount[1]*gRes; // - gyroBias[1];  
00074                 vettore[i].zz = (float)gyroCount[2]*gRes; // - gyroBias[2];  
00076             }  
00078             pc.printf("%03.0f %03.0f %03.0f %03.0f %03.0f %03.0f\n\r",100*vettore[i].x+off_set_a,100*vettore[i].y+off_set_a,100*vettore[i].z+off_set_a,100*vettore[i].xx+off_set_a,100*vettore[i].yy+off_set_a,100*vettore[i].zz+off_set_a);
00080         } 
00081         //temp3.stop();
00082         //pc.printf("Tempo impiegato per l'acquisizione di 1000 elementi: %f\n\r",;     
00083     }
00084 }