Simple driver for the TDK InvenSense ICM20648 6-axis IMU

Dependents:   TBSense2_Sensor_Demo

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00001 /***************************************************************************//**
00002  * @file ICM20648.cpp
00003  *******************************************************************************
00004  * @section License
00005  * <b>(C) Copyright 2017 Silicon Labs,</b>
00006  *******************************************************************************
00007  *
00008  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
00011  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00012  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00013  *
00014  *
00015  *
00016  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00017  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
00018  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00019  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00020  * limitations under the License.
00021  *
00022  ******************************************************************************/
00024 #include "ICM20648.h "
00026 /** @cond DO_NOT_INCLUDE_WITH_DOXYGEN */
00028 /**************************************************************************//**
00029 * @name Error Codes
00030 * @{
00031 ******************************************************************************/
00032 #define ICM20648_OK                                 0x0000   /**< No errors         */
00033 #define ICM20648_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID            0x0001   /**< Invalid device ID */
00034 /**@}*/
00036 /**************************************************************************//**
00037 * @name ICM20648 register banks
00038 * @{
00039 ******************************************************************************/
00040 #define ICM20648_BANK_0                  (0 << 7)     /**< Register bank 0 */
00041 #define ICM20648_BANK_1                  (1 << 7)     /**< Register bank 1 */
00042 #define ICM20648_BANK_2                  (2 << 7)     /**< Register bank 2 */
00043 #define ICM20648_BANK_3                  (3 << 7)     /**< Register bank 3 */
00044 /**@}*/
00046 /**************************************************************************//**
00047 * @name Register and associated bit definitions
00048 * @{
00049 ******************************************************************************/
00050 /***********************/
00051 /* Bank 0 register map */
00052 /***********************/
00053 #define ICM20648_REG_WHO_AM_I            (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x00)    /**< Device ID register                                     */
00055 #define ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL           (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x03)    /**< User control register                                  */
00056 #define ICM20648_BIT_DMP_EN              0x80                        /**< DMP enable bit                                         */
00057 #define ICM20648_BIT_FIFO_EN             0x40                        /**< FIFO enable bit                                        */
00058 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_MST_EN          0x20                        /**< I2C master I/F enable bit                              */
00059 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_IF_DIS          0x10                        /**< Disable I2C, enable SPI bit                            */
00060 #define ICM20648_BIT_DMP_RST             0x08                        /**< DMP module reset bit                                   */
00061 #define ICM20648_BIT_DIAMOND_DMP_RST     0x04                        /**< SRAM module reset bit                                  */
00063 #define ICM20648_REG_LP_CONFIG           (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x05)    /**< Low Power mode config register                         */
00064 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_MST_CYCLE       0x40                        /**< I2C master cycle mode enable                           */
00065 #define ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_CYCLE         0x20                        /**< Accelerometer cycle mode enable                        */
00066 #define ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_CYCLE          0x10                        /**< Gyroscope cycle mode enable                            */
00068 #define ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1          (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x06)    /**< Power Management 1 register                            */
00069 #define ICM20648_BIT_H_RESET             0x80                        /**< Device reset bit                                       */
00070 #define ICM20648_BIT_SLEEP               0x40                        /**< Sleep mode enable bit                                  */
00071 #define ICM20648_BIT_LP_EN               0x20                        /**< Low Power feature enable bit                           */
00072 #define ICM20648_BIT_TEMP_DIS            0x08                        /**< Temperature sensor disable bit                         */
00073 #define ICM20648_BIT_CLK_PLL             0x01                        /**< Auto clock source selection setting                    */
00075 #define ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_2          (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x07)    /**< Power Management 2 register                            */
00076 #define ICM20648_BIT_PWR_ACCEL_STBY      0x38                        /**< Disable accelerometer                                  */
00077 #define ICM20648_BIT_PWR_GYRO_STBY       0x07                        /**< Disable gyroscope                                      */
00078 #define ICM20648_BIT_PWR_ALL_OFF         0x7F                        /**< Disable both accel and gyro                            */
00080 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_PIN_CFG         (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x0F)    /**< Interrupt Pin Configuration register                   */
00081 #define ICM20648_BIT_INT_ACTL            0x80                        /**< Active low setting bit                                 */
00082 #define ICM20648_BIT_INT_OPEN            0x40                        /**< Open collector onfiguration bit                        */
00083 #define ICM20648_BIT_INT_LATCH_EN        0x20                        /**< Latch enable bit                                       */
00085 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_ENABLE          (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x10)    /**< Interrupt Enable register                              */
00086 #define ICM20648_BIT_WOM_INT_EN          0x08                        /**< Wake-up On Motion enable bit                           */
00088 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_ENABLE_1        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x11)    /**< Interrupt Enable 1 register                            */
00089 #define ICM20648_BIT_RAW_DATA_0_RDY_EN   0x01                        /**< Raw data ready interrupt enable bit                    */
00091 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_ENABLE_2        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x12)    /**< Interrupt Enable 2 register                            */
00092 #define ICM20648_BIT_FIFO_OVERFLOW_EN_0  0x01                        /**< FIFO overflow interrupt enable bit                     */
00094 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_ENABLE_3        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x13)    /**< Interrupt Enable 2 register                            */
00096 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_STATUS          (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x19)    /**< Interrupt Status register                              */
00097 #define ICM20648_BIT_WOM_INT             0x08                        /**< Wake-up on motion interrupt occured bit                */
00098 #define ICM20648_BIT_PLL_RDY             0x04                        /**< PLL ready interrupt occured bit                        */
00100 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_STATUS_1        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x1A)    /**< Interrupt Status 1 register                            */
00101 #define ICM20648_BIT_RAW_DATA_0_RDY_INT  0x01                        /**< Raw data ready interrupt occured bit                   */
00103 #define ICM20648_REG_INT_STATUS_2        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x1B)    /**< Interrupt Status 2 register                            */
00105 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H_SH     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x2D)    /**< Accelerometer X-axis data high byte                    */
00106 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_L_SH     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x2E)    /**< Accelerometer X-axis data low byte                     */
00107 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_H_SH     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x2F)    /**< Accelerometer Y-axis data high byte                    */
00108 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_L_SH     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x30)    /**< Accelerometer Y-axis data low byte                     */
00109 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_H_SH     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x31)    /**< Accelerometer Z-axis data high byte                    */
00110 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_L_SH     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x32)    /**< Accelerometer Z-axis data low byte                     */
00112 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_XOUT_H_SH      (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x33)    /**< Gyroscope X-axis data high byte                        */
00113 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_XOUT_L_SH      (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x34)    /**< Gyroscope X-axis data low byte                         */
00114 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_YOUT_H_SH      (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x35)    /**< Gyroscope Y-axis data high byte                        */
00115 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_YOUT_L_SH      (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x36)    /**< Gyroscope Y-axis data low byte                         */
00116 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_H_SH      (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x37)    /**< Gyroscope Z-axis data high byte                        */
00117 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_L_SH      (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x38)    /**< Gyroscope Z-axis data low byte                         */
00119 #define ICM20648_REG_TEMPERATURE_H       (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x39)    /**< Temperature data high byte                             */
00120 #define ICM20648_REG_TEMPERATURE_L       (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x3A)    /**< Temperature data low byte                              */
00121 #define ICM20648_REG_TEMP_CONFIG         (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x53)    /**< Temperature Configuration register                     */
00123 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_EN_1           (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x66)    /**< FIFO Enable 1 register                                 */
00125 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_EN_2           (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x67)    /**< FIFO Enable 2 register                                 */
00126 #define ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FIFO_EN       0x10                        /**< Enable writing acceleration data to FIFO bit           */
00127 #define ICM20648_BITS_GYRO_FIFO_EN       0x0E                        /**< Enable writing gyroscope data to FIFO bit              */
00129 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_RST            (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x68)    /**< FIFO Reset register                                    */
00130 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_MODE           (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x69)    /**< FIFO Mode register                                     */
00132 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_COUNT_H        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x70)    /**< FIFO data count high byte                              */
00133 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_COUNT_L        (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x71)    /**< FIFO data count low byte                               */
00134 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_R_W            (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x72)    /**< FIFO Read/Write register                               */
00136 #define ICM20648_REG_DATA_RDY_STATUS     (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x74)    /**< Data Ready Status register                             */
00137 #define ICM20648_BIT_RAW_DATA_0_RDY      0x01                        /**< Raw Data Ready bit                                     */
00139 #define ICM20648_REG_FIFO_CFG            (ICM20648_BANK_0 | 0x76)    /**< FIFO Configuration register                            */
00140 #define ICM20648_BIT_MULTI_FIFO_CFG      0x01                        /**< Interrupt status for each sensor is required           */
00141 #define ICM20648_BIT_SINGLE_FIFO_CFG     0x00                        /**< Interrupt status for only a single sensor is required  */
00143 /***********************/
00144 /* Bank 1 register map */
00145 /***********************/
00146 #define ICM20648_REG_XA_OFFSET_H         (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x14)    /**< Acceleration sensor X-axis offset cancellation high byte  */
00147 #define ICM20648_REG_XA_OFFSET_L         (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x15)    /**< Acceleration sensor X-axis offset cancellation low byte   */
00148 #define ICM20648_REG_YA_OFFSET_H         (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x17)    /**< Acceleration sensor Y-axis offset cancellation high byte  */
00149 #define ICM20648_REG_YA_OFFSET_L         (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x18)    /**< Acceleration sensor Y-axis offset cancellation low byte   */
00150 #define ICM20648_REG_ZA_OFFSET_H         (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x1A)    /**< Acceleration sensor Z-axis offset cancellation high byte  */
00151 #define ICM20648_REG_ZA_OFFSET_L         (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x1B)    /**< Acceleration sensor Z-axis offset cancellation low byte   */
00153 #define ICM20648_REG_TIMEBASE_CORR_PLL   (ICM20648_BANK_1 | 0x28)    /**< PLL Timebase Correction register                          */
00155 /***********************/
00156 /* Bank 2 register map */
00157 /***********************/
00158 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV     (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x00)    /**< Gyroscope Sample Rate Divider regiser      */
00160 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1       (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x01)    /**< Gyroscope Configuration 1 register         */
00161 #define ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE        0x01                        /**< Gyro Digital Low-Pass Filter enable bit    */
00162 #define ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_FS_SEL       1                           /**< Gyro Full Scale Select bit shift           */
00163 #define ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG       3                           /**< Gyro DLPF Config bit shift                 */
00164 #define ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_FULLSCALE     0x06                        /**< Gyro Full Scale Select bitmask             */
00165 #define ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_BW            0x39                        /**< Gyro Bandwidth Select bitmask              */
00166 #define ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_250DPS   (0x00 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_FS_SEL)    /**< Gyro Full Scale = 250 deg/sec  */
00167 #define ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_500DPS   (0x01 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_FS_SEL)    /**< Gyro Full Scale = 500 deg/sec  */
00168 #define ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_1000DPS  (0x02 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_FS_SEL)    /**< Gyro Full Scale = 1000 deg/sec */
00169 #define ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_2000DPS  (0x03 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_FS_SEL)    /**< Gyro Full Scale = 2000 deg/sec */
00170 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_12100HZ         (0x00 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG)                                     /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 12100 Hz */
00171 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_360HZ           ( (0x07 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 360 Hz   */
00172 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_200HZ           ( (0x00 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 200 Hz   */
00173 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_150HZ           ( (0x01 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 150 Hz   */
00174 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_120HZ           ( (0x02 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 120 Hz   */
00175 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_51HZ            ( (0x03 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 51 Hz    */
00176 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_24HZ            ( (0x04 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 24 Hz    */
00177 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_12HZ            ( (0x05 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 12 Hz    */
00178 #define ICM20648_GYRO_BW_6HZ             ( (0x06 << ICM20648_SHIFT_GYRO_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_FCHOICE)      /**< Gyro Bandwidth = 6 Hz     */
00180 #define ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_2       (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x02)    /**< Gyroscope Configuration 2 register                     */
00181 #define ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_CTEN           0x38                        /**< Gyroscope Self-Test Enable bits                        */
00183 #define ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x03)    /**< Gyroscope sensor X-axis offset cancellation high byte  */
00184 #define ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRL        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x04)    /**< Gyroscope sensor X-axis offset cancellation low byte   */
00185 #define ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x05)    /**< Gyroscope sensor Y-axis offset cancellation high byte  */
00186 #define ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRL        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x06)    /**< Gyroscope sensor Y-axis offset cancellation low byte   */
00187 #define ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x07)    /**< Gyroscope sensor Z-axis offset cancellation high byte  */
00188 #define ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRL        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x08)    /**< Gyroscope sensor Z-axis offset cancellation low byte   */
00190 #define ICM20648_REG_ODR_ALIGN_EN        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x09)    /**< Output Data Rate start time alignment                  */
00192 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1  (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x10)    /**< Acceleration Sensor Sample Rate Divider 1 register     */
00193 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_2  (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x11)    /**< Acceleration Sensor Sample Rate Divider 2 register     */
00195 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_INTEL_CTRL    (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x12)    /**< Accelerometer Hardware Intelligence Control register   */
00196 #define ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_INTEL_EN      0x02                        /**< Wake-up On Motion enable bit                           */
00197 #define ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_INTEL_MODE    0x01                        /**< WOM algorithm selection bit                            */
00199 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_WOM_THR       (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x13)    /**< Wake-up On Motion Threshold register                   */
00201 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG        (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x14)    /**< Accelerometer Configuration register                   */
00202 #define ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE       0x01                        /**< Accel Digital Low-Pass Filter enable bit               */
00203 #define ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_FS          1                           /**< Accel Full Scale Select bit shift                      */
00204 #define ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG      3                           /**< Accel DLPF Config bit shift                            */
00205 #define ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_FULLSCALE    0x06                        /**< Accel Full Scale Select bitmask                        */
00206 #define ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_BW           0x39                        /**< Accel Bandwidth Select bitmask                         */
00207 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_2G      (0x00 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_FS)    /**< Accel Full Scale = 2 g  */
00208 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_4G      (0x01 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_FS)    /**< Accel Full Scale = 4 g  */
00209 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_8G      (0x02 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_FS)    /**< Accel Full Scale = 8 g  */
00210 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_16G     (0x03 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_FS)    /**< Accel Full Scale = 16 g */
00211 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_1210HZ         (0x00 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG)                                    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 1210 Hz  */
00212 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_470HZ          ( (0x07 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 470 Hz   */
00213 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_246HZ          ( (0x00 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 246 Hz   */
00214 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_111HZ          ( (0x02 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 111 Hz   */
00215 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_50HZ           ( (0x03 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 50 Hz    */
00216 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_24HZ           ( (0x04 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 24 Hz    */
00217 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_12HZ           ( (0x05 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 12 Hz    */
00218 #define ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_6HZ            ( (0x06 << ICM20648_SHIFT_ACCEL_DLPCFG) | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FCHOICE)    /**< Accel Bandwidth = 6 Hz     */
00220 #define ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_2      (ICM20648_BANK_2 | 0x15)    /**< Accelerometer Configuration 2 register              */
00221 #define ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_CTEN          0x1C                        /**< Accelerometer Self-Test Enable bits                 */
00223 /***********************/
00224 /* Bank 3 register map */
00225 /***********************/
00226 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_MST_ODR_CONFIG  (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x00)    /**< I2C Master Output Data Rate Configuration register  */
00228 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_MST_CTRL        (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x01)    /**< I2C Master Control register                         */
00229 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_MST_P_NSR       0x10                        /**< Stop between reads enabling bit                     */
00231 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL  (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x02)    /**< I2C Master Delay Control register                   */
00232 #define ICM20648_BIT_SLV0_DLY_EN         0x01                        /**< I2C Slave0 Delay Enable bit                         */
00233 #define ICM20648_BIT_SLV1_DLY_EN         0x02                        /**< I2C Slave1 Delay Enable bit                         */
00234 #define ICM20648_BIT_SLV2_DLY_EN         0x04                        /**< I2C Slave2 Delay Enable bit                         */
00235 #define ICM20648_BIT_SLV3_DLY_EN         0x08                        /**< I2C Slave3 Delay Enable bit                         */
00237 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV0_ADDR       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x03)    /**< I2C Slave0 Physical Address register                */
00238 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV0_REG        (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x04)    /**< I2C Slave0 Register Address register                */
00239 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV0_CTRL       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x05)    /**< I2C Slave0 Control register                         */
00240 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV0_DO         (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x06)    /**< I2C Slave0 Data Out register                        */
00242 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV1_ADDR       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x07)    /**< I2C Slave1 Physical Address register                */
00243 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV1_REG        (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x08)    /**< I2C Slave1 Register Address register                */
00244 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV1_CTRL       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x09)    /**< I2C Slave1 Control register                         */
00245 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV1_DO         (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x0A)    /**< I2C Slave1 Data Out register                        */
00247 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV2_ADDR       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x0B)    /**< I2C Slave2 Physical Address register                */
00248 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV2_REG        (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x0C)    /**< I2C Slave2 Register Address register                */
00249 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV2_CTRL       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x0D)    /**< I2C Slave2 Control register                         */
00250 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV2_DO         (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x0E)    /**< I2C Slave2 Data Out register                        */
00252 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV3_ADDR       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x0F)    /**< I2C Slave3 Physical Address register                */
00253 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV3_REG        (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x10)    /**< I2C Slave3 Register Address register                */
00254 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV3_CTRL       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x11)    /**< I2C Slave3 Control register                         */
00255 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV3_DO         (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x12)    /**< I2C Slave3 Data Out register                        */
00257 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV4_ADDR       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x13)    /**< I2C Slave4 Physical Address register                */
00258 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV4_REG        (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x14)    /**< I2C Slave4 Register Address register                */
00259 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV4_CTRL       (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x15)    /**< I2C Slave4 Control register                         */
00260 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV4_DO         (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x16)    /**< I2C Slave4 Data Out register                        */
00261 #define ICM20648_REG_I2C_SLV4_DI         (ICM20648_BANK_3 | 0x17)    /**< I2C Slave4 Data In register                         */
00263 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_SLV_EN          0x80                        /**< I2C Slave Enable bit                                */
00264 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_BYTE_SW         0x40                        /**< I2C Slave Byte Swap enable bit                      */
00265 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_REG_DIS         0x20                        /**< I2C Slave Do Not Write Register Value bit           */
00266 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_GRP             0x10                        /**< I2C Slave Group bit                                 */
00267 #define ICM20648_BIT_I2C_READ            0x80                        /**< I2C Slave R/W bit                                   */
00269 /* Register common for all banks */
00270 #define ICM20648_REG_BANK_SEL            0x7F                        /**< Bank Select register                                */
00272 #define ICM20648_DEVICE_ID               0xE0                        /**< ICM20648 Device ID value                            */
00273 #define ICM20948_DEVICE_ID               0xEA                        /**< ICM20948 Device ID value                            */
00274 /**@}*/
00276 /** @endcond */
00279 ICM20648::ICM20648(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName irq) : m_SPI(mosi, miso, sclk), m_CS(cs, 1), m_IRQ(irq)
00280 {
00281     m_IRQ.disable_irq();
00282     m_IRQ.fall(Callback<void(void)>(this, &ICM20648::irq_handler));
00283 }
00285 ICM20648::~ICM20648(void)
00286 {
00287 }
00289 bool ICM20648::open()
00290 {
00291     uint8_t data;
00293     reset();
00295     /* Disable I2C interface, use SPI */
00296     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, ICM20648_BIT_I2C_IF_DIS);
00298     /* Read Who am I register, should get 0x71 */
00299     read_register(ICM20648_REG_WHO_AM_I, 1, &data);
00301     /* If not - return */
00302     if ( (data != ICM20648_DEVICE_ID) && (data != ICM20948_DEVICE_ID) ) {
00303         return false;
00304     }
00306     /* Auto selects the best available clock source – PLL if ready, else use the Internal oscillator */
00307     write_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, ICM20648_BIT_CLK_PLL);
00309     /* PLL startup time - maybe it is too long but better be on the safe side, no spec in the datasheet */
00310     wait_ms(30);
00312     /* INT pin: active low, open drain, IT status read clears. It seems that latched mode does not work, the INT pin cannot be cleared if set */
00313     write_register(ICM20648_REG_INT_PIN_CFG, ICM20648_BIT_INT_ACTL | ICM20648_BIT_INT_OPEN);
00315     return true;
00316 }
00318 /** Perform a measurement
00319  *
00320  * @returns true if measurement was successful
00321  */
00322 bool ICM20648::measure()
00323 {
00325 }
00327 /** Do a measurement on the gyroscope
00328  *
00329  * @param[out] gyr_x Gyroscope measurement on X axis
00330  * @param[out] gyr_y Gyroscope measurement on Y axis
00331  * @param[out] gyr_z Gyroscope measurement on Z axis
00332  *
00333  * @returns true if measurement was successful
00334  */
00335 bool ICM20648::get_gyroscope(float *gyr_x, float *gyr_y, float *gyr_z)
00336 {
00337     float buf[3];
00338     if(read_gyro_data(buf)) {
00339         return false;
00340     }
00342     *gyr_x = buf[0];
00343     *gyr_y = buf[1];
00344     *gyr_z = buf[2];
00345 }
00347 /** Do a measurement on the accelerometer
00348  *
00349  * @param[out] acc_x Accelerometer measurement on X axis
00350  * @param[out] acc_y Accelerometer measurement on Y axis
00351  * @param[out] acc_z Accelerometer measurement on Z axis
00352  *
00353  * @returns true if measurement was successful
00354  */
00355 bool ICM20648::get_accelerometer(float *acc_x, float *acc_y, float *acc_z)
00356 {
00357     float buf[3];
00358     if(read_accel_data(buf)) {
00359         return false;
00360     }
00362     *acc_x = buf[0];
00363     *acc_y = buf[1];
00364     *acc_z = buf[2];
00365 }
00367 bool ICM20648::get_temperature(float *temperature)
00368 {
00369     read_temperature(temperature);
00370     return true;
00371 }
00373 /***************************************************************************//**
00374  * @brief
00375  *    Reads register from the ICM20648 device
00376  *
00377  * @param[in] addr
00378  *    The register address to read from in the sensor
00379  *    Bit[8:7] - bank address
00380  *    Bit[6:0] - register address
00381  *
00382  * @param[in] numBytes
00383  *    The number of bytes to read
00384  *
00385  * @param[out] data
00386  *    The data read from the register
00387  *
00388  * @return
00389  *    None
00390  ******************************************************************************/
00391 void ICM20648::read_register(uint16_t addr, int numBytes, uint8_t *data)
00392 {
00393     uint8_t regAddr;
00394     uint8_t bank;
00396     regAddr = (uint8_t) (addr & 0x7F);
00397     bank = (uint8_t) (addr >> 7);
00399     select_bank(bank);
00401     /* Enable chip select */
00402     m_CS = 0;
00404     /* Set R/W bit to 1 - read */
00405     m_SPI.write(regAddr | 0x80);
00406     /* Transmit 0's to provide clock and read the data */
00407     m_SPI.write(NULL, 0, (char*)data, numBytes);
00409     /* Disable chip select */
00410     m_CS = 1;
00412     return;
00413 }
00415 /***************************************************************************//**
00416  * @brief
00417  *    Writes a register in the ICM20648 device
00418  *
00419  * @param[in] addr
00420  *    The register address to write
00421  *    Bit[8:7] - bank address
00422  *    Bit[6:0] - register address
00423  *
00424  * @param[in] data
00425  *    The data to write to the register
00426  *
00427  * @return
00428  *    None
00429  ******************************************************************************/
00430 void ICM20648::write_register(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data)
00431 {
00432     uint8_t regAddr;
00433     uint8_t bank;
00435     regAddr = (uint8_t) (addr & 0x7F);
00436     bank = (uint8_t) (addr >> 7);
00438     select_bank(bank);
00440     /* Enable chip select */
00441     m_CS = 0;
00443     /* clear R/W bit - write, send the address */
00444     m_SPI.write(regAddr & 0x7F);
00445     m_SPI.write(data);
00447     /* Disable chip select */
00448     m_CS = 1;
00450     return;
00451 }
00453 /***************************************************************************//**
00454  * @brief
00455  *    Select the desired register bank
00456  *
00457  * @param[in] bank
00458  *    The address of the register bank (0..3)
00459  *
00460  * @return
00461  *    None
00462  ******************************************************************************/
00463 void ICM20648::select_bank(uint8_t bank)
00464 {
00465     /* Enable chip select */
00466     m_CS = 0;
00468     /* clear R/W bit - write, send the address */
00469     m_SPI.write(ICM20648_REG_BANK_SEL);
00470     m_SPI.write((uint8_t)(bank << 4));
00472     /* Disable chip select */
00473     m_CS = 1;
00475     return;
00476 }
00478 /***************************************************************************//**
00479  * @brief
00480  *    Performs soft reset on the ICM20648 chip
00481  *
00482  * @return
00483  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00484  ******************************************************************************/
00485 uint32_t ICM20648::reset(void)
00486 {
00487     /* Set H_RESET bit to initiate soft reset */
00488     write_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, ICM20648_BIT_H_RESET);
00490     /* Wait 100ms to complete the reset sequence */
00491     wait_ms(100);
00493     return ICM20648_OK;
00494 }
00496 /***************************************************************************//**
00497  * @brief
00498  *    Sets the sample rate both of the accelerometer and the gyroscope.
00499  *
00500  * @param[in] sampleRate
00501  *    The desired sample rate in Hz. Since the resolution of the sample rate
00502  *    divider is different in the accel and gyro stages it is possible that
00503  *    the two sensor will have different sample rate set.
00504  *
00505  * @return
00506  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00507  ******************************************************************************/
00508 uint32_t ICM20648::set_sample_rate(float sampleRate)
00509 {
00510     set_gyro_sample_rate(sampleRate);
00511     set_accel_sample_rate(sampleRate);
00513     return ICM20648_OK;
00514 }
00516 /***************************************************************************//**
00517  * @brief
00518  *    Sets the sample rate of the accelerometer
00519  *
00520  * @param[in] sampleRate
00521  *    The desired sample rate in Hz
00522  *
00523  * @return
00524  *    The actual sample rate. May be different from the desired value because
00525  *    of the finite and discrete number of divider settings
00526  ******************************************************************************/
00527 float ICM20648::set_gyro_sample_rate(float sampleRate)
00528 {
00529     uint8_t gyroDiv;
00530     float gyroSampleRate;
00532     /* Calculate the sample rate divider */
00533     gyroSampleRate = (1125.0 / sampleRate) - 1.0;
00535     /* Check if it fits in the divider register */
00536     if ( gyroSampleRate > 255.0 ) {
00537         gyroSampleRate = 255.0;
00538     }
00540     if ( gyroSampleRate < 0 ) {
00541         gyroSampleRate = 0.0;
00542     }
00544     /* Write the value to the register */
00545     gyroDiv = (uint8_t) gyroSampleRate;
00546     write_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV, gyroDiv);
00548     /* Calculate the actual sample rate from the divider value */
00549     gyroSampleRate = 1125.0 / (gyroDiv + 1);
00551     return gyroSampleRate;
00552 }
00554 /***************************************************************************//**
00555  * @brief
00556  *    Sets the sample rate of the gyroscope
00557  *
00558  * @param[in] sampleRate
00559  *    The desired sample rate in Hz
00560  *
00561  * @return
00562  *    The actual sample rate. May be different from the desired value because
00563  *    of the finite and discrete number of divider settings
00564  ******************************************************************************/
00565 float ICM20648::set_accel_sample_rate(float sampleRate)
00566 {
00567     uint16_t accelDiv;
00568     float accelSampleRate;
00570     /* Calculate the sample rate divider */
00571     accelSampleRate = (1125.0 / sampleRate) - 1.0;
00573     /* Check if it fits in the divider registers */
00574     if ( accelSampleRate > 4095.0 ) {
00575         accelSampleRate = 4095.0;
00576     }
00578     if ( accelSampleRate < 0 ) {
00579         accelSampleRate = 0.0;
00580     }
00582     /* Write the value to the registers */
00583     accelDiv = (uint16_t) accelSampleRate;
00584     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1, (uint8_t) (accelDiv >> 8) );
00585     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_2, (uint8_t) (accelDiv & 0xFF) );
00587     /* Calculate the actual sample rate from the divider value */
00588     accelSampleRate = 1125.0 / (accelDiv + 1);
00590     return accelSampleRate;
00591 }
00593 /***************************************************************************//**
00594  * @brief
00595  *    Sets the bandwidth of the gyroscope
00596  *
00597  * @param[in] gyroBw
00598  *    The desired bandwidth value. Use the ICM20648_GYRO_BW_xHZ macros, which
00599  *    are defined in the icm20648.h file. The value of x can be
00600  *    6, 12, 24, 51, 120, 150, 200, 360 or 12100.
00601  *
00602  * @return
00603  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00604  ******************************************************************************/
00605 uint32_t ICM20648::set_gyro_bandwidth(uint8_t gyroBw)
00606 {
00607     uint8_t reg;
00609     /* Read the GYRO_CONFIG_1 register */
00610     read_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, 1, &reg);
00611     reg &= ~(ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_BW);
00613     /* Write the new bandwidth value to the gyro config register */
00614     reg |= (gyroBw & ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_BW);
00615     write_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, reg);
00617     return ICM20648_OK;
00618 }
00620 /***************************************************************************//**
00621  * @brief
00622  *    Sets the bandwidth of the accelerometer
00623  *
00624  * @param[in] accelBw
00625  *    The desired bandwidth value. Use the ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_yHZ macros, which
00626  *    are defined in the icm20648.h file. The value of y can be
00627  *    6, 12, 24, 50, 111, 246, 470 or 1210.
00628  *
00629  * @return
00630  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00631  ******************************************************************************/
00632 uint32_t ICM20648::set_accel_bandwidth(uint8_t accelBw)
00633 {
00634     uint8_t reg;
00636     /* Read the GYRO_CONFIG_1 register */
00637     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, 1, &reg);
00638     reg &= ~(ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_BW);
00640     /* Write the new bandwidth value to the gyro config register */
00641     reg |= (accelBw & ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_BW);
00642     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, reg);
00644     return ICM20648_OK;
00645 }
00647 /***************************************************************************//**
00648  * @brief
00649  *    Reads the raw acceleration value and converts to g value based on
00650  *    the actual resolution
00651  *
00652  * @param[out] accel
00653  *    A 3-element array of float numbers containing the acceleration values
00654  *    for the x, y and z axes in g units.
00655  *
00656  * @return
00657  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00658  ******************************************************************************/
00659 uint32_t ICM20648::read_accel_data(float *accel)
00660 {
00661     uint8_t rawData[6];
00662     float accelRes;
00663     int16_t temp;
00665     /* Retrieve the current resolution */
00666     get_accel_resolution(&accelRes);
00668     /* Read the six raw data registers into data array */
00669     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H_SH, 6, &rawData[0]);
00671     /* Convert the MSB and LSB into a signed 16-bit value and multiply by the resolution to get the G value */
00672     temp = ( (int16_t) rawData[0] << 8) | rawData[1];
00673     accel[0] = (float) temp * accelRes;
00674     temp = ( (int16_t) rawData[2] << 8) | rawData[3];
00675     accel[1] = (float) temp * accelRes;
00676     temp = ( (int16_t) rawData[4] << 8) | rawData[5];
00677     accel[2] = (float) temp * accelRes;
00679     return ICM20648_OK;
00680 }
00682 /***************************************************************************//**
00683  * @brief
00684  *    Reads the raw gyroscope value and converts to deg/sec value based on
00685  *    the actual resolution
00686  *
00687  * @param[out] gyro
00688  *    A 3-element array of float numbers containing the gyroscope values
00689  *    for the x, y and z axes in deg/sec units.
00690  *
00691  * @return
00692  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00693  ******************************************************************************/
00694 uint32_t ICM20648::read_gyro_data(float *gyro)
00695 {
00696     uint8_t rawData[6];
00697     float gyroRes;
00698     int16_t temp;
00700     /* Retrieve the current resolution */
00701     get_gyro_resolution(&gyroRes);
00703     /* Read the six raw data registers into data array */
00704     read_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_XOUT_H_SH, 6, &rawData[0]);
00706     /* Convert the MSB and LSB into a signed 16-bit value and multiply by the resolution to get the dps value */
00707     temp = ( (int16_t) rawData[0] << 8) | rawData[1];
00708     gyro[0] = (float) temp * gyroRes;
00709     temp = ( (int16_t) rawData[2] << 8) | rawData[3];
00710     gyro[1] = (float) temp * gyroRes;
00711     temp = ( (int16_t) rawData[4] << 8) | rawData[5];
00712     gyro[2] = (float) temp * gyroRes;
00714     return ICM20648_OK;
00715 }
00717 /***************************************************************************//**
00718  * @brief
00719  *    Gets the actual resolution of the accelerometer
00720  *
00721  * @param[out] accelRes
00722  *    The resolution in g/bit units
00723  *
00724  * @return
00725  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00726  ******************************************************************************/
00727 uint32_t ICM20648::get_accel_resolution(float *accelRes)
00728 {
00729     uint8_t reg;
00731     /* Read the actual acceleration full scale setting */
00732     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, 1, &reg);
00733     reg &= ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_FULLSCALE;
00735     /* Calculate the resolution */
00736     switch ( reg ) {
00737         case ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_2G:
00738             *accelRes = 2.0 / 32768.0;
00739             break;
00741         case ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_4G:
00742             *accelRes = 4.0 / 32768.0;
00743             break;
00745         case ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_8G:
00746             *accelRes = 8.0 / 32768.0;
00747             break;
00749         case ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_16G:
00750             *accelRes = 16.0 / 32768.0;
00751             break;
00752     }
00754     return ICM20648_OK;
00755 }
00757 /***************************************************************************//**
00758  * @brief
00759  *    Gets the actual resolution of the gyroscope
00760  *
00761  * @param[out] gyroRes
00762  *    The actual resolution in (deg/sec)/bit units
00763  *
00764  * @return
00765  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00766  ******************************************************************************/
00767 uint32_t ICM20648::get_gyro_resolution(float *gyroRes)
00768 {
00769     uint8_t reg;
00771     /* Read the actual gyroscope full scale setting */
00772     read_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, 1, &reg);
00773     reg &= ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_FULLSCALE;
00775     /* Calculate the resolution */
00776     switch ( reg ) {
00777         case ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_250DPS:
00778             *gyroRes = 250.0 / 32768.0;
00779             break;
00781         case ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_500DPS:
00782             *gyroRes = 500.0 / 32768.0;
00783             break;
00785         case ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_1000DPS:
00786             *gyroRes = 1000.0 / 32768.0;
00787             break;
00789         case ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_2000DPS:
00790             *gyroRes = 2000.0 / 32768.0;
00791             break;
00792     }
00794     return ICM20648_OK;
00795 }
00797 /***************************************************************************//**
00798  * @brief
00799  *    Sets the full scale value of the accelerometer
00800  *
00801  * @param[in] accelFs
00802  *    The desired full scale value. Use the ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_xG
00803  *    macros, which are defined in the icm20648.h file. The value of x can be
00804  *    2, 4, 8 or 16.
00805  *
00806  * @return
00807  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00808  ******************************************************************************/
00809 uint32_t ICM20648::set_accel_fullscale(uint8_t accelFs)
00810 {
00811     uint8_t reg;
00813     accelFs &= ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_FULLSCALE;
00814     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, 1, &reg);
00815     reg &= ~(ICM20648_MASK_ACCEL_FULLSCALE);
00816     reg |= accelFs;
00817     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, reg);
00819     return ICM20648_OK;
00820 }
00822 /***************************************************************************//**
00823  * @brief
00824  *    Sets the full scale value of the gyroscope
00825  *
00826  * @param[in] gyroFs
00827  *    The desired full scale value. Use the ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_yDPS
00828  *    macros, which are defined in the icm20648.h file. The value of y can be
00829  *    250, 500, 1000 or 2000.
00830  *
00831  * @return
00832  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00833  ******************************************************************************/
00834 uint32_t ICM20648::set_gyro_fullscale(uint8_t gyroFs)
00835 {
00836     uint8_t reg;
00838     gyroFs &= ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_FULLSCALE;
00839     read_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, 1, &reg);
00840     reg &= ~(ICM20648_MASK_GYRO_FULLSCALE);
00841     reg |= gyroFs;
00842     write_register(ICM20648_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, reg);
00844     return ICM20648_OK;
00845 }
00847 /***************************************************************************//**
00848  * @brief
00849  *    Enables or disables the sleep mode of the device
00850  *
00851  * @param[in] enable
00852  *    If true, sleep mode is enabled. Set to false to disable sleep mode.
00853  *
00854  * @return
00855  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00856  ******************************************************************************/
00857 uint32_t ICM20648::enable_sleepmode(bool enable)
00858 {
00859     uint8_t reg;
00861     read_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, 1, &reg);
00863     if ( enable ) {
00864         /* Sleep: set the SLEEP bit */
00865         reg |= ICM20648_BIT_SLEEP;
00866     } else {
00867         /* Wake up: clear the SLEEP bit */
00868         reg &= ~(ICM20648_BIT_SLEEP);
00869     }
00871     write_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, reg);
00873     return ICM20648_OK;
00874 }
00876 /***************************************************************************//**
00877  * @brief
00878  *    Enables or disables the cycle mode operation of the accel and gyro
00879  *
00880  * @param[in] enable
00881  *    If true both the accel and gyro sensors will operate in cycle mode. If
00882  *    false the senors working in continuous mode.
00883  *
00884  * @return
00885  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00886  ******************************************************************************/
00887 uint32_t ICM20648::enable_cyclemode(bool enable)
00888 {
00889     uint8_t reg;
00891     reg = 0x00;
00893     if ( enable ) {
00894         reg = ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_CYCLE | ICM20648_BIT_GYRO_CYCLE;
00895     }
00897     write_register(ICM20648_REG_LP_CONFIG, reg);
00899     return ICM20648_OK;
00900 }
00902 /***************************************************************************//**
00903  * @brief
00904  *    Enables or disables the sensors in the ICM20648 chip
00905  *
00906  * @param[in] accel
00907  *    If true enables the acceleration sensor
00908  *
00909  * @param[in] gyro
00910  *    If true enables the gyroscope sensor
00911  *
00912  * @param[in] temp
00913  *    If true enables the temperature sensor
00914  *
00915  * @return
00916  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00917  ******************************************************************************/
00918 uint32_t ICM20648::enable_sensor(bool accel, bool gyro, bool temp)
00919 {
00920     uint8_t pwrManagement1;
00921     uint8_t pwrManagement2;
00923     read_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, 1, &pwrManagement1);
00924     pwrManagement2 = 0;
00926     /* To enable the accelerometer clear the DISABLE_ACCEL bits in PWR_MGMT_2 */
00927     if ( accel ) {
00928         pwrManagement2 &= ~(ICM20648_BIT_PWR_ACCEL_STBY);
00929     } else {
00930         pwrManagement2 |= ICM20648_BIT_PWR_ACCEL_STBY;
00931     }
00933     /* To enable gyro clear the DISABLE_GYRO bits in PWR_MGMT_2 */
00934     if ( gyro ) {
00935         pwrManagement2 &= ~(ICM20648_BIT_PWR_GYRO_STBY);
00936     } else {
00937         pwrManagement2 |= ICM20648_BIT_PWR_GYRO_STBY;
00938     }
00940     /* To enable the temperature sensor clear the TEMP_DIS bit in PWR_MGMT_1 */
00941     if ( temp ) {
00942         pwrManagement1 &= ~(ICM20648_BIT_TEMP_DIS);
00943     } else {
00944         pwrManagement1 |= ICM20648_BIT_TEMP_DIS;
00945     }
00947     /* Write back the modified values */
00948     write_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, pwrManagement1);
00949     write_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_2, pwrManagement2);
00951     return ICM20648_OK;
00952 }
00954 /***************************************************************************//**
00955  * @brief
00956  *    Enables or disables the sensors in low power mode in the ICM20648 chip
00957  *
00958  * @param[in] enAccel
00959  *    If true enables the acceleration sensor in low power mode
00960  *
00961  * @param[in] enGyro
00962  *    If true enables the gyroscope sensor in low power mode
00963  *
00964  * @param[in] enTemp
00965  *    If true enables the temperature sensor in low power mode
00966  *
00967  * @return
00968  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
00969  ******************************************************************************/
00970 uint32_t ICM20648::enter_lowpowermode(bool enAccel, bool enGyro, bool enTemp)
00971 {
00972     uint8_t data;
00974     read_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, 1, &data);
00976     if ( enAccel || enGyro || enTemp ) {
00977         /* Make sure that the chip is not in sleep */
00978         enable_sleepmode(false);
00980         /* And in continuous mode */
00981         enable_cyclemode(false);
00983         /* Enable the accelerometer and the gyroscope*/
00984         enable_sensor(enAccel, enGyro, enTemp);
00985         wait_ms(50);
00987         /* Enable cycle mode */
00988         enable_cyclemode(true);
00990         /* Set the LP_EN bit to enable low power mode */
00991         data |= ICM20648_BIT_LP_EN;
00992     } else {
00993         /* Enable continuous mode */
00994         enable_cyclemode(false);
00996         /* Clear the LP_EN bit to disable low power mode */
00997         data &= ~ICM20648_BIT_LP_EN;
00998     }
01000     /* Write the updated value to the PWR_MGNT_1 register */
01001     write_register(ICM20648_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, data);
01003     return ICM20648_OK;
01004 }
01006 /***************************************************************************//**
01007  * @brief
01008  *    Enables or disables the interrupts in the ICM20648 chip
01009  *
01010  * @param[in] dataReadyEnable
01011  *    If true enables the Raw Data Ready interrupt, otherwise disables.
01012  *
01013  * @param[in] womEnable
01014  *    If true enables the Wake-up On Motion interrupt, otherwise disables.
01015  *
01016  * @return
01017  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01018  ******************************************************************************/
01019 uint32_t ICM20648::enable_irq(bool dataReadyEnable, bool womEnable)
01020 {
01021     uint8_t intEnable;
01023     /* All interrupts disabled by default */
01024     intEnable = 0;
01026     /* Enable one or both of the interrupt sources if required */
01027     if ( womEnable ) {
01028         intEnable = ICM20648_BIT_WOM_INT_EN;
01029     }
01030     /* Write value to register */
01031     write_register(ICM20648_REG_INT_ENABLE, intEnable);
01033     /* All interrupts disabled by default */
01034     intEnable = 0;
01036     if ( dataReadyEnable ) {
01037         intEnable = ICM20648_BIT_RAW_DATA_0_RDY_EN;
01038     }
01040     /* Write value to register */
01041     write_register(ICM20648_REG_INT_ENABLE_1, intEnable);
01043     return ICM20648_OK;
01044 }
01046 /***************************************************************************//**
01047  * @brief
01048  *    Reads the interrupt status registers of the ICM20648 chip
01049  *
01050  * @param[out] intStatus
01051  *    The content the four interrupt registers. LSByte is INT_STATUS, MSByte is
01052  *    INT_STATUS_3
01053  *
01054  * @return
01055  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01056  ******************************************************************************/
01057 uint32_t ICM20648::read_irqstatus(uint32_t *int_status)
01058 {
01059     uint8_t reg[4];
01061     read_register(ICM20648_REG_INT_STATUS, 4, reg);
01062     *int_status = (uint32_t) reg[0];
01063     *int_status |= ( ( (uint32_t) reg[1]) << 8);
01064     *int_status |= ( ( (uint32_t) reg[2]) << 16);
01065     *int_status |= ( ( (uint32_t) reg[3]) << 24);
01067     return ICM20648_OK;
01068 }
01070 /***************************************************************************//**
01071  * @brief
01072  *    Checks if new data is available for read
01073  *
01074  * @return
01075  *    Returns true if the Raw Data Ready interrupt bit set, false otherwise
01076  ******************************************************************************/
01077 bool ICM20648::is_data_ready(void)
01078 {
01079     uint8_t status;
01080     bool ret;
01082     ret = false;
01083     read_register(ICM20648_REG_INT_STATUS_1, 1, &status);
01085     if ( status & ICM20648_BIT_RAW_DATA_0_RDY_INT ) {
01086         ret = true;
01087     }
01089     return ret;
01090 }
01092 /***************************************************************************//**
01093  * @brief
01094  *    Sets up and enables the Wake-up On Motion feature
01095  *
01096  * @param[in] enable
01097  *    If true enables the WOM feature, disables otherwise
01098  *
01099  * @param[in] womThreshold
01100  *    Threshold value for the Wake on Motion Interrupt for ACCEL x/y/z axes.
01101  *    LSB = 4mg. Range is 0mg to 1020mg
01102  *
01103  * @param[in] sampleRate
01104  *    The desired sample rate of the accel sensor in Hz
01105  *
01106  * @return
01107  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01108  ******************************************************************************/
01109 uint32_t ICM20648::enable_wake_on_motion(bool enable, uint8_t womThreshold, float sampleRate)
01110 {
01111     if ( enable ) {
01112         /* Make sure that the chip is not in sleep */
01113         enable_sleepmode(false);
01115         /* And in continuous mode */
01116         enable_cyclemode(false);
01118         /* Enable only the accelerometer */
01119         enable_sensor(true, false, false);
01121         /* Set sample rate */
01122         set_sample_rate(sampleRate);
01124         /* Set the bandwidth to 1210Hz */
01125         set_accel_bandwidth(ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_1210HZ);
01127         /* Accel: 2G full scale */
01128         set_accel_fullscale(ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_2G);
01130         /* Enable the Wake On Motion interrupt */
01131         enable_irq(false, true);
01132         wait_ms(50);
01134         /* Enable Wake On Motion feature */
01135         write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_INTEL_CTRL, ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_INTEL_EN | ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_INTEL_MODE);
01137         /* Set the wake on motion threshold value */
01138         write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_WOM_THR, womThreshold);
01140         /* Enable low power mode */
01141         enter_lowpowermode(true, false, false);
01142     } else {
01143         /* Disable Wake On Motion feature */
01144         write_register(ICM20648_REG_ACCEL_INTEL_CTRL, 0x00);
01146         /* Disable the Wake On Motion interrupt */
01147         enable_irq(false, false);
01149         /* Disable cycle mode */
01150         enable_cyclemode(false);
01151     }
01153     return ICM20648_OK;
01154 }
01156 /***************************************************************************//**
01157  * @brief
01158  *    Accelerometer and gyroscope calibration function. Reads the gyroscope
01159  *    and accelerometer values while the device is at rest and in level. The
01160  *    resulting values are loaded to the accel and gyro bias registers to cancel
01161  *    the static offset error.
01162  *
01163  * @param[out] accelBiasScaled
01164  *    The mesured acceleration sensor bias in mg
01165  *
01166  * @param[out] gyroBiasScaled
01167  *    The mesured gyro sensor bias in deg/sec
01168  *
01169  * @return
01170  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01171  ******************************************************************************/
01172 uint32_t ICM20648::calibrate(float *accelBiasScaled, float *gyroBiasScaled)
01173 {
01174     uint8_t data[12];
01175     uint16_t i, packetCount, fifoCount;
01176     int32_t gyroBias[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
01177     int32_t accelBias[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
01178     int32_t accelTemp[3];
01179     int32_t gyroTemp[3];
01180     int32_t accelBiasFactory[3];
01181     int32_t gyroBiasStored[3];
01182     float gyroRes, accelRes;
01184     /* Enable the accelerometer and the gyro */
01185     enable_sensor(true, true, false);
01187     /* Set 1kHz sample rate */
01188     set_sample_rate(1100.0);
01190     /* 246Hz BW for the accelerometer and 200Hz for the gyroscope */
01191     set_accel_bandwidth(ICM20648_ACCEL_BW_246HZ);
01192     set_gyro_bandwidth(ICM20648_GYRO_BW_12HZ);
01194     /* Set the most sensitive range: 2G full scale and 250dps full scale */
01195     set_accel_fullscale(ICM20648_ACCEL_FULLSCALE_2G);
01196     set_gyro_fullscale(ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_250DPS);
01198     /* Retrieve the resolution per bit */
01199     get_accel_resolution(&accelRes);
01200     get_gyro_resolution(&gyroRes);
01202     /* The accel sensor needs max 30ms, the gyro max 35ms to fully start */
01203     /* Experiments show that the gyro needs more time to get reliable results */
01204     wait_ms(50);
01206     /* Disable the FIFO */
01207     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, ICM20648_BIT_FIFO_EN);
01208     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_MODE, 0x0F);
01210     /* Enable accelerometer and gyro to store the data in FIFO */
01211     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_EN_2, ICM20648_BIT_ACCEL_FIFO_EN | ICM20648_BITS_GYRO_FIFO_EN);
01213     /* Reset the FIFO */
01214     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_RST, 0x0F);
01215     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_RST, 0x00);
01217     /* Enable the FIFO */
01218     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, ICM20648_BIT_FIFO_EN);
01220     /* The max FIFO size is 4096 bytes, one set of measurements takes 12 bytes */
01221     /* (3 axes, 2 sensors, 2 bytes each value ) 340 samples use 4080 bytes of FIFO */
01222     /* Loop until at least 4080 samples gathered */
01223     fifoCount = 0;
01224     while ( fifoCount < 4080 ) {
01225         wait_ms(5);
01226         /* Read FIFO sample count */
01227         read_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_COUNT_H, 2, &data[0]);
01228         /* Convert to a 16 bit value */
01229         fifoCount = ( (uint16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01230     }
01232     /* Disable accelerometer and gyro to store the data in FIFO */
01233     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_EN_2, 0x00);
01235     /* Read FIFO sample count */
01236     read_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_COUNT_H, 2, &data[0]);
01238     /* Convert to a 16 bit value */
01239     fifoCount = ( (uint16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01241     /* Calculate the number of data sets (3 axis of accel an gyro, two bytes each = 12 bytes) */
01242     packetCount = fifoCount / 12;
01244     /* Retrieve the data from the FIFO */
01245     for ( i = 0; i < packetCount; i++ ) {
01246         read_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_R_W, 12, &data[0]);
01247         /* Convert to 16 bit signed accel and gyro x,y and z values */
01248         accelTemp[0] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01249         accelTemp[1] = ( (int16_t) (data[2] << 8) | data[3]);
01250         accelTemp[2] = ( (int16_t) (data[4] << 8) | data[5]);
01251         gyroTemp[0] = ( (int16_t) (data[6] << 8) | data[7]);
01252         gyroTemp[1] = ( (int16_t) (data[8] << 8) | data[9]);
01253         gyroTemp[2] = ( (int16_t) (data[10] << 8) | data[11]);
01255         /* Sum the values */
01256         accelBias[0] += accelTemp[0];
01257         accelBias[1] += accelTemp[1];
01258         accelBias[2] += accelTemp[2];
01259         gyroBias[0] += gyroTemp[0];
01260         gyroBias[1] += gyroTemp[1];
01261         gyroBias[2] += gyroTemp[2];
01262     }
01264     /* Divide by packet count to get the average */
01265     accelBias[0] /= packetCount;
01266     accelBias[1] /= packetCount;
01267     accelBias[2] /= packetCount;
01268     gyroBias[0] /= packetCount;
01269     gyroBias[1] /= packetCount;
01270     gyroBias[2] /= packetCount;
01272     /* Acceleormeter: add or remove (depending on the orientation of the chip) 1G (gravity) from the Z axis value */
01273     if ( accelBias[2] > 0L ) {
01274         accelBias[2] -= (int32_t) (1.0 / accelRes);
01275     } else {
01276         accelBias[2] += (int32_t) (1.0 / accelRes);
01277     }
01279     /* Convert the values to degrees per sec for displaying */
01280     gyroBiasScaled[0] = (float) gyroBias[0] * gyroRes;
01281     gyroBiasScaled[1] = (float) gyroBias[1] * gyroRes;
01282     gyroBiasScaled[2] = (float) gyroBias[2] * gyroRes;
01284     /* Read stored gyro trim values. After reset these values are all 0 */
01285     read_register(ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH, 2, &data[0]);
01286     gyroBiasStored[0] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01287     read_register(ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH, 2, &data[0]);
01288     gyroBiasStored[1] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01289     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH, 2, &data[0]);
01290     gyroBiasStored[2] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01292     /* The gyro bias should be stored in 1000dps full scaled format. We measured in 250dps to get */
01293     /* the best sensitivity, so need to divide by 4 */
01294     /* Substract from the stored calibration value */
01295     gyroBiasStored[0] -= gyroBias[0] / 4;
01296     gyroBiasStored[1] -= gyroBias[1] / 4;
01297     gyroBiasStored[2] -= gyroBias[2] / 4;
01299     /* Split the values into two bytes */
01300     data[0] = (gyroBiasStored[0] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01301     data[1] = (gyroBiasStored[0]) & 0xFF;
01302     data[2] = (gyroBiasStored[1] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01303     data[3] = (gyroBiasStored[1]) & 0xFF;
01304     data[4] = (gyroBiasStored[2] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01305     data[5] = (gyroBiasStored[2]) & 0xFF;
01307     /* Write the  gyro bias values to the chip */
01308     write_register(ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH, data[0]);
01309     write_register(ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRL, data[1]);
01310     write_register(ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH, data[2]);
01311     write_register(ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRL, data[3]);
01312     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH, data[4]);
01313     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRL, data[5]);
01315     /* Calculate the accelerometer bias values to store in the hardware accelerometer bias registers. These registers contain */
01316     /* factory trim values which must be added to the calculated accelerometer biases; on boot up these registers will hold */
01317     /* non-zero values. In addition, bit 0 of the lower byte must be preserved since it is used for temperature */
01318     /* compensation calculations(? the datasheet is not clear). Accelerometer bias registers expect bias input */
01319     /* as 2048 LSB per g, so that the accelerometer biases calculated above must be divided by 8. */
01321     /* Read factory accelerometer trim values */
01322     read_register(ICM20648_REG_XA_OFFSET_H, 2, &data[0]);
01323     accelBiasFactory[0] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01324     read_register(ICM20648_REG_YA_OFFSET_H, 2, &data[0]);
01325     accelBiasFactory[1] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01326     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ZA_OFFSET_H, 2, &data[0]);
01327     accelBiasFactory[2] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01329     /* Construct total accelerometer bias, including calculated average accelerometer bias from above */
01330     /* Scale the 2g full scale (most sensitive range) results to 16g full scale - divide by 8 */
01331     /* Clear the last bit (temperature compensation? - the datasheet is not clear) */
01332     /* Substract from the factory calibration value */
01334     accelBiasFactory[0] -= ( (accelBias[0] / 8) & ~1);
01335     accelBiasFactory[1] -= ( (accelBias[1] / 8) & ~1);
01336     accelBiasFactory[2] -= ( (accelBias[2] / 8) & ~1);
01338     /* Split the values into two bytes */
01339     data[0] = (accelBiasFactory[0] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01340     data[1] = (accelBiasFactory[0]) & 0xFF;
01341     data[2] = (accelBiasFactory[1] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01342     data[3] = (accelBiasFactory[1]) & 0xFF;
01343     data[4] = (accelBiasFactory[2] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01344     data[5] = (accelBiasFactory[2]) & 0xFF;
01346     /* Store them in the accelerometer offset registers */
01347     write_register(ICM20648_REG_XA_OFFSET_H, data[0]);
01348     write_register(ICM20648_REG_XA_OFFSET_L, data[1]);
01349     write_register(ICM20648_REG_YA_OFFSET_H, data[2]);
01350     write_register(ICM20648_REG_YA_OFFSET_L, data[3]);
01351     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ZA_OFFSET_H, data[4]);
01352     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ZA_OFFSET_L, data[5]);
01354     /* Convert the values to G for displaying */
01355     accelBiasScaled[0] = (float) accelBias[0] * accelRes;
01356     accelBiasScaled[1] = (float) accelBias[1] * accelRes;
01357     accelBiasScaled[2] = (float) accelBias[2] * accelRes;
01359     /* Turn off FIFO */
01360     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, 0x00);
01362     /* Disable all sensors */
01363     enable_sensor(false, false, false);
01365     return ICM20648_OK;
01366 }
01368 /***************************************************************************//**
01369  * @brief
01370  *    Gyroscope calibration function. Reads the gyroscope
01371  *    values while the device is at rest and in level. The
01372  *    resulting values are loaded to the gyro bias registers to cancel
01373  *    the static offset error.
01374  *
01375  * @param[out] gyroBiasScaled
01376  *    The mesured gyro sensor bias in deg/sec
01377  *
01378  * @return
01379  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01380  ******************************************************************************/
01381 uint32_t ICM20648::calibrate_gyro(float *gyroBiasScaled)
01382 {
01383     uint8_t data[12];
01384     uint16_t i, packetCount, fifoCount;
01385     int32_t gyroBias[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
01386     int32_t gyroTemp[3];
01387     int32_t gyroBiasStored[3];
01388     float gyroRes;
01390     /* Enable the accelerometer and the gyro */
01391     enable_sensor(true, true, false);
01393     /* Set 1kHz sample rate */
01394     set_sample_rate(1100.0);
01396     /* Configure bandwidth for gyroscope to 12Hz */
01397     set_gyro_bandwidth(ICM20648_GYRO_BW_12HZ);
01399     /* Configure sensitivity to 250dps full scale */
01400     set_gyro_fullscale(ICM20648_GYRO_FULLSCALE_250DPS);
01402     /* Retrieve the resolution per bit */
01403     get_gyro_resolution(&gyroRes);
01405     /* The accel sensor needs max 30ms, the gyro max 35ms to fully start */
01406     /* Experiments show that the gyro needs more time to get reliable results */
01407     wait_ms(50);
01409     /* Disable the FIFO */
01410     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, ICM20648_BIT_FIFO_EN);
01411     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_MODE, 0x0F);
01413     /* Enable accelerometer and gyro to store the data in FIFO */
01414     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_EN_2, ICM20648_BITS_GYRO_FIFO_EN);
01416     /* Reset the FIFO */
01417     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_RST, 0x0F);
01418     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_RST, 0x00);
01420     /* Enable the FIFO */
01421     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, ICM20648_BIT_FIFO_EN);
01423     /* The max FIFO size is 4096 bytes, one set of measurements takes 12 bytes */
01424     /* (3 axes, 2 sensors, 2 bytes each value ) 340 samples use 4080 bytes of FIFO */
01425     /* Loop until at least 4080 samples gathered */
01426     fifoCount = 0;
01427     while ( fifoCount < 4080 ) {
01428         wait_ms(5);
01430         /* Read FIFO sample count */
01431         read_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_COUNT_H, 2, &data[0]);
01433         /* Convert to a 16 bit value */
01434         fifoCount = ( (uint16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01435     }
01437     /* Disable accelerometer and gyro to store the data in FIFO */
01438     write_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_EN_2, 0x00);
01440     /* Read FIFO sample count */
01441     read_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_COUNT_H, 2, &data[0]);
01443     /* Convert to a 16 bit value */
01444     fifoCount = ( (uint16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01446     /* Calculate the number of data sets (3 axis of accel an gyro, two bytes each = 12 bytes) */
01447     packetCount = fifoCount / 12;
01449     /* Retrieve the data from the FIFO */
01450     for ( i = 0; i < packetCount; i++ ) {
01451         read_register(ICM20648_REG_FIFO_R_W, 12, &data[0]);
01452         /* Convert to 16 bit signed accel and gyro x,y and z values */
01453         gyroTemp[0] = ( (int16_t) (data[6] << 8) | data[7]);
01454         gyroTemp[1] = ( (int16_t) (data[8] << 8) | data[9]);
01455         gyroTemp[2] = ( (int16_t) (data[10] << 8) | data[11]);
01457         /* Sum the values */
01458         gyroBias[0] += gyroTemp[0];
01459         gyroBias[1] += gyroTemp[1];
01460         gyroBias[2] += gyroTemp[2];
01461     }
01463     /* Divide by packet count to get the average */
01464     gyroBias[0] /= packetCount;
01465     gyroBias[1] /= packetCount;
01466     gyroBias[2] /= packetCount;
01468     /* Convert the values to degrees per sec for displaying */
01469     gyroBiasScaled[0] = (float) gyroBias[0] * gyroRes;
01470     gyroBiasScaled[1] = (float) gyroBias[1] * gyroRes;
01471     gyroBiasScaled[2] = (float) gyroBias[2] * gyroRes;
01473     /* Read stored gyro trim values. After reset these values are all 0 */
01474     read_register(ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH, 2, &data[0]);
01475     gyroBiasStored[0] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01477     read_register(ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH, 2, &data[0]);
01478     gyroBiasStored[1] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01480     read_register(ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH, 2, &data[0]);
01481     gyroBiasStored[2] = ( (int16_t) (data[0] << 8) | data[1]);
01483     /* The gyro bias should be stored in 1000dps full scaled format. We measured in 250dps to get */
01484     /* the best sensitivity, so need to divide by 4 */
01485     /* Substract from the stored calibration value */
01486     gyroBiasStored[0] -= gyroBias[0] / 4;
01487     gyroBiasStored[1] -= gyroBias[1] / 4;
01488     gyroBiasStored[2] -= gyroBias[2] / 4;
01490     /* Split the values into two bytes */
01491     data[0] = (gyroBiasStored[0] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01492     data[1] = (gyroBiasStored[0]) & 0xFF;
01493     data[2] = (gyroBiasStored[1] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01494     data[3] = (gyroBiasStored[1]) & 0xFF;
01495     data[4] = (gyroBiasStored[2] >> 8) & 0xFF;
01496     data[5] = (gyroBiasStored[2]) & 0xFF;
01498     /* Write the  gyro bias values to the chip */
01499     write_register(ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH, data[0]);
01500     write_register(ICM20648_REG_XG_OFFS_USRL, data[1]);
01501     write_register(ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH, data[2]);
01502     write_register(ICM20648_REG_YG_OFFS_USRL, data[3]);
01503     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH, data[4]);
01504     write_register(ICM20648_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRL, data[5]);
01506     /* Turn off FIFO */
01507     write_register(ICM20648_REG_USER_CTRL, 0x00);
01509     /* Disable all sensors */
01510     enable_sensor(false, false, false);
01512     return ICM20648_OK;
01513 }
01515 /***************************************************************************//**
01516  * @brief
01517  *    Reads the temperature sensor raw value and converts to Celsius.
01518  *
01519  * @param[out] temperature
01520  *    The mesured temperature in Celsius
01521  *
01522  * @return
01523  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01524  ******************************************************************************/
01525 uint32_t ICM20648::read_temperature(float *temperature)
01526 {
01527     uint8_t data[2];
01528     int16_t raw_temp;
01530     /* Read temperature registers */
01531     read_register(ICM20648_REG_TEMPERATURE_H, 2, data);
01533     /* Convert to int16 */
01534     raw_temp = (int16_t) ( (data[0] << 8) + data[1]);
01536     /* Calculate the Celsius value from the raw reading */
01537     *temperature = ( (float) raw_temp / 333.87) + 21.0;
01539     return ICM20648_OK;
01540 }
01542 /***************************************************************************//**
01543  * @brief
01544  *    Reads the device ID of the ICM20648
01545  *
01546  * @param[out] devID
01547  *    The ID of the device read from teh WHO_AM_I register. Expected value? 0xE0
01548  *
01549  * @return
01550  *    Returns zero on OK, non-zero otherwise
01551  ******************************************************************************/
01552 uint32_t ICM20648::get_device_id(uint8_t *device_id)
01553 {
01554     read_register(ICM20648_REG_WHO_AM_I, 1, device_id);
01556     return ICM20648_OK;
01557 }
01559 void ICM20648::irq_handler(void)
01560 {
01562 }