This code holds the complete demo set for the sx1280: PingPong, PER and Ranging Outdoor demo application. >>>>> This code MUST run on the mbed library release 127 or everything will be painfully slow.

Dependencies:   mbed SX1280Lib DmTftLibrary

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00001 /*
00002   ______                              _
00003  / _____)             _              | |
00004 ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
00005  \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
00006  _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
00007 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
00008     (C)2016 Semtech
00010 Description: Display driver header
00012 Maintainer: Gregory Cristian & Gilbert Menth
00013 */
00015 #ifndef TFT_DISPLAY_DRIVER_H
00016 #define TFT_DISPLAY_DRIVER_H
00019 #include "DmTftBase.h"
00022 #define SCREEN_WIDTH                240
00023 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT               320
00025 #define TEXT_COLOR                  WHITE
00026 #define BACK_COLOR                  BLACK
00027 #define PAGE_COLOR                  CYAN
00028 #define OBJECT_ERROR                RED
00029 #define BUTTON_BORDER               BLUE
00030 #define MENU_TEXT                   GREEN
00031 #define TEXT_VALUE                  YELLOW
00032 #define CIRCLE_FCOLOR               GRAY1
00035 typedef enum
00036 {
00037     GO_STATUS_NOERR,
00039     GO_STATUS_BAD_ARG,
00041 }GraphObjectStatus_t;
00043 typedef enum
00044 {
00045     GO_TEXT,
00046     GO_RECTANGLE,
00047     GO_CIRCLE,
00048     GO_TRIANGLE,
00049     GO_IMAGE,
00050     GO_LINE,
00051 }GraphObjectType_t;
00053 typedef struct
00054 {
00055     uint8_t             Id;
00056     GraphObjectType_t   Type;
00057     uint16_t            Xpos;
00058     uint16_t            Ypos;
00059     uint16_t            Height;
00060     uint16_t            Width;
00061     uint16_t            LineWidth;
00062     uint16_t            BackColor;
00063     uint16_t            FrontColor;
00064     bool                DoFill;
00065     uint16_t            FillColor;
00066     uint8_t*            Source;
00067     bool                TouchActive;
00068 }GraphObject_t;
00071 /*!
00072  * \brief Initialses the hardware and variables associated with the display.
00073  */
00074  void DisplayDriverInit( void );
00076 /*!
00077  * \brief Calibrates the touch screen.
00078  */
00079 void DisplayDriverCalibrate( void );
00081 /*!
00082  * \brief Draws a graphical object.
00083  *
00084  * \param [in]  *goObject     Object to draw.
00085  * \param [in]  *source       If object is a text : *source is the text to print
00086  *                            If object is a image: *source is the image
00087  *                            For the other type of goObject, *source is ignored
00088  * \param [in]  doFill        Indicate if the goObject (only for GO_RECTANGLE,
00089  *                            GO_CIRCLE & GO_TRIANGLE) should be filled or not.
00090  * \param [in]  activeTouch   Indicate if the coordinates of the goObject can be
00091  *                            used for touchscreen or not.
00092  * \retval      status        GO_STATUS_NOERR if ok or,
00093  *                            GO_STATUS_BAD_COORD if the object go out of screen
00094  */
00095 GraphObjectStatus_t GraphObjectDraw( GraphObject_t* goObject, uint8_t* source, \
00096                                      bool doFill, bool activeTouch);
00098 /*!
00099  * \brief Clear a graphical object.
00100  *
00101  * \param [in]  *goObject     Object to clear.
00102  * \param [in]  doFill        Indicate if the goObject (only for GO_RECTANGLE,
00103  *                            GO_CIRCLE & GO_TRIANGLE) should be filled or not.
00104  * \retval      status        GO_STATUS_NOERR if ok or,
00105  *                            GO_STATUS_BAD_COORD if the object go out of screen
00106  */
00107 GraphObjectStatus_t GraphObjectClear( GraphObject_t* goObject, bool doFill );
00109 /*!
00110  * \brief Get the first object that have the touched coordinate (if activateTouch
00111  *        of the object is TRUE).
00112  *
00113  * \param [in]  *objects      Tab of grophical objects.
00114  * \param [in]  objectsCount  Indicate the numbre of goObject in the tab.
00115  * \param [out] touchedObject Put the ID of the first touched and activated 
00116  *                            object of the tab.
00117  * \retval      status        GO_STATUS_NOERR if ok.
00118  */
00119 GraphObjectStatus_t GraphObjectTouched( GraphObject_t* objects, \
00120                                         uint8_t objectsCount, \
00121                                         uint8_t* touchedObject);
00123 /*!
00124  * \brief Draws a logo on the display.
00125  *
00126  * \param [in]  *thisBmp      The file to be printed onto the display.
00127  * \param [in]  xPos          Position across the display in pixels for the top
00128  *                            right corner of the logo starting at the left edge
00129  *                            of display.
00130  * \param [in]  yPos          Position across the display in pixels for the top
00131  *                            right corner of the logo starting at the top of
00132  *                            the display.
00133  */
00134 void DisplayDriverDrawLogo( uint8_t *thisBmp, uint8_t xPos, uint8_t yPos );
00136 #endif //TFT_DISPLAY_DRIVER_H