LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation

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00001 /*!
00002  * \file      LoRaMac-api-v3.h
00003  *
00004  * \brief     LoRa MAC wrapper layer implementation
00005  *
00006  * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
00007  *
00008  * \code
00009  *                ______                              _
00010  *               / _____)             _              | |
00011  *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
00012  *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
00013  *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
00014  *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
00015  *              (C)2013 Semtech
00016  *
00017  *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
00018  *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
00019  *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
00020  *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
00021  *              embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
00022  *
00023  * \endcode
00024  *
00025  * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
00026  *
00027  * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
00028  *
00029  * \author    Daniel Jäckle ( STACKFORCE )
00030  */
00031 #ifndef __LORAMAC_API_V3_H__
00032 #define __LORAMAC_API_V3_H__
00034 // Includes board dependent definitions such as channels frequencies
00035 #include "LoRaMac.h"
00036 #include "LoRaMac-board.h"
00038 /*!
00039  * Beacon interval in us
00040  */
00041 #define BEACON_INTERVAL                             128000000
00043 /*!
00044  * Class A&B receive delay 1 in us
00045  */
00046 #define RECEIVE_DELAY1                              1000000
00048 /*!
00049  * Class A&B receive delay 2 in us
00050  */
00051 #define RECEIVE_DELAY2                              2000000
00053 /*!
00054  * Join accept receive delay 1 in us
00055  */
00056 #define JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1                          5000000
00058 /*!
00059  * Join accept receive delay 2 in us
00060  */
00061 #define JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2                          6000000
00063 /*!
00064  * Class A&B maximum receive window delay in us
00065  */
00066 #define MAX_RX_WINDOW                               3000000
00068 /*!
00069  * Maximum allowed gap for the FCNT field
00070  */
00071 #define MAX_FCNT_GAP                                16384
00073 /*!
00074  * ADR acknowledgement counter limit
00075  */
00076 #define ADR_ACK_LIMIT                               64
00078 /*!
00079  * Number of ADR acknowledgement requests before returning to default datarate
00080  */
00081 #define ADR_ACK_DELAY                               32
00083 /*!
00084  * Number of seconds after the start of the second reception window without
00085  * receiving an acknowledge.
00086  * AckTimeout = \ref ACK_TIMEOUT + Random( -\ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND, \ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND )
00087  */
00088 #define ACK_TIMEOUT                                 2000000
00090 /*!
00091  * Random number of seconds after the start of the second reception window without
00092  * receiving an acknowledge
00093  * AckTimeout = \ref ACK_TIMEOUT + Random( -\ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND, \ref ACK_TIMEOUT_RND )
00094  */
00095 #define ACK_TIMEOUT_RND                             1000000
00097 /*!
00098  * Check the Mac layer state every MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT in us
00099  */
00100 #define MAC_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT                     1000000
00102 /*!
00103  * Maximum number of times the MAC layer tries to get an acknowledge.
00104  */
00105 #define MAX_ACK_RETRIES                             8
00107 /*!
00108  * RSSI free threshold [dBm]
00109  */
00110 #define RSSI_FREE_TH                                ( int8_t )( -90 )
00112 /*!
00113  * Frame direction definition for up-link communications
00114  */
00115 #define UP_LINK                                     0
00117 /*!
00118  * Frame direction definition for down-link communications
00119  */
00120 #define DOWN_LINK                                   1
00122 /*!
00123  * Sets the length of the LoRaMAC footer field.
00124  * Mainly indicates the MIC field length
00125  */
00126 #define LORAMAC_MFR_LEN                             4
00128 /*!
00129  * Syncword for Private LoRa networks
00130  */
00131 #define LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD                   0x12
00133 /*!
00134  * Syncword for Public LoRa networks
00135  */
00136 #define LORA_MAC_PUBLIC_SYNCWORD                    0x34
00138 /*!
00139  * LoRaMAC event flags
00140  */
00141 typedef union
00142 {
00143     uint8_t Value;
00144     struct
00145     {
00146         uint8_t Tx              : 1;
00147         uint8_t Rx              : 1;
00148         uint8_t RxData          : 1;
00149         uint8_t Multicast       : 1;
00150         uint8_t RxSlot          : 2;
00151         uint8_t LinkCheck       : 1;
00152         uint8_t JoinAccept      : 1;
00153     }Bits;
00154 }LoRaMacEventFlags_t ;
00156 /*!
00157  * LoRaMAC event information
00158  */
00159 typedef struct
00160 {
00161     LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t  Status;
00162     bool TxAckReceived;
00163     uint8_t TxNbRetries;
00164     uint8_t TxDatarate;
00165     uint8_t RxPort;
00166     uint8_t *RxBuffer;
00167     uint8_t RxBufferSize;
00168     int16_t RxRssi;
00169     uint8_t RxSnr;
00170     uint16_t Energy;
00171     uint8_t DemodMargin;
00172     uint8_t NbGateways;
00173 }LoRaMacEventInfo_t ;
00175 /*!
00176  * LoRaMAC events structure
00177  * Used to notify upper layers of MAC events
00178  */
00179 typedef struct sLoRaMacCallbacks 
00180 {
00181     /*!
00182      * MAC layer event callback prototype.
00183      *
00184      * \param [IN] flags Bit field indicating the MAC events occurred
00185      * \param [IN] info  Details about MAC events occurred
00186      */
00187     void ( *MacEvent  )( LoRaMacEventFlags_t  *flags, LoRaMacEventInfo_t  *info );
00188     /*!
00189      * Function callback to get the current battery level
00190      *
00191      * \retval batteryLevel Current battery level
00192      */
00193     uint8_t ( *GetBatteryLevel  )( void );
00194 }LoRaMacCallbacks_t ;
00196 /*!
00197  * LoRaMAC layer initialization
00198  *
00199  * \param [IN] callbacks     Pointer to a structure defining the LoRaMAC
00200  *                           callback functions.
00201  */
00202 void LoRaMacInit( LoRaMacCallbacks_t  *callbacks );
00204 /*!
00205  * Enables/Disables the ADR (Adaptive Data Rate)
00206  *
00207  * \param [IN] enable [true: ADR ON, false: ADR OFF]
00208  */
00209 void LoRaMacSetAdrOn( bool enable );
00211 /*!
00212  * Initializes the network IDs. Device address,
00213  * network session AES128 key and application session AES128 key.
00214  *
00215  * \remark To be only used when Over-the-Air activation isn't used.
00216  *
00217  * \param [IN] netID   24 bits network identifier
00218  *                     ( provided by network operator )
00219  * \param [IN] devAddr 32 bits device address on the network
00220  *                     (must be unique to the network)
00221  * \param [IN] nwkSKey Pointer to the network session AES128 key array
00222  *                     ( 16 bytes )
00223  * \param [IN] appSKey Pointer to the application session AES128 key array
00224  *                     ( 16 bytes )
00225  */
00226 void LoRaMacInitNwkIds( uint32_t netID, uint32_t devAddr, uint8_t *nwkSKey, uint8_t *appSKey );
00228 /*
00229  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMulticastChannelLink.
00230  */
00231 void LoRaMacMulticastChannelAdd( MulticastParams_t  *channelParam );
00233 /*
00234  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMulticastChannelUnlink.
00235  */
00236 void LoRaMacMulticastChannelRemove( MulticastParams_t  *channelParam );
00238 /*!
00239  * Initiates the Over-the-Air activation
00240  *
00241  * \param [IN] devEui Pointer to the device EUI array ( 8 bytes )
00242  * \param [IN] appEui Pointer to the application EUI array ( 8 bytes )
00243  * \param [IN] appKey Pointer to the application AES128 key array ( 16 bytes )
00244  *
00245  * \retval status [0: OK, 1: Tx error, 2: Already joined a network]
00246  */
00247 uint8_t LoRaMacJoinReq( uint8_t *devEui, uint8_t *appEui, uint8_t *appKey );
00249 /*!
00250  * Sends a LinkCheckReq MAC command on the next uplink frame
00251  *
00252  * \retval status Function status [0: OK, 1: Busy]
00253  */
00254 uint8_t LoRaMacLinkCheckReq( void );
00256 /*!
00257  * LoRaMAC layer send frame
00258  *
00259  * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port (must be > 0)
00260  * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
00261  * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
00262  *
00263  * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
00264  *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command
00265  *                          5: Unable to find a free channel
00266  *                          6: Device switched off]
00267  */
00268 uint8_t LoRaMacSendFrame( uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
00270 /*!
00271  * LoRaMAC layer send frame
00272  *
00273  * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port (must be > 0)
00274  * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
00275  * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
00276  * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
00277  * \param [IN] nbRetries   Number of retries to receive the acknowledgement
00278  *
00279  * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
00280  *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command
00281  *                          5: Unable to find a free channel
00282  *                          6: Device switched off]
00283  */
00284 uint8_t LoRaMacSendConfirmedFrame( uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize, uint8_t nbRetries );
00286 /*!
00287  * ============================================================================
00288  * = LoRaMac test functions                                                   =
00289  * ============================================================================
00290  */
00292 /*!
00293  * LoRaMAC layer generic send frame
00294  *
00295  * \param [IN] macHdr      MAC header field
00296  * \param [IN] fOpts       MAC commands buffer
00297  * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port
00298  * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
00299  * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
00300  * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
00301  *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command
00302  *                          5: Unable to find a free channel
00303  *                          6: Device switched off]
00304  */
00305 uint8_t LoRaMacSend( LoRaMacHeader_t  *macHdr, uint8_t *fOpts, uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
00307 /*!
00308  * LoRaMAC layer frame buffer initialization.
00309  *
00310  * \param [IN] channel     Channel parameters
00311  * \param [IN] macHdr      MAC header field
00312  * \param [IN] fCtrl       MAC frame control field
00313  * \param [IN] fOpts       MAC commands buffer
00314  * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port
00315  * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
00316  * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
00317  * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: N/A, 2: No network joined,
00318  *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command]
00319  */
00320 uint8_t LoRaMacPrepareFrame( ChannelParams_t  channel,LoRaMacHeader_t  *macHdr, LoRaMacFrameCtrl_t  *fCtrl, uint8_t *fOpts, uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
00322 /*!
00323  * LoRaMAC layer prepared frame buffer transmission with channel specification
00324  *
00325  * \remark LoRaMacPrepareFrame must be called at least once before calling this
00326  *         function.
00327  *
00328  * \param [IN] channel     Channel parameters
00329  * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy]
00330  */
00331 uint8_t LoRaMacSendFrameOnChannel( ChannelParams_t  channel );
00333 /*!
00334  * LoRaMAC layer generic send frame with channel specification
00335  *
00336  * \param [IN] channel     Channel parameters
00337  * \param [IN] macHdr      MAC header field
00338  * \param [IN] fCtrl       MAC frame control field
00339  * \param [IN] fOpts       MAC commands buffer
00340  * \param [IN] fPort       MAC payload port
00341  * \param [IN] fBuffer     MAC data buffer to be sent
00342  * \param [IN] fBufferSize MAC data buffer size
00343  * \retval status          [0: OK, 1: Busy, 2: No network joined,
00344  *                          3: Length or port error, 4: Unknown MAC command]
00345  */
00346 uint8_t LoRaMacSendOnChannel( ChannelParams_t  channel, LoRaMacHeader_t  *macHdr, LoRaMacFrameCtrl_t  *fCtrl, uint8_t *fOpts, uint8_t fPort, void *fBuffer, uint16_t fBufferSize );
00348 /*!
00349  * ============================================================================
00350  * = LoRaMac setup functions                                                  =
00351  * ============================================================================
00352  */
00354 /*
00355  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00356  * set the LoRaWan device class.
00357  */
00358 void LoRaMacSetDeviceClass( DeviceClass_t  deviceClass );
00360 /*
00361  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00362  * set the network type to public or private.
00363  */
00364 void LoRaMacSetPublicNetwork( bool enable );
00366 /*
00367  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacChannelAdd.
00368  */
00369 void LoRaMacSetChannel( uint8_t id, ChannelParams_t  params );
00371 /*
00372  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00373  * set the receive window 2 channel.
00374  */
00375 void LoRaMacSetRx2Channel( Rx2ChannelParams_t  param );
00377 /*!
00378  * Sets channels tx output power
00379  *
00380  * \param [IN] txPower [TX_POWER_20_DBM, TX_POWER_14_DBM,
00381                         TX_POWER_11_DBM, TX_POWER_08_DBM,
00382                         TX_POWER_05_DBM, TX_POWER_02_DBM]
00383  */
00384 void LoRaMacSetChannelsTxPower( int8_t txPower );
00386 /*!
00387  * Sets channels datarate
00388  *
00389  * \param [IN] datarate eu868 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4, DR_5, DR_6, DR_7]
00390  *                      us915 - [DR_0, DR_1, DR_2, DR_3, DR_4]
00391  */
00392 void LoRaMacSetChannelsDatarate( int8_t datarate );
00394 /*
00395  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00396  * set the channels mask.
00397  */
00398 void LoRaMacSetChannelsMask( uint16_t *mask );
00400 /*
00401  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00402  * set the number of repetitions on a channel.
00403  */
00404 void LoRaMacSetChannelsNbRep( uint8_t nbRep );
00406 /*
00407  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00408  * set the maximum receive window duration in [us].
00409  */
00410 void LoRaMacSetMaxRxWindow( uint32_t delay );
00412 /*
00413  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00414  * set the receive delay 1 in [us].
00415  */
00416 void LoRaMacSetReceiveDelay1( uint32_t delay );
00418 /*
00419  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00420  * set the receive delay 2 in [us].
00421  */
00422 void LoRaMacSetReceiveDelay2( uint32_t delay );
00424 /*
00425  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00426  * set the join accept delay 1 in [us].
00427  */
00428 void LoRaMacSetJoinAcceptDelay1( uint32_t delay );
00430 /*
00431  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm to
00432  * set the join accept delay 2 in [us].
00433  */
00434 void LoRaMacSetJoinAcceptDelay2( uint32_t delay );
00436 /*
00437  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm to
00438  * get the up-link counter.
00439  */
00440 uint32_t LoRaMacGetUpLinkCounter( void );
00442 /*
00443  * Wrapper function which calls \ref LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm to
00444  * get the down-link counter.
00445  */
00446 uint32_t LoRaMacGetDownLinkCounter( void );
00448 /*
00449  * ============================================================================
00450  * = LoRaMac test functions                                                   =
00451  * ============================================================================
00452  */
00454 /*!
00455  * Disables/Enables the duty cycle enforcement (EU868)
00456  *
00457  * \param   [IN] enable - Enabled or disables the duty cycle
00458  */
00459 void LoRaMacTestSetDutyCycleOn ( bool enable );
00461 /*!
00462  * Disables/Enables the reception windows opening
00463  *
00464  * \param [IN] enable [true: enable, false: disable]
00465  */
00466 void LoRaMacTestRxWindowsOn ( bool enable );
00468 /*!
00469  * Enables the MIC field test
00470  *
00471  * \param [IN] upLinkCounter Fixed Tx packet counter value
00472  */
00473 void LoRaMacTestSetMic ( uint16_t upLinkCounter );
00475 #endif /* __LORAMAC_API_V3_H__ */