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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
BLEDeviceThe base class used to abstract away BLE capable radio transceivers or SOCs, to enable this BLE API to work with any radio transparently
BLEDeviceInstanceBaseThe interface for the transport object to be created by the target library's createBLEDeviceInstance()
GapThe base class used to abstract GAP functionality to a specific radio transceiver, SOC or BLE Stack
GapAdvertisingDataThis class provides several helper functions to generate properly formatted GAP Advertising and Scan Response data payloads
GapAdvertisingParamsThis class provides a wrapper for the core advertising parameters, including the advertising type (Connectable Undirected, Non Connectable Undirected, etc.), as well as the advertising and timeout intervals
GapEventsThe base class used to abstract away the callback events that can be triggered with the GAP
GattCharacteristicGATT characteristic
GattServerThe base class used to abstract GATT Server functionality to a specific radio transceiver, SOC or BLE Stack
GattServerEventsThe base class used to abstract away the callback events that can be triggered with the GATT Server
GattServiceGATT service
IMU_6AXES_DrvTypeDefIMU_6AXES driver structure definition
IMU_6AXES_InitTypeDefIMU_6AXES init structure definition
MAGNETO_DrvTypeDefMAGNETO driver structure definition
MAGNETO_InitTypeDefMAGNETO init structure definition
GattCharacteristic::PresentationFormatGATT presentation format wrapper
PRESSURE_DrvTypeDefPRESSURE driver structure definition
PRESSURE_InitTypeDefPRESSURE init structure definition