how to control a servo with temp & humidity

Dependencies:   DHT22 Servo mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"   // this tells us to load mbed related functions
00002 #include "Servo.h"  // library for the Servo
00003 #include "DHT22.h"  // library for the Temp&Humidity sensor
00005 DigitalOut myled(LED1);  // used as an output for the sensor
00006 Servo myservo(p10);       // p10 works, using other pins is possible too
00007 DHT22 sensor(p6);        // the pin of the connected grove port
00008 Ticker fan;
00010 void fanFunction()
00011 {
00012     // YOUR CODE HERE: to reverse myservo between 0 and 1
00014 }
00016 // this code runs when the microcontroller starts up
00017 int main()
00018 {
00019     bool status;
00020     float temp = 0;
00021     float hum = 0;
00023     // spin a main loop all the time
00024     while (1) {
00025         // led hearbeat
00026         myled = !myled;
00027         status = sensor.sample();
00029         // sensor checksum successful
00030         if (status) {
00031             // printf the temperature and humidity from the sensor
00032             temp = sensor.getTemperature()/10.0f;
00033             hum = sensor.getHumidity()/10.0f;
00034             printf("Temperature is %f C \r\n", temp); 
00035             printf("Humidity is %f \r\n", hum);
00037             // start fanning if temperature > 25C or humidity > 90%
00038             if(temp > 25 && hum > 80) {
00039                 printf("Starting Fan! \r\n");
00040                 fan.attach(fanFunction,0.5);
00041             } else {
00042                 printf("Stopping Fan! \r\n");
00043                 fan.detach();
00044             }
00045         } else {  // sensor checksum failed
00046             printf("Error reading sample \r\n");
00047         }
00048         wait(2.0f);
00049     }
00050 }