Video library for GR-PEACH

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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00003 * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only
00004 * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This
00005 * software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under
00006 * all applicable laws, including copyright laws.
00016 * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software
00017 * and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software,
00018 * you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the
00019 * following link:
00020 *
00021 * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
00022 *******************************************************************************/
00023 /**************************************************************************//**
00024 * @file         r_vdec.h
00025 * @version      1.00
00026 * $Rev: 199 $
00027 * $Date:: 2014-05-23 16:33:52 +0900#$
00028 * @brief        VDEC driver API definitions
00029 ******************************************************************************/
00031 #ifndef R_VDEC_H
00032 #define R_VDEC_H
00034 /******************************************************************************
00035 Includes   <System Includes> , "Project Includes"
00036 ******************************************************************************/
00037 #include    "r_vdec_user.h"
00040 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00041 extern  "C"
00042 {
00043 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
00046 /******************************************************************************
00047 Macro definitions
00048 ******************************************************************************/
00049 /*! The number of chroma filter TAP coefficient values for Y/C separation */
00050 #define     VDEC_CHRFIL_TAPCOEF_NUM     (9)
00053 /******************************************************************************
00054 Typedef definitions
00055 ******************************************************************************/
00056 /*! Error codes of the VDEC driver */
00057 typedef enum {
00058     VDEC_OK  = 0,                /*!< Normal termination */
00059     VDEC_ERR_CHANNEL ,           /*!< Invalid channel error */
00060     VDEC_ERR_PARAM ,             /*!< Parameter error */
00061     VDEC_ERR_NUM                 /*!< The number of the error codes */
00062 } vdec_error_t ;
00064 /*! VDEC channel */
00065 typedef enum {
00066     VDEC_CHANNEL_0  = 0,         /*!< Channel 0 */
00067     VDEC_CHANNEL_1 ,             /*!< Channel 1 */
00068     VDEC_CHANNEL_NUM             /*!< The number of channels */
00069 } vdec_channel_t ;
00071 /*! On/Off */
00072 typedef enum {
00073     VDEC_OFF     = 0,            /*!< Off */
00074     VDEC_ON      = 1             /*!< On */
00075 } vdec_onoff_t ;
00077 /***********************    For R_VDEC_Initialize       ***********************/
00078 /*! Input pin control */
00079 typedef enum {
00080     VDEC_ADC_VINSEL_VIN1  = 0,       /*!< VIN1 input */
00081     VDEC_ADC_VINSEL_VIN2 ,           /*!< VIN2 input */
00082     VDEC_ADC_VINSEL_NUM              /*!< The number of input pins */
00083 } vdec_adc_vinsel_t ;
00085 /***********************    For R_VDEC_ActivePeriod     ***********************/
00086 /*! Active image period parameter */
00087 typedef struct {
00088     uint16_t    srcleft ;            /*!< Left end of input video signal capturing area */
00089     uint16_t    srctop ;             /*!< Top end of input video signal capturing area */
00090     uint16_t    srcheight ;          /*!< Height of input video signal capturing area */
00091     uint16_t    srcwidth ;           /*!< Width of input video signal capturing area */
00092 } vdec_active_period_t ;
00094 /***********************    For R_VDEC_SyncSeparation   ***********************/
00095 /*! LPF cutoff frequency before vertical sync separation */
00096 typedef enum {
00097     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_NONE  = 0,        /*!< None */
00098     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_94 ,            /*!< 0.94 MHz */
00099     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_67 ,            /*!< 0.67 MHz */
00100     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_54 ,            /*!< 0.54 MHz */
00101     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_47 ,            /*!< 0.47 MHz */
00102     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_34 ,            /*!< 0.34 MHz */
00103     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_27 ,            /*!< 0.27 MHz */
00104     VDEC_LPF_VSYNC_0_23 ,            /*!< 0.23 MHz */
00106 } vdec_lpfvsync_t ;
00107 /*! LPF cutoff frequency before horizontal sync separation */
00108 typedef enum {
00109     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_NONE  = 0,        /*!< None */
00110     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_2_15 ,            /*!< 2.15 MHz */
00111     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_1_88 ,            /*!< 1.88 MHz */
00112     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_1_34 ,            /*!< 1.34 MHz */
00113     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_1_07 ,            /*!< 1.07 MHz */
00114     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_0_94 ,            /*!< 0.94 MHz */
00115     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_0_67 ,            /*!< 0.67 MHz */
00116     VDEC_LPF_HSYNC_0_54 ,            /*!< 0.54 MHz */
00118 } vdec_lpfhsync_t ;
00119 /*! Noise reduction LPF parameter */
00120 typedef struct {
00121     vdec_lpfvsync_t  lpfvsync ;       /*!< LPF cutoff frequency before vertical sync separation */
00122     vdec_lpfhsync_t  lpfhsync ;       /*!< LPF cutoff frequency before horizontal sync separation */
00123 } vdec_noise_rd_lpf_t ;
00124 /*! Reference level operation speed control for composite sync separation (for Hsync signal) */
00125 typedef enum {
00126     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_1  = 0,      /*!< x1 */
00127     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_2 ,          /*!< x2 */
00128     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_4 ,          /*!< x4 */
00129     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_8 ,          /*!< x8 */
00130     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_16 ,         /*!< x16 */
00131     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_32 ,         /*!< x32 */
00132     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_64 ,         /*!< x64 */
00133     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_128 ,        /*!< x128 */
00134     VDEC_VELOCITY_SHIFT_256 ,        /*!< x256 */
00136 } vdec_velocityshift_h_t ;
00137 /*! Auto-slice level setting for composite sync separation circuit */
00138 typedef enum {
00139     VDEC_SLICE_MODE_MANULAL  = 0,    /*!< Manual setting */
00140     VDEC_SLICE_MODE_AUTO_25 ,        /*!< 25% of sync depth (Auto) */
00141     VDEC_SLICE_MODE_AUTO_50 ,        /*!< 50% of sync depth (Auto) */
00142     VDEC_SLICE_MODE_AUTO_75 ,        /*!< 75% of sync depth (Auto) */
00144 } vdec_slicermode_t ;
00145 /*! Clipping level */
00146 typedef enum {
00147     VDEC_CLIP_LV_512  = 0,           /*!< 512 */
00148     VDEC_CLIP_LV_546 ,               /*!< 546 */
00149     VDEC_CLIP_LV_580 ,               /*!< 580 */
00150     VDEC_CLIP_LV_614 ,               /*!< 614 */
00151     VDEC_CLIP_LV_648 ,               /*!< 648 */
00152     VDEC_CLIP_LV_682 ,               /*!< 682 */
00153     VDEC_CLIP_LV_716 ,               /*!< 716 */
00154     VDEC_CLIP_LV_750 ,               /*!< 750 */
00155     VDEC_CLIP_LV_785 ,               /*!< 785 */
00156     VDEC_CLIP_LV_819 ,               /*!< 819 */
00157     VDEC_CLIP_LV_853 ,               /*!< 853 */
00158     VDEC_CLIP_LV_887 ,               /*!< 887 */
00159     VDEC_CLIP_LV_921 ,               /*!< 921 */
00160     VDEC_CLIP_LV_955 ,               /*!< 955 */
00161     VDEC_CLIP_LV_989 ,               /*!< 989 */
00162     VDEC_CLIP_LV_1023 ,              /*!< 1023 */
00163     VDEC_CLIP_LV_NUM
00164 } vdec_ssclipsel_t ;
00165 /*! Sync slicer */
00166 typedef struct {
00167     vdec_velocityshift_h_t   velocityshift_h;    /*!< Reference level operation speed control for
00168                                                      composite sync separation (for Hsync signal) */
00169     vdec_slicermode_t        slicermode_h;       /*!< Auto-slice level setting for composite sync separation circuit
00170                                                      (for Hsync signal) */
00171     vdec_slicermode_t        slicermode_v;       /*!< Auto-slice level setting for composite sync separation circuit
00172                                                      (for Vsync signal) */
00173     uint16_t                syncmaxduty_h;      /*!< Max ratio of horizontal cycle
00174                                                      to horizontal sync signal pulse width */
00175     uint16_t                syncminduty_h;      /*!< Min ratio of horizontal cycle
00176                                                      to horizontal sync signal pulse width */
00177     vdec_ssclipsel_t         ssclipsel ;          /*!< Clipping level */
00178     uint16_t                csyncslice_h;       /*!< Slice level for composite sync signal separation
00179                                                      (for Hsync signal) */
00180     uint16_t                syncmaxduty_v;      /*!< Max ratio of horizontal cycle
00181                                                      to vertical sync signal pulse width */
00182     uint16_t                syncminduty_v;      /*!< Min ratio of horizontal cycle
00183                                                      to horizontal sync signal pulse width */
00184     vdec_onoff_t             vsyncdelay;         /*!< Delays the separated vertical sync signal
00185                                                      for 1/4 horizontal cycle */
00186     uint16_t                vsyncslice ;         /*!< Threshold for vertical sync separation */
00187     uint16_t                csyncslice_v;       /*!< Slice level for composite sync signal separation
00188                                                      (for Vsync signal) */
00189 } vdec_sync_slicer_t ;
00190 /*! Horizontal AFC VBI period operating mode */
00191 typedef enum {
00192     VDEC_HAFCMD_FIX_PHST  = 0,               /*!< Loop gain is fixed and phase comparison is stopped
00193                                                  during VBI period */
00194     VDEC_HAFCMD_FIX_LGRD ,                   /*!< Loop gain is fixed and loop gain is reduced during VBI period */
00195     VDEC_HAFCMD_AUTO_PHST ,                  /*!< Loop gain is automatically controlled and
00196                                                  phase comparison is stopped during VBI period */
00197     VDEC_HAFCMD_AUTO_LGRD ,                  /*!< Loop gain is automatically controlled and loop gain is reduced
00198                                                  during VBI period */
00200 } vdec_hafcmode_t ;
00201 /*! Phase comparator feedback adjust for low sync signal lock stability */
00202 typedef enum {
00203     VDEC_PHDET_DIV_1_1  = 0,                 /*!< 1/1 */
00204     VDEC_PHDET_DIV_1_2 ,                     /*!< 1/2 */
00205     VDEC_PHDET_DIV_1_4 ,                     /*!< 1/4 */
00206     VDEC_PHDET_DIV_1_8 ,                     /*!< 1/8 */
00207     VDEC_PHDET_DIV_1_16 ,                    /*!< 1/16 */
00208     VDEC_PHDET_DIV_1_32 ,                    /*!< 1/32 */
00210 } vdec_phdet_div_t ;
00211 /*! Horizontal AFC parameter */
00212 typedef struct {
00213     uint16_t            hafcgain ;           /*!< Horizontal AFC loop gain */
00214     uint16_t            hafctyp ;            /*!< Horizontal AFC center oscillation frequency */
00215     uint16_t            hafcstart;          /*!< Start line of horizontal AFC normal operation
00216                                                  (VBI process end line) */
00217     vdec_onoff_t         nox2hosc ;           /*!< Disable of horizontal AFC double speed detection */
00218     uint16_t            hafcmax ;            /*!< Maximum oscillation frequency of horizontal AFC */
00219     uint16_t            hafcend;            /*!< End line of horizontal AFC normal operation
00220                                                  (VBI process start line) */
00221     vdec_hafcmode_t      hafcmode ;           /*!< Horizontal AFC VBI period operating mode */
00222     uint16_t            hafcmin ;            /*!< Min oscillation frequency of horizontal AFC */
00223     vdec_onoff_t         phdet_fix ;          /*!< Forcible or LOWGAIN control */
00224     vdec_phdet_div_t     phdet_div ;          /*!< Phase comparator feedback adjust for low sync signal lock stability */
00225 } vdec_horizontal_afc_t ;
00226 /*! Vertical countdown center oscillation frequency */
00227 typedef enum {
00228     VDEC_VCD_FRQ_AUTO  = 0,                  /*!< Auto-detection */
00229     VDEC_VCD_FRQ_50HZ ,                      /*!< 50.00 Hz */
00230     VDEC_VCD_FRQ_59_94HZ ,                   /*!< 59.94 Hz */
00231     VDEC_VCD_FRQ_60HZ ,                      /*!< 60.00 Hz */
00232     VDEC_VCD_FRQ_NUM
00233 } vdec_vcddefault_t ;
00234 /*! Vertical count-down parameter */
00235 typedef struct {
00236     vdec_onoff_t         novcd50_ ;           /*!< Vertical countdown 50-Hz oscillation mode */
00237     vdec_onoff_t         novcd60_ ;           /*!< Vertical countdown 60-Hz (59.94-Hz) oscillation mode */
00238     vdec_vcddefault_t    vcddefault ;         /*!< Vertical countdown center oscillation frequency */
00239     uint16_t            vcdwindow ;          /*!< Vertical countdown sync area */
00240     uint16_t            vcdoffset ;          /*!< Vertical countdown minimum oscillation frequency */
00241 } vdec_vcount_down_t ;
00242 /*! AGC/PGA parameter */
00243 typedef struct {
00244     vdec_onoff_t     agcmode ;                /*!< A/D converter AGC ON/OFF control & PGA switch */
00245     vdec_onoff_t     doreduce ;               /*!< Manual control of sync signal amplitude detection during VBI period */
00246     vdec_onoff_t     noreduce_ ;              /*!< Control of sync signal amplitude detection during VBI period */
00247     uint16_t        agcresponse ;            /*!< AGC response speed */
00248     uint16_t        agclevel ;               /*!< Sync signal reference amplitude */
00249     uint16_t        agcprecis ;              /*!< AGC gain adjustment accuracy */
00250     uint16_t        pga_gain ;               /*!< PGA gain */
00251 } vdec_agc_t ;
00252 /*! Peak luminance value to operate peak limiter */
00253 typedef enum {
00254     VDEC_PEAKLV_LIM_OFF  =0,                 /*!< Limiter OFF */
00255     VDEC_PEAKLV_1008 ,                       /*!< 1008 LSB */
00256     VDEC_PEAKLV_992 ,                        /*!< 992 LSB */
00257     VDEC_PEAKLV_960 ,                        /*!< 960 LSB */
00259 } vdec_peaklevel_t ;
00260 /*! Maximum compression rate of peak limiter */
00261 typedef enum {
00262     VDEC_PEAKRATIO_50  = 0,                  /*!< Compressed up to 50% */
00263     VDEC_PEAKRATIO_25 ,                      /*!< Compressed up to 25% */
00264     VDEC_PEAKRATIO_12_5 ,                    /*!< Compressed up to 12.5% */
00265     VDEC_PEAKRATIO_0 ,                       /*!< Compressed up to 0% */
00267 } vdec_peakratio_t ;
00268 /*! Peak limiter control parameter */
00269 typedef struct {
00270     vdec_peaklevel_t     peaklevel ;          /*!< Peak luminance value limited by peak limiter (video signal level) */
00271     uint16_t            peakattack ;         /*!< Response speed with peak limiter gain decreased */
00272     uint16_t            peakrelease ;        /*!< Response speed with peak limiter gain increased */
00273     vdec_peakratio_t     peakratio ;          /*!< Maximum compression rate of peak limiter */
00274     uint16_t            maxpeaksamples ;     /*!< Allowable number of overflowing pixels */
00275 } vdec_peak_limiter_t ;
00276 /*! Sync separation parameter */
00277 typedef struct {
00278     vdec_noise_rd_lpf_t    * noise_rd_lpf ;       /*!< Noise reduction LPF parameter */
00279     vdec_sync_slicer_t     * sync_slicer ;        /*!< Auto level control sync slicer parameter */
00280     vdec_horizontal_afc_t  * horizontal_afc ;     /*!< Horizontal AFC parameter */
00281     vdec_vcount_down_t     * vcount_down ;        /*!< Vertical count-down parameter */
00282     vdec_agc_t             * agc ;                /*!< AGC/PGA parameter */
00283     vdec_peak_limiter_t    * peak_limiter ;       /*!< Peak limiter control parameter */
00284 } vdec_sync_separation_t ;
00286 /***********************    For R_VDEC_YcSeparation     ***********************/
00287 /*! Over-range control parameter */
00288 typedef struct {
00289     uint16_t        radj_o_level0 ;          /*!< A/D over-threshold level (between levels 0 and 1) */
00290     uint16_t        radj_u_level0 ;          /*!< A/D under-threshold level (between levels 2 and 3) */
00291     uint16_t        radj_o_level1 ;          /*!< A/D over-threshold level (between levels 1 and 2) */
00292     uint16_t        radj_u_level1 ;          /*!< A/D under-threshold level (between levels 1 and 2) */
00293     uint16_t        radj_o_level2 ;          /*!< A/D over-threshold level (between levels 2 and 3) */
00294     uint16_t        radj_u_level2 ;          /*!< A/D under-threshold level (between levels 0 and 1) */
00295     vdec_onoff_t     ucmp_sw ;                /*!< Over-range detection enable */
00296     vdec_onoff_t     dcmp_sw ;                /*!< Under-range detection enable */
00297     vdec_onoff_t     hwide_sw ;               /*!< Horizontal enlargement of over/under-range level */
00298 } vdec_over_range_t ;
00299 /*! Latter-stage BPF select */
00300 typedef enum {
00301     VDEC_LSTG_BPFSEL_BYPASS      = 0,        /*!< Bypass */
00302     VDEC_LSTG_BPFSEL_17TAP       = 1         /*!< 17 TAP */
00303 } vdec_lstg_bpfsel_t ;
00304 /*! Former-stage BPF select */
00305 typedef enum {
00306     VDEC_FSTG_BPFSEL_17TAP       = 0,        /*!< 17 TAP */
00307     VDEC_FSTG_BPFSEL_9TAP        = 1         /*!< 9 TAP */
00308 } vdec_fstg_bpfsel_t ;
00309 /*! Horizontal filter and horizontal/vertical filter bandwidth switch signal */
00310 typedef enum {
00311     VDEC_HFIL_TAP_SEL_17TAP      = 0,        /*!< 17 TAP */
00312     VDEC_HFIL_TAP_SEL_9TAP       = 1         /*!< 9 TAP */
00313 } vdec_hfil_tap_sel_t ;
00314 /*! Mixing ratio of signals after passing filters */
00315 typedef enum {
00316     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_0  = 0,            /*!< 0% */
00317     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_12_5 ,             /*!< 12.5% */
00318     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_25 ,               /*!< 25% */
00319     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_37_5 ,             /*!< 37.5% */
00320     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_50 ,               /*!< 50% */
00321     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_62_5 ,             /*!< 62.5% */
00322     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_75 ,               /*!< 75% */
00323     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_87_5 ,             /*!< 87.5% */
00324     VDEC_FILMIX_RATIO_100 ,              /*!< 100% */
00326 } vdec_filmix_ratio_t ;
00327 /*! Two-dimensional cascade/TAKE-OFF filter mode select */
00328 typedef enum {
00329     VDEC_2DFIL_MDSEL_BYPASS  = 0,        /*!< Bypass */
00330     VDEC_2DFIL_MDSEL_CASCADE ,           /*!< Cascade filter */
00331     VDEC_2DFIL_MDSEL_TAKEOFF ,           /*!< TAKE-OFF filter */
00333 } vdec_2dfil_mdsel_t ;
00334 /*! Two-dimensional cascade filter select */
00335 typedef enum {
00336     VDEC_2D_FIL_SEL_BYPASS       = 0,        /*!< Bypass */
00337     VDEC_2D_FIL_SEL_17TAP        = 1         /*!< 17 TAP */
00338 } vdec_2d_fil_sel_t ;
00339 /*! Y/C separation control parameter */
00340 typedef struct {
00341     uint16_t            k15 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K15 */
00342     uint16_t            k13 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K13 */
00343     uint16_t            k11 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K11 */
00344     uint16_t            k16 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K16 */
00345     uint16_t            k14 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K14 */
00346     uint16_t            k12 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K12 */
00347     uint16_t            k22a ;           /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K22A */
00348     uint16_t            k21a ;           /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K21A */
00349     uint16_t            k22b ;           /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K22B */
00350     uint16_t            k21b ;           /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K21B */
00351     uint16_t            k23b ;           /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K23B */
00352     uint16_t            k23a ;           /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K23A */
00353     uint16_t            k24 ;            /*!< Two-dimensional Y/C separation filter select coefficient, K24 */
00354     vdec_lstg_bpfsel_t   hbpf_narrow ;    /*!< Latter-stage horizontal BPF select */
00355     vdec_lstg_bpfsel_t   hvbpf_narrow ;   /*!< Latter-stage horizontal/vertical BPF select */
00356     vdec_fstg_bpfsel_t   hbpf1_9tap_on ;  /*!< Former-stage horizontal BPF select */
00357     vdec_fstg_bpfsel_t   hvbpf1_9tap_on ; /*!< Former-stage horizontal/vertical BPF select */
00358     vdec_hfil_tap_sel_t  hfil_tap_sel;   /*!< Horizontal filter and horizontal/vertical filter
00359                                              bandwidth switch signal */
00360     vdec_onoff_t         det2_on ;        /*!< Two-dimensional filter mixing select */
00361     vdec_filmix_ratio_t  hsel_mix_y;     /*!< Mixing ratio of signal after passing horizontal filter
00362                                              to signal after passing former-stage horizontal filter */
00363     vdec_filmix_ratio_t  vsel_mix_y;     /*!< Mixing ratio of signal after passing vertical filter
00364                                              to signal after passing former-stage horizontal/vertical filter */
00365     vdec_filmix_ratio_t  hvsel_mix_y;    /*!< Mixing ratio of signal after passing horizontal/vertical filter
00366                                              to signal after passing former-stage horizontal/vertical filter */
00367     uint16_t            v_y_level ;      /*!< Vertical luminance detection level for correlation detection filter */
00368     vdec_filmix_ratio_t  det2_mix_c;     /*!< Mixing ratio of C signal after passing horizontal/vertical adaptive filter
00369                                              to signal after passing correlation detection filter */
00370     vdec_filmix_ratio_t  det2_mix_y;     /*!< Mixing ratio of C signal for Y generation after passing
00371                                              horizontal/vertical adaptive filter to signal
00372                                              after passing correlation detection filter */
00373     vdec_2dfil_mdsel_t   fil2_mode_2d ;   /*!< Two-dimensional cascade/TAKE-OFF filter mode select */
00374     vdec_2d_fil_sel_t    fil2_narrow_2d ; /*!< Two-dimensional cascade filter select */
00375 } vdec_yc_sep_ctrl_t ;
00376 /*! Chroma filter TAP coefficient for Y/C separation */
00377 typedef struct {
00378     uint16_t    fil2_2d_f[VDEC_CHRFIL_TAPCOEF_NUM];     /*!< Chroma filter TAP coefficient 0 to 8 */
00379 } vdec_chrfil_tap_t ;
00380 /*! Y/C separation parameter */
00381 typedef struct {
00382     vdec_over_range_t          * over_range ;     /*!< Over-range control parameter */
00383     vdec_yc_sep_ctrl_t         * yc_sep_ctrl ;    /*!< Y/C separation control parameter */
00384     const vdec_chrfil_tap_t    * fil2_2d_wa;     /*!< Two-dimensional cascade broadband (3.58/4.43/SECAM-DR)/TAKE-OFF
00385                                                      filter TAP coefficient */
00386     const vdec_chrfil_tap_t  * fil2_2d_wb;       /*!< Two-dimensional cascade broadband (SECAM-DB) filter
00387                                                      TAP coefficient */
00388     const vdec_chrfil_tap_t  * fil2_2d_na;       /*!< Two-dimensional cascade narrowband (3.58/4.43/SECAM-DR) filter
00389                                                      TAP coefficient */
00390     const vdec_chrfil_tap_t  * fil2_2d_nb;       /*!< Two-dimensional cascade narrowband (SECAMDB) filter
00391                                                      TAP coefficient */
00392 } vdec_yc_separation_t ;
00394 /***********************    For R_VDEC_ChromaDecoding   ***********************/
00395 /*! Color system */
00396 typedef enum {
00397     VDEC_COL_SYS_NTSC  = 0,                  /*!< NTSC */
00398     VDEC_COL_SYS_PAL ,                       /*!< PAL */
00399     VDEC_COL_SYS_SECAM ,                     /*!< SECAM */
00400     VDEC_COL_SYS_NON ,                       /*!< Not specified/undetectable */
00401     VDEC_COL_SYS_NUM                         /*!< The number of color system settings */
00402 } vdec_color_sys_t ;
00403 /*! Averaging processing for pre-demodulated line */
00404 typedef enum {
00405     VDEC_DEMOD_MD_NO     = 0,                /*!< No processing */
00406     VDEC_DEMOD_MD_PAL    = 2                 /*!< For PAL */
00407 } vdec_demodmode_t ;
00408 /*! Color system detection parameter */
00409 typedef struct {
00410     vdec_color_sys_t     defaultsys ;         /*!< Default color system */
00411     vdec_onoff_t         nontsc358_ ;         /*!< NTSC-M detection control */
00412     vdec_onoff_t         nontsc443_ ;         /*!< NTSC-4.43 detection control */
00413     vdec_onoff_t         nopalm_ ;            /*!< PAL-M detection control */
00414     vdec_onoff_t         nopaln_ ;            /*!< PAL-N detection control */
00415     vdec_onoff_t         nopal443_ ;          /*!< PAL-B, G, H, I, D detection control */
00416     vdec_onoff_t         nosecam_ ;           /*!< SECAM detection control */
00417     uint16_t            lumadelay ;          /*!< Luminance signal delay adjustment */
00418     vdec_onoff_t         chromalpf ;          /*!< LPF for demodulated chroma */
00419     vdec_demodmode_t     demodmode ;          /*!< Averaging processing for pre-demodulated line */
00420 } vdec_chrmdec_ctrl_t ;
00421 /*! Burst lock PLL lock range */
00422 typedef enum {
00423     VDEC_LOCK_RANGE_400HZ  = 0,              /*!< +-400 Hz */
00424     VDEC_LOCK_RANGE_800HZ ,                  /*!< +-800 Hz */
00425     VDEC_LOCK_RANGE_1200HZ ,                 /*!< +-1200 Hz */
00426     VDEC_LOCK_RANGE_1600HZ ,                 /*!< +-1600 Hz */
00428 } vdec_lockrange_t ;
00429 /*! BCO parameter */
00430 typedef struct {
00431     vdec_lockrange_t     lockrange ;          /*!< Burst lock PLL lock range */
00432     uint16_t            loopgain ;           /*!< Burst lock PLL loop gain */
00433     uint16_t            locklimit ;          /*!< Level for burst lock PLL to re-search free-run frequency */
00434     uint16_t            bgpcheck ;           /*!< burst gate pulse position check */
00435     uint16_t            bgpwidth ;           /*!< burst gate pulse width */
00436     uint16_t            bgpstart ;           /*!< burst gate pulse start position */
00437 } vdec_burst_lock_t ;
00438 /*! ACC operating mode */
00439 typedef enum {
00440     VDEC_ACC_MD_AUTO     = 0,                /*!< Auto gain */
00441     VDEC_ACC_MD_MANUAL   = 1                 /*!< Manual gain */
00442 } vdec_accmode_t ;
00443 /*! Maximum ACC gain */
00444 typedef enum {
00445     VDEC_ACC_MAX_GAIN_6  = 0,                /*!< 6 times */
00446     VDEC_ACC_MAX_GAIN_8 ,                    /*!< 8 times */
00447     VDEC_ACC_MAX_GAIN_12 ,                   /*!< 12 times */
00448     VDEC_ACC_MAX_GAIN_16 ,                   /*!< 16 times */
00450 } vdec_accmaxgain_t ;
00451 /*! Chroma manual gain (sub) */
00452 typedef enum {
00453     VDEC_CHRM_SB_GAIN_1  = 0,                /*!< 1 time */
00454     VDEC_CHRM_SB_GAIN_2 ,                    /*!< 2 times */
00455     VDEC_CHRM_SB_GAIN_4 ,                    /*!< 4 times */
00456     VDEC_CHRM_SB_GAIN_8 ,                    /*!< 8 times */
00458 } vdec_chrm_subgain_t ;
00459 /*! ACC and color killer parameter */
00460 typedef struct {
00461     vdec_accmode_t       accmode ;            /*!< ACC operating mode */
00462     vdec_accmaxgain_t    accmaxgain ;         /*!< Maximum ACC Gain */
00463     uint16_t            acclevel ;           /*!< ACC reference color burst amplitude */
00464     vdec_chrm_subgain_t  chromasubgain ;      /*!< Chroma manual gain (sub) */
00465     uint16_t            chromamaingain ;     /*!< Chroma manual gain (main) */
00466     uint16_t            accresponse ;        /*!< ACC response speed */
00467     uint16_t            accprecis ;          /*!< ACC gain adjustment accuracy */
00468     vdec_onoff_t         killermode ;         /*!< Forced color killer mode ON/OFF */
00469     uint16_t            killerlevel ;        /*!< Color killer operation start point */
00470     uint16_t            killeroffset ;       /*!< Color killer offset */
00471 } vdec_acc_t ;
00472 /*! TINT correction/R-Y axis correction parameter (only valid for NTSC/PAL) */
00473 typedef struct {
00474     uint16_t    tintsub ;                    /*!< Fine adjustment of R-Y demodulation axis */
00475     uint16_t    tintmain ;                   /*!< Hue adjustment level */
00476 } vdec_tint_ry_t ;
00477 /*! Chroma decoding parameter */
00478 typedef struct {
00479     vdec_chrmdec_ctrl_t    * chrmdec_ctrl ;   /*!< Color system detection parameter */
00480     vdec_burst_lock_t      * burst_lock ;     /*!< BCO parameter */
00481     vdec_acc_t             * acc ;            /*!< ACC and color killer parameter */
00482     vdec_tint_ry_t         * tint_ry ;        /*!< TINT correction/R-Y axis correction parameter */
00483 } vdec_chroma_decoding_t ;
00485 /***********************    For R_VDEC_DigitalClamp     ***********************/
00486 /*! Clamp level setting mode */
00487 typedef enum {
00488     VDEC_DCPMODE_MANUAL  = 0,                /*!< Manual clamp level setting */
00489     VDEC_DCPMODE_AUTO    = 1                 /*!< Auto clamp level setting */
00490 } vdec_dcpmode_t ;
00491 /*! Pedestal clamp parameter */
00492 typedef struct {
00493     vdec_dcpmode_t       dcpmode_y ;          /*!< Clamp level setting mode (Y signal) */
00494     uint16_t            blanklevel_y ;       /*!< Clamp offset level (Y signal) */
00495     uint16_t            dcppos_y ;           /*!< Digital clamp pulse horizontal start position (Y signal) */
00496 } vdec_pedestal_clamp_t ;
00497 /*! Center clamp parameter */
00498 typedef struct {
00499     vdec_dcpmode_t       dcpmode_c ;          /*!< Clamp level setting mode (Cb/Cr signal) */
00500     uint16_t            blanklevel_cb ;      /*!< Clamp offset level (Cb signal) */
00501     uint16_t            blanklevel_cr ;      /*!< Clamp offset level (Cr signal) */
00502     uint16_t            dcppos_c ;           /*!< Digital clamp pulse horizontal start position (Cb/Cr signal) */
00503 } vdec_center_clamp_t ;
00504 /*! Video signal for autocorrelation function */
00505 typedef enum {
00506     VDEC_ACFINPUT_Y  = 0,                    /*!< Y signal */
00507     VDEC_ACFINPUT_CB ,                       /*!< Cb signal */
00508     VDEC_ACFINPUT_CR ,                       /*!< Cr signal */
00510 } vdec_acfinput_t ;
00511 /*! Noise detection parameter */
00512 typedef struct {
00513     vdec_acfinput_t      acfinput ;           /*!< Video signal for autocorrelation function */
00514     uint16_t            acflagtime ;         /*!< Delay time for autocorrelation function calculation */
00515     uint16_t            acffilter ;          /*!< Smoothing parameter of autocorrelation function data */
00516 } vdec_noise_det_t ;
00517 /*! Digital clamp parameter */
00518 typedef struct {
00519     vdec_onoff_t             dcpcheck ;       /*!< Digital clamp pulse position check */
00520     uint16_t                dcpresponse ;    /*!< Digital clamp response speed */
00521     uint16_t                dcpstart ;       /*!< Digital clamp start line */
00522     uint16_t                dcpend ;         /*!< Digital clamp end line */
00523     uint16_t                dcpwidth ;       /*!< Digital clamp pulse width */
00524     vdec_pedestal_clamp_t  * pedestal_clamp ; /*!< Pedestal clamp parameter */
00525     vdec_center_clamp_t    * center_clamp ;   /*!< Center clamp parameter */
00526     vdec_noise_det_t       * noise_det ;      /*!< Noise detection parameter */
00527 } vdec_degital_clamp_t ;
00529 /***********************    For R_VDEC_Output           ***********************/
00530 /*! Output adjustment parameter */
00531 typedef struct {
00532     uint16_t    y_gain2 ;                /*!< Y signal gain coefficient */
00533     uint16_t    cb_gain2 ;               /*!< Cb signal gain coefficient */
00534     uint16_t    cr_gain2 ;               /*!< Cr signal gain coefficient */
00535 } vdec_output_t ;
00537 /***********************    For R_VDEC_Query            ***********************/
00538 /*! Answer */
00539 typedef enum {
00540     VDEC_NO          = 0,            /*!< No */
00541     VDEC_YES         = 1             /*!< Yes */
00542 } vdec_answer_t ;
00543 /*! Lock state */
00544 typedef enum {
00545     VDEC_UNLOCK      = 0,            /*!< Unlocked */
00546     VDEC_LOCK        = 1             /*!< Locked */
00547 } vdec_lock_t ;
00548 /*! Speed detection result */
00549 typedef enum {
00550     VDEC_FHMD_NORMAL         = 0,    /*!< Normal speed */
00551     VDEC_FHMD_MULTIPLIED     = 1     /*!< Multiplied speed */
00552 } vdec_fhmode_t ;
00553 /*! Vertical countdown oscillation mode */
00554 typedef enum {
00555     VDEC_FVMD_50HZ   = 0,            /*!< 50 Hz */
00556     VDEC_FVMD_60HZ   = 1             /*!< 60 Hz */
00557 } vdec_fvmode_t ;
00558 /*! Color sub-carrier frequency detection result */
00559 typedef enum {
00560     VDEC_FSCMD_3_58      = 0,        /*!< 3.58 MHz */
00561     VDEC_FSCMD_4_43      = 1         /*!< 4.43 MHz */
00562 } vdec_fscmode_t ;
00563 /*! Sync separation parameters (for query) */
00564 typedef struct {
00565     vdec_lock_t      fhlock ;         /*!< Horizontal AFC lock detection result */
00566     vdec_answer_t    isnoisy ;        /*!< Detection result of low S/N signal by sync separation */
00567     vdec_fhmode_t    fhmode ;         /*!< Speed detection result */
00568     vdec_answer_t    nosignal_ ;      /*!< No-signal detection result */
00569     vdec_lock_t      fvlock ;         /*!< Vertical countdown lock detection result */
00570     vdec_fvmode_t    fvmode ;         /*!< Vertical countdown oscillation mode */
00571     vdec_answer_t    interlaced ;     /*!< Interlace detection result */
00572     uint16_t        fvcount ;        /*!< Vertical cycle measurement result */
00573     uint32_t        fhcount ;        /*!< Horizontal AFC oscillation cycle */
00574     vdec_answer_t    isreduced ;      /*!< Sync amplitude detection result during VBI period */
00575     uint16_t        syncdepth ;      /*!< Sync pulse amplitude detection result */
00576 } vdec_q_sync_sep_t ;
00577 /*! AGC parameters (for query) */
00578 typedef struct {
00579     uint16_t    highsamples;        /*!< Number of pixels which have larger luminance value than peak luminance
00580                                          limited by peak limiter */
00581     uint16_t    peaksamples ;        /*!< Number of overflowing pixels */
00582     uint16_t    agcconverge ;        /*!< AGC convergence detection result */
00583     uint16_t    agcgain ;            /*!< Current AGC gain value */
00584 } vdec_q_agc_t ;
00585 /*! Chroma decoding parameters (for query) */
00586 typedef struct {
00587     vdec_color_sys_t     colorsys ;   /*!< Color system detection result */
00588     vdec_fscmode_t       fscmode ;    /*!< Color sub-carrier frequency detection result */
00589     vdec_lock_t          fsclock ;    /*!< Burst lock PLL lock state detection result */
00590     vdec_answer_t        noburst_ ;   /*!< Color burst detection result */
00591     vdec_chrm_subgain_t  accsubgain ; /*!< Current ACC gain value (sub) */
00592     uint16_t            accmaingain ;/*!< Current ACC gain value (main) */
00593     vdec_answer_t        issecam ;    /*!< SECAM detection result */
00594     vdec_answer_t        ispal ;      /*!< PAL detection result */
00595     vdec_answer_t        isntsc ;     /*!< NTSC detection result */
00596     uint16_t            locklevel ;  /*!< Low S/N signal detection result by burst lock PLL */
00597 } vdec_q_chroma_dec_t ;
00598 /*! Digital clamp parameters (for query) */
00599 typedef struct {
00600     uint16_t    clamplevel_cb ;      /*!< Digital clamp subtraction value (Cb signal) */
00601     uint16_t    clamplevel_y ;       /*!< Digital clamp subtraction value (Y signal) */
00602     uint16_t    clamplevel_cr ;      /*!< Digital clamp subtraction value (Cr signal) */
00603     uint16_t    acfstrength ;        /*!< Noise autocorrelation strength at digital clamp pulse position */
00604 } vdec_q_digital_clamp_t ;
00607 /******************************************************************************
00608 Functions Prototypes
00609 ******************************************************************************/
00610 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_Initialize(
00611     const vdec_channel_t     ch,
00612     const vdec_adc_vinsel_t  vinsel,
00613     void           (* const init_func)(uint32_t),
00614     const uint32_t          user_num);
00615 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_Terminate(const vdec_channel_t  ch, void (* const quit_func)(uint32_t), const uint32_t user_num);
00616 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_ActivePeriod(const vdec_channel_t  ch, const vdec_active_period_t  * const param);
00617 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_SyncSeparation(const vdec_channel_t  ch, const vdec_sync_separation_t  * const param);
00618 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_YcSeparation(const vdec_channel_t  ch, const vdec_yc_separation_t  * const param);
00619 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_ChromaDecoding(const vdec_channel_t  ch, const vdec_chroma_decoding_t  * const param);
00620 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_DigitalClamp(const vdec_channel_t  ch, const vdec_degital_clamp_t  * const param);
00621 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_Output(const vdec_channel_t  ch, const vdec_output_t  * const param);
00622 vdec_error_t  R_VDEC_Query(
00623     const vdec_channel_t             ch,
00624     vdec_q_sync_sep_t        * const q_sync_sep,
00625     vdec_q_agc_t             * const q_agc,
00626     vdec_q_chroma_dec_t      * const q_chroma_dec,
00627     vdec_q_digital_clamp_t   * const q_digital_clamp);
00630 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00631 }
00632 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
00635 #endif  /* R_VDEC_H */