TSL1401 is the line sensor camera.This library is used to read the raw data. modified Polytec paris sud

Fork of TSL1401 by tanabe hitoshi

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00001 #include "TSL1401.h"
00002 #include "FastIO.h"
00003 #include "FastAnalogIn.h"
00004 /* Macro */
00005 #define TAOS_SI_HIGH    TAOS_SI = 1
00006 #define TAOS_SI_LOW     TAOS_SI = 0
00007 #define TAOS_CLK_HIGH   TAOS_CLK = 1
00008 #define TAOS_CLK_LOW    TAOS_CLK = 0
00010 FastAnalogIn AA1(p20,0);
00011 /* Constructor */
00012 TSL1401::TSL1401(PinName s, PinName c, PinName a )
00013 {
00015     SI = s;
00016     CLK = c;
00017     A0 = new AnalogIn( a );
00018 }
00019 /* Destructor */
00020 TSL1401::~TSL1401()
00021 {
00022     if( A0 != NULL)
00023     {
00024         delete  A0;
00025     }
00026 }
00027 /* Image Caputure */
00028 int *TSL1401::Capture( int LineStart, int LineStop)
00029 {
00030     int i;
00031     FastOut<p9> TAOS_SI;
00032     FastOut<p10> TAOS_CLK;
00034  /*   DigitalOut TAOS_SI(SI);
00035     DigitalOut TAOS_CLK(CLK);
00036  */   
00037     Max = 0,Min = 70000;
00038     TAOS_SI_HIGH;
00039     TAOS_CLK_HIGH;
00040     TAOS_SI_LOW;
00041     ImageData[0] = 0;
00042     volatile int *pp=ImageData;
00043     TAOS_CLK_LOW;
00044  /*   for(i = 1; i < LineStart; i++) {        
00045         TAOS_CLK_HIGH; 
00046         TAOS_CLK_HIGH;           
00047         TAOS_CLK_LOW;
00048     }
00049 */
00050     for(i = LineStart; i < LineStop; i++) {                  
00051         TAOS_CLK_HIGH;
00052 //        TAOS_CLK_HIGH;
00053         TAOS_CLK_HIGH;
00054  //       ImageData[i] = A0->read_u16();  // inputs data from camera (one pixel each time through loop) 
00055        // ImageData[i] 
00056             *pp = AA1.read_u16();
00057         TAOS_CLK_LOW;
00058         Max = ( Max < *pp ? *pp : Max);  
00059       //  Max = ( Max < ImageData[i] ? ImageData[i] : Max);  
00060         /*if(Max < ImageData[i]){
00061             Max = ImageData[i];
00062         } 
00063 */
00064         Min = (Min > *pp ? *pp : Min);
00065         pp++;
00066         //Min = (Min > ImageData[i] ? ImageData[i] : Min);
00068     }
00069     return ImageData;
00070 }