This is a basic example how to draw a bitmap on Pokitto screen

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

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00001 /* Pokitto drawBitmap example - draws a Pokitto icon by @trelemar */
00003 #include "Pokitto.h" // include Pokitto library
00004 #include "pokitto_icon.h" // include the Pokitto icon graphics file
00006 Pokitto::Core mygame; //create Pokitto application instance
00008 int main () {
00009     mygame.begin(); // start the application
00010     mygame.display.load565Palette(pokitto_icon_pal); //load the palette for the image
00011     mygame.display.bgcolor=0;
00012     /* the "while" loop runs as long as the program is running */
00013     while (mygame.isRunning()) {
00014         /* mygame.update() is processed whenever it is time to update the screen */
00015         if (mygame.update()) {
00016             mygame.display.drawBitmap(0,0,pokitto_icon); // draw the pokitto_icon graphic
00017             }
00018         }
00020     return 0; // this is "good programming manners". Program informs it ended without errors
00021 }