Armageddon - a missile commad clone by Wuuff, originally for Gamebuino. Conversion by Jonne

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

Fork of Asterocks by Pokitto Community Team

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Show/hide line numbers ageddon.cpp Source File


00001 /* This file was automatically parsed from an Arduino sourcefile  */
00002 /* by PokittoParser v0.1 Copyright 2016 Jonne Valola              */
00005 #include "PokittoCore.h"
00006 #include "PokittoCookie.h"
00008 #define NUM_HIGHSCORES 5
00009 #define NAME_SIZE 10
00010 #define ENTRY_SIZE 15
00012 /* Writing directly to EEPROM is deprecated */
00013 /*
00014 uint32_t highscores[NUM_HIGHSCORES] = {10000,7000,5000,4000,2000};
00015 char names[NUM_HIGHSCORES][NAME_SIZE+1] = {"Crack Shot", "Defender", "Gunner", "We Tried", "No Hope"};
00016 */
00018 /* This is how you do it with the PokittoCookie class !!!*/
00019 class gdata : public Pokitto::Cookie {
00020     public:
00021     uint32_t highscores[NUM_HIGHSCORES];
00022     char names[NUM_HIGHSCORES][NAME_SIZE+1];
00023     int check_number;
00024     gdata() {
00025     }
00026 };
00028 gdata gamedata;
00030 /* Auto-generated function declarations */
00031 void setup();
00032 void nextStage();
00033 void nextLull();
00034 void drawScore();
00035 void drawTargets();
00036 void drawCities();
00037 void drawAmmo();
00038 void drawMissiles();
00039 void drawDetonations();
00040 void launchMissile(uint8_t);
00041 void tryLaunchEnemy();
00042 void stepMissiles();
00043 void stepDetonations();
00044 void stepCollision();
00045 void checkMenu();
00046 void checkWin();
00047 void checkLose();
00048 void stepGame();
00049 void drawLull();
00050 void stepLull();
00051 void stepDead();
00052 void stepPregame();
00053 void loop();
00054 void loadHighscores();
00055 uint8_t isHighscore(uint32_t);
00056 void saveHighscore(uint32_t,char*);
00057 void drawHighscores();
00058 void initSound();
00059 void playSound(uint8_t);
00062 Pokitto::Core gb; // game object
00065 int main() {
00066     setup();
00067     gb.display.setDefaultPalette();
00068     while (gb.isRunning()) {
00069         loop();
00070     }
00071 }
00073 #define WIDTH 110
00074 #define HEIGHT 88
00075 #define TEXT_WIDTH 6
00076 #define TEXT_HEIGHT 8
00078 const byte armageddon[] PROGMEM = {112,88,
00079 B11111111,B11111111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00080 B11111111,B11111111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00081 B11111111,B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001111,B11111100,
00082 B11111111,B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001111,B11111100,
00083 B11111111,B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001111,B11111100,
00084 B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111100,
00085 B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111100,
00086 B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001100,
00087 B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001100,
00088 B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001100,
00089 B00000001,B10000001,B11100000,B00110000,B11000000,B11000000,B00111000,B00111111,B10011110,B00000111,B10000000,B00011000,B00011000,B01100000,
00090 B00000001,B10000001,B11100000,B00110000,B11000000,B11000000,B00111000,B00111111,B10011110,B00000111,B10000000,B00011000,B00011000,B01100000,
00091 B00000001,B10000001,B10011000,B00111001,B11000000,B11000000,B11000110,B00110000,B00011001,B10000110,B01100000,B01100110,B00011100,B01100000,
00092 B00000001,B10000001,B10011000,B00111001,B11000000,B11000000,B11000110,B00110000,B00011001,B10000110,B01100000,B01100110,B00011100,B01100000,
00093 B00000001,B10000001,B10011000,B00111001,B11000000,B11000000,B11000110,B00110000,B00011001,B10000110,B01100000,B01100110,B00011100,B01100000,
00094 B00000110,B01100001,B11111000,B00111001,B11000011,B00110000,B11000000,B00111111,B00011000,B01100110,B00011001,B10000001,B10011011,B01100000,
00095 B00000110,B01100001,B11111000,B00111001,B11000011,B00110000,B11000000,B00111111,B00011000,B01100110,B00011001,B10000001,B10011011,B01100000,
00096 B00000111,B11100001,B10011000,B00110110,B11000011,B11110000,B11001110,B00110000,B00011000,B01100110,B00011001,B10000001,B10011000,B11100000,
00097 B00000111,B11100001,B10011000,B00110110,B11000011,B11110000,B11001110,B00110000,B00011000,B01100110,B00011001,B10000001,B10011000,B11100000,
00098 B00000111,B11100001,B10011000,B00110110,B11000011,B11110000,B11001110,B00110000,B00011000,B01100110,B00011001,B10000001,B10011000,B11100000,
00099 B00000110,B01100001,B10011100,B00110000,B11000011,B00110000,B11000110,B00110000,B00011001,B10000110,B01100000,B01100110,B00011000,B01100000,
00100 B00000110,B01100001,B10001110,B00110000,B11000011,B00110000,B11000110,B00110000,B00011001,B10000110,B01100000,B01100110,B00011000,B01100000,
00101 B00011110,B01111001,B10000110,B00110000,B11001111,B00111100,B00111000,B00111111,B10011110,B00000111,B10000000,B00011000,B00011000,B01100000,
00102 B00011110,B01111001,B10000110,B00110000,B11001111,B00111100,B00111000,B00111111,B10011110,B00000111,B10000000,B00011000,B00011000,B01100000,
00103 B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001100,
00104 B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001100,
00105 B11000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00001100,
00106 B11100000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00011100,
00107 B11100000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00011100,
00108 B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B10000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111100,
00109 B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B10000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111100,
00110 B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B10000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111100,
00111 B11111111,B10000000,B00000000,B00111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11110000,B00000000,B00000111,B11111100,
00112 B11111111,B10000000,B00000000,B00111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11110000,B00000000,B00000111,B11111100,
00113 B11111111,B11110000,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B00111111,B11111100,
00114 B11111111,B11110000,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B00111111,B11111100,
00115 B11111111,B11110000,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B00111111,B11111100,
00116 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00117 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00118 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00119 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00120 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00121 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00122 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00123 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00124 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00125 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111100,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00126 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111100,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00127 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B11111111,B11000000,B00001111,B11111100,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00128 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00129 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00130 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00131 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00132 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00133 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00134 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111110,B01111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111001,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00135 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111100,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00136 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111100,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00137 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B10000000,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111100,B00000111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00138 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000011,B00000000,B00000011,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00139 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000011,B00000000,B00000011,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00140 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00141 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00142 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00143 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00144 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00145 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00146 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00147 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00148 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00149 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00150 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00151 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00152 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00153 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00154 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00155 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00156 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00157 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00158 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00159 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111000,B00000000,B00000000,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00160 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11100000,B00000000,B00000000,B00011111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00161 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11100000,B00000000,B00000000,B00011111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00162 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000011,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,
00163 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000011,B11010101,B01010100,B01000111,B00010001,B01000100,
00164 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000011,B11010101,B01010101,B11011111,B11010101,B01110100,
00165 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B11000101,B01010100,B11001111,B00110101,B01101100,
00166 B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111100,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B11010100,B01000101,B11011111,B00010001,B01011100,
00167 };
00169 /*const byte city[] PROGMEM = {8,8,
00170 B00000000,
00171 B00000000,
00172 B00000000,
00173 B00000000,
00174 B00100010,
00175 B01110110,
00176 B01111110,
00177 B11111111,
00178 };*/
00180 const byte city[] PROGMEM = {8,8,
00181 B00000000,
00182 B00000000,
00183 B00000000,
00184 B00000000,
00185 B01100100,
00186 B01101110,
00187 B01111111,
00188 B11111111,
00189 };
00191 const byte deadcity[] PROGMEM = {8,8,
00192 B00000000,
00193 B00000000,
00194 B00000000,
00195 B00000000,
00196 B00000000,
00197 B00000000,
00198 B00100000,
00199 B01100010,
00200 };
00202 const byte launcher[] PROGMEM = {8,8,
00203 B00011000,
00204 B00011000,
00205 B00011000,
00206 B00100100,
00207 B00100100,
00208 B01000010,
00209 B01000010,
00210 B10000001,
00211 };
00213 const byte deadlauncher[] PROGMEM = {8,8,
00214 B00000000,
00215 B00000000,
00216 B00000000,
00217 B00000000,
00218 B00000000,
00219 B01100110,
00220 B01011010,
00221 B10000001,
00222 };
00224 #define SOUND_PLAUNCH 0
00225 #define SOUND_ELAUNCH 1
00226 #define SOUND_DETONATE 2
00227 #define SOUND_SCORE 3
00228 #define SOUND_DEAD 4
00229 #define SOUND_LOSE 5
00231 #define MODE_PREGAME 0
00232 #define MODE_GAME 1
00233 #define MODE_LULL 2
00234 #define MODE_DEAD 3
00235 #define MODE_POSTDEAD 4
00237 #define TARGET_SPEED 3
00239 #define LAUNCHER_ONE 1
00240 #define LAUNCHER_TWO 2
00241 #define MAX_PMISSILES 10
00242 #define PSPEED 4
00243 #define PRADIUS 7
00244 #define EXPAND 0
00245 #define SHRINK 1
00247 #define MAX_EMISSILES 10
00248 #define MAX_CHANCE 50
00250 // State variables
00251 uint8_t mode = 0;
00252 uint8_t counter = 0;
00253 uint8_t flash = 0;
00254 uint8_t stage = 0; //Maximum of 255 stages
00255 uint32_t score = 0; //Score needs more space than other vars
00257 uint32_t lullMissiles = 0;
00258 uint8_t lullCities[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00260 uint8_t cities[8] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; //Whether the cities or launchers are alive
00262 uint8_t targetX = WIDTH/2;
00263 uint8_t targetY = HEIGHT/2;
00264 uint8_t pammo[2] = {10,10};
00265 uint8_t pDests[MAX_PMISSILES][2] = {{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100},{100,100}};
00266 float pMissiles[MAX_PMISSILES][3] = {{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0},{100,100,0}};
00267 uint8_t pDetonations[MAX_PMISSILES][4] = {{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0},{100,100,0,0}};
00269 uint8_t etotal = 5;
00270 uint8_t echance = 1;
00271 float espeed = 0.2;
00272 uint8_t eDests[MAX_EMISSILES] = {100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100};
00273 float eMissiles[MAX_EMISSILES][4] = {{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100},{100,100,100,100}};
00275 void doTitle(uint8_t is_pause){
00276   while (gb.isRunning()) {
00277     if( gb.update() ){
00278       gb.display.setColor(7);
00279       gb.display.drawBitmap(0,0,armageddon);
00280       if( counter%8 == 0 ){
00281         flash ^= 255;
00282       }
00284       if( flash ){
00285         gb.display.setColor(4);
00286         gb.display.cursorY = HEIGHT - TEXT_HEIGHT*2;
00287         if( is_pause ){
00288           gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*3;
00289           gb.display.print(("PAUSED"));
00290         }else{
00291           gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*3;
00292           gb.display.print(("PRESS \25"));
00293         }
00294       }
00295       counter++;
00296       if( gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A) ){
00297         gb.display.setColor(WHITE);
00298         break;
00299       }
00300     }
00301   }
00302 }
00304 void setup() {
00305   loadHighscores(); // do this before gb.begin !!
00306   gb.begin();
00310   //We need to do extra Gamebuino-formatting-specific initialization if we don't use the title screen
00311   gb.display.setFont(font5x7);
00312   gb.display.fontSize = 1;
00313   gb.display.textWrap = false;
00314   gb.display.persistence = false;
00315 = false;
00316   gb.display.setColor(BLACK);
00317   gb.display.setColorDepth(1);
00319   doTitle(0);
00320   gb.pickRandomSeed();
00321 }
00323 void nextStage(){
00324   stage++;
00325   //Reset cities (since we cleared them for the visual effect
00326   for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ){
00327     cities[i] = lullCities[i];
00328   }
00329   //Reset launchers
00330   cities[2] = 1;
00331   cities[5] = 1;
00332   //Reset missiles
00333   pammo[0] = 10;
00334   pammo[1] = 10;
00335   //Reset in-flight missiles
00336   for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
00337     pDests[i][0] = 127;
00338     pDetonations[i][0] = 127;
00339     eDests[i] = 127;
00340   }
00342   etotal = stage > 10 ? 20 : 10+stage; //Max of 20 missiles per stage, start at 10
00343   //echance = stage > 5 ? 5 : stage; //Max of 5/100 chance per frame
00344   espeed = stage > 18 ? 2 : 0.2+(stage*0.1); //Max speed of 2, up 0.1 per stage, starts at 0.2
00345 }
00347 void nextLull(){
00348   //Reset lullMissiles
00349   lullMissiles = 0;
00350   //Reset lullCities
00351   for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ){
00352     lullCities[i] = 0;
00353   }
00354 }
00356 void drawScore(){
00357   gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*3;
00358   gb.display.cursorY = 0;
00360   if( score < 100000 ){
00361     gb.display.print(0);
00362   }
00363   if( score < 10000 ){
00364     gb.display.print(0);
00365   }
00366   if( score < 1000 ){
00367     gb.display.print(0);
00368   }
00369   if( score < 100 ){
00370     gb.display.print(0);
00371   }
00372   if( score < 10 ){
00373     gb.display.print(0);
00374   }
00375   gb.display.print(score);
00376 }
00378 void drawTargets(){
00379   gb.display.drawFastHLine(targetX-1,targetY,3);
00380   gb.display.drawFastVLine(targetX,targetY-1,2);
00382   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00383     //Check for a valid destination without a current detonation
00384     if( pDests[i][0] <= WIDTH && pDetonations[i][0] > WIDTH ){
00385       gb.display.drawPixel(pDests[i][0], pDests[i][1]);
00386     }
00387   }
00388 }
00390 void drawCities(){
00391   gb.display.setColor(4);
00392   //uint8_t alldead = 1;
00393   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++){
00394       if( i == 2 || i == 5 ){
00395         if( cities[i] ){
00396           gb.display.drawBitmap(i*14+2,HEIGHT-8,launcher);
00397         }else{
00398           gb.display.drawBitmap(i*14+2,HEIGHT-8,deadlauncher);
00399         }
00400       }else{
00401         if( cities[i] ){
00402           //alldead = 0;
00403           gb.display.drawBitmap(i*14+2,HEIGHT-8,city);
00404         }else{
00405           gb.display.drawBitmap(i*14+2,HEIGHT-8,deadcity);
00406         }
00407       }
00408     }
00410     gb.display.setColor(1);
00411     /*
00412     if( alldead ){
00413       gb.display.cursorX = 84/2 - 5*3;
00414       gb.display.cursorY = 48/2 - 5;
00415       gb.display.print("THE END");
00416     }
00417     */
00418 }
00420 void drawAmmo(){
00421   gb.display.setColor(3);
00422   for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
00423     uint8_t xcoord = i == 0 ? 2*14 + 5 : 5*14 + 5;
00424     uint8_t ycoord = HEIGHT-1;
00425     if( cities[i*3+2] ){ //Is launcher alive?
00426       for( uint8_t j = 0; j < pammo[i]; j++ ){
00427         gb.display.drawPixel(xcoord,ycoord);
00428         if( xcoord % 2 == 0 ){
00429           xcoord--;
00430           ycoord--;
00431         }else{
00432           xcoord++;
00433         }
00434       }
00435     }
00436   }
00437   gb.display.setColor(1);
00438 }
00440 void drawMissiles(){
00441   //Player Missiles
00442   gb.display.setColor(3);
00443   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00444     //Check for a valid destination without a current detonation
00445     if( pDests[i][0] <= WIDTH && pDetonations[i][0] > WIDTH ){
00446       if(pMissiles[i][2] == LAUNCHER_ONE){
00447         gb.display.drawLine(2*14 + 5,HEIGHT-8,pMissiles[i][0], pMissiles[i][1]);
00448       }else{
00449         gb.display.drawLine(5*14 + 6,HEIGHT-8,pMissiles[i][0], pMissiles[i][1]);
00450       }
00451     }
00452   }
00454   //Enemy Missiles
00455   gb.display.setColor(7);
00456   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_EMISSILES; i++){
00457     //Check for a valid destination
00458     if( eDests[i] <= WIDTH ){
00459         gb.display.drawLine(eMissiles[i][0],eMissiles[i][1],eMissiles[i][2], eMissiles[i][3]);
00460     }
00461   }
00462   gb.display.setColor(1);
00463 }
00465 uint8_t explosionColor = 0;
00466 void drawDetonations(){
00467   gb.display.setColor(explosionColor+1);
00468   if(counter%2 == 0){
00469     explosionColor++;
00470     explosionColor%=7;
00471   }
00472   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00473     if( pDetonations[i][0] <= WIDTH ){
00474       gb.display.fillCircle(pDetonations[i][0],pDetonations[i][1],pDetonations[i][2]);
00475     }
00476   }
00477   gb.display.setColor(1);
00478 }
00480 void launchMissile(uint8_t launcher){
00481   //If there is no free slot in pDests, do not launch
00482   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00483     if( pDests[i][0] > WIDTH ){
00484       // Which launcher?             Alive?       Has ammo?
00485       if(launcher == LAUNCHER_ONE && cities[2] && pammo[0]){
00486         pDests[i][0] = targetX;
00487         pDests[i][1] = targetY;
00488         pMissiles[i][0] = 2*14 + 5; //X-coord of left launcher
00489         pMissiles[i][2] = LAUNCHER_ONE; //Launched from launcher one
00490         pammo[0]--;
00491         playSound(SOUND_PLAUNCH);
00492       }else if(launcher == LAUNCHER_TWO && cities[5] && pammo[1]){
00493         pDests[i][0] = targetX;
00494         pDests[i][1] = targetY;
00495         pMissiles[i][0] = 5*14 + 6; //X-coord of right launcher
00496         pMissiles[i][2] = LAUNCHER_TWO; //Launched from launcher two
00497         pammo[1]--;
00498         playSound(SOUND_PLAUNCH);
00499       }
00500       pMissiles[i][1] = HEIGHT-8; //Y-coord of both launchers
00501       break;
00502     }
00503   }
00504 }
00506 void tryLaunchEnemy(){
00507   uint8_t someActive = 0;
00509   if( etotal > 0 ){
00511     // Check whether there are any active missiles
00512     // If none are active, always spawn one to avoid
00513     // long pauses without any enemy missiles
00514     for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_EMISSILES; i++){
00515       if( eDests[i] <= WIDTH ){
00516         someActive = 1;
00517         break;
00518       }
00519     }
00521     if( (!someActive || echance >= random(100)) ){ //echance of 100
00522       for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_EMISSILES; i++){
00523         if( eDests[i] > WIDTH ){
00524           etotal--;
00525           eDests[i] = random(8); //Target one of the 6 cities or 2 launch sites TODO: Come back later if random's behavior changes
00526           eMissiles[i][0] = random(WIDTH); //Screen width //TODO: if random is supposed to be inclusive, add a -1
00527           eMissiles[i][1] = 0; //Top of screen
00528           eMissiles[i][2] = eMissiles[i][0]; //Start and end are same
00529           eMissiles[i][3] = 0; //Top of screen
00530           playSound(SOUND_ELAUNCH);
00531           break; //Only spawn one
00532         }
00533       }
00534     }
00536   }
00537 }
00539 void stepMissiles(){
00540   //Player Missiles
00541   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00542     //Check for a valid destination without a current detonation
00543     if( pDests[i][0] <= WIDTH && pDetonations[i][0] > WIDTH ){
00544       //If the missile is close enough to the destination, detonate
00545       if( abs( int(pDests[i][0] - pMissiles[i][0]) ) < PSPEED && abs( int(pDests[i][1] - pMissiles[i][1]) ) < PSPEED ){
00546         pDetonations[i][0] = pDests[i][0];
00547         pDetonations[i][1] = pDests[i][1];
00548         pDetonations[i][2] = 0; //Start detonation at radius of 0
00549         pDetonations[i][3] = EXPAND; //Detonation is increasing in size
00550       //Otherwise, keep moving towards destination
00551       }else{
00552         float dir = atan2(pDests[i][1]-pMissiles[i][1], pDests[i][0]-pMissiles[i][0]);
00553         pMissiles[i][0] += PSPEED * cos(dir);
00554         pMissiles[i][1] += PSPEED * sin(dir);
00555       }
00556     }
00557   }
00559   //Enemy Missiles
00560   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_EMISSILES; i++){
00561     //Check for a valid destination
00562     if( eDests[i] <= WIDTH ){
00563        //If enemy missile is close enough to the destination, detonate
00564       if( abs( int((eDests[i]*14+6) - eMissiles[i][2]) ) < PSPEED && abs( int(HEIGHT-4 - eMissiles[i][3]) ) < PSPEED ){
00565         cities[eDests[i]] = 0; //Destroy city/launcher
00567         //If launcher, remove its ammo
00568         if( eDests[i] == 2 ){
00569           pammo[0] = 0;
00570         }
00571         if( eDests[i] == 5 ){
00572           pammo[1] = 0;
00573         }
00575         eDests[i] = 127; //Reset enemy missile
00576         playSound(SOUND_DEAD);
00577       //Otherwise, keep moving towards destination
00578       }else{
00579         float dir = atan2( HEIGHT-4 - eMissiles[i][3], (eDests[i]*14+6)-eMissiles[i][2] );
00580         eMissiles[i][2] += espeed * cos(dir);
00581         eMissiles[i][3] += espeed * sin(dir);
00582       }
00583     }
00584   }
00585 }
00587 void stepDetonations(){
00588   if( counter%2 == 0 ){
00589     for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00590       if( pDetonations[i][0] <= WIDTH ){
00591         if( pDetonations[i][3] == EXPAND ){ //If detonation is expanding
00592           if( pDetonations[i][2] < PRADIUS ){
00593             pDetonations[i][2]++;
00594           }else{
00595             pDetonations[i][3] = SHRINK; //Start shrinking
00596           }
00597         }
00598         //Check this now instead of using else because it may have just
00599         //set to SHRINK; immediately checking will remove a delay at full
00600         //size.  If a delay is desired, this if can be switched to an else.
00601         if( pDetonations[i][3] == SHRINK ){ //If detonation is shrinking
00602           if( pDetonations[i][2] > 0 ){
00603             pDetonations[i][2]--;
00604           }else{
00605             pDetonations[i][0] = 127; //Detonation is complete, remove it
00606             pDests[i][0] = 127; //Remove this destination
00607           }
00608         }
00609       }
00610     }
00611   }
00612 }
00614 void stepCollision(){
00615   //Player Detonations with Enemy Missiles
00616   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_PMISSILES; i++){
00617       if( pDetonations[i][0] <= WIDTH ){
00618         for(uint8_t j = 0; j < MAX_EMISSILES; j++){
00619           //Add extra +1 to explosion radius so that collisions are more generous
00620           if( eDests[j] <= WIDTH && pDetonations[i][2] + 1 >= sqrt( (eMissiles[j][2]-pDetonations[i][0])*(eMissiles[j][2]-pDetonations[i][0]) + (eMissiles[j][3]-pDetonations[i][1])*(eMissiles[j][3]-pDetonations[i][1]) ) ){
00621             eDests[j] = 127; //Remove enemy missile
00622             score+=25;
00623             playSound(SOUND_DETONATE);
00624           }
00625         }
00626       }
00627   }
00628 }
00631 void checkMenu(){
00632   if( gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_C) ){
00633     doTitle(1);
00634   }
00635 }
00637 void checkWin(){
00638   if( etotal == 0 ){
00639     for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_EMISSILES; i++){
00640       //Check for a valid destination
00641       if( eDests[i] <= WIDTH ){
00642         return;
00643       }
00644     }
00645     //If we get here, all enemy missiles are destroyed and they have no more
00646     nextLull();
00647     mode = MODE_LULL;
00648   }
00649 }
00651 void checkLose(){
00652   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++){
00653     if( i != 2 && i != 5 ){
00654       if( cities[i] ){
00655         return; // A city remains alive
00656       }
00657     }
00658   }
00659   //If we get here, all cities are dead.  It is the end of days.
00660   counter = 0;
00661   mode = MODE_DEAD;
00662   playSound(SOUND_LOSE);
00663 }
00665 void stepGame(){
00666   //Player input
00667   if( gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A) ){
00668     launchMissile(LAUNCHER_TWO);
00669   }
00670   if( gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_B) ){
00671     launchMissile(LAUNCHER_ONE);
00672   }
00674   if( gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_LEFT,1) ){
00675     targetX = targetX-TARGET_SPEED > 0 ? targetX-TARGET_SPEED : 0;
00676   }
00677   if( gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_RIGHT,1) ){
00678     targetX = targetX+TARGET_SPEED < WIDTH ? targetX+TARGET_SPEED : WIDTH;
00679   }
00680   if( gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_UP,1) ){
00681     targetY = targetY-TARGET_SPEED > 0 ? targetY-TARGET_SPEED : 0;
00682   }
00683   if( gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_DOWN,1) ){
00684     targetY = targetY+TARGET_SPEED < HEIGHT ? targetY+TARGET_SPEED : HEIGHT;
00685   }
00687   //Game logic
00688   tryLaunchEnemy();
00689   stepMissiles();
00690   stepDetonations();
00691   stepCollision();
00693   //Drawing
00694   drawScore();
00695   drawTargets();
00696   drawCities();
00697   drawAmmo();
00698   drawMissiles();
00699   drawDetonations();
00701   checkWin();
00702   checkLose();
00703 }
00705 void drawLull(){
00706   uint32_t cityCount = 0;
00707   gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*6;
00708   gb.display.cursorY = HEIGHT/2 - TEXT_HEIGHT*3;
00709   gb.display.print(("BONUS POINTS"));
00711   gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*8;
00712   gb.display.cursorY += TEXT_HEIGHT*2;
00713   gb.display.print(lullMissiles);
00715   gb.display.setColor(3);
00716   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < lullMissiles; i++){
00717     gb.display.drawPixel(WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*6 + i*2,HEIGHT/2 - 3);
00718   }
00720   gb.display.setColor(1);
00721   gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*8;
00722   gb.display.cursorY += TEXT_HEIGHT*2;
00723   for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ){
00724     if( lullCities[i] ) cityCount++;
00725   }
00726   gb.display.print(cityCount);
00728   gb.display.setColor(4);
00729   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < cityCount; i++){
00730     gb.display.drawBitmap(WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*6 + i*9,HEIGHT/2+2, city);
00731   }
00733   gb.display.setColor(1);
00734   drawScore();
00735   drawCities();
00736   drawAmmo();
00737 }
00739 void stepLull(){
00741   if( counter % 4 == 0 && (pammo[0] > 0 || pammo[1] > 0) ){
00742     lullMissiles++;
00743     score+=10;
00744     if( pammo[0] > 0 ) pammo[0]--;
00745     else pammo[1]--;
00746     playSound(SOUND_SCORE);
00747   }
00749   //If we have already iterated through the missiles
00750   if( counter % 8 == 0 && pammo[0] == 0 && pammo[1] == 0 ){
00751     for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++ ){
00752       if( i == 8 ){ //We have iterated through all live cities
00753         nextStage();
00754         mode = MODE_GAME;
00755         return;
00756       }
00757       //If not a launcher and the city is alive
00758       if( i != 2 && i != 5 && cities[i] != 0 ){
00759         lullCities[i] = 1;
00760         score+=100;
00761         cities[i] = 0;
00762         playSound(SOUND_SCORE);
00763         break;
00764       }
00765     }
00766   }
00768   drawLull();
00769 }
00771 void stepDead(){
00772   gb.display.setColor(7);
00773   gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*3 - TEXT_WIDTH/2;;
00774   gb.display.cursorY = HEIGHT/2 - TEXT_HEIGHT;
00775   gb.display.print(("THE END"));
00776   gb.display.setColor(1);
00778   if( mode == MODE_DEAD && counter%20 == 0 ){
00779     mode = MODE_POSTDEAD;
00780   }else if( mode == MODE_POSTDEAD ){
00781     if( counter%8 == 0 ){
00782       flash ^= 255;
00783     }
00784     if( flash ){
00785       gb.display.setColor(4);
00786       gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*3 - TEXT_WIDTH/2;
00787       gb.display.cursorY = HEIGHT - TEXT_HEIGHT*2;
00788       gb.display.print(("PRESS \25"));
00790       if( isHighscore(score) ){
00791         gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*6 - TEXT_WIDTH/2;
00792         gb.display.cursorY = HEIGHT - TEXT_HEIGHT*3;
00793         gb.display.print(("NEW HIGHSCORE"));
00794       }
00795       gb.display.setColor(1);
00796     }
00798     if( gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A) ){
00799       if( isHighscore(score) ){
00800         char tmp_name[11] = "User";
00801         //gb.getDefaultName(tmp_name);
00802         gb.keyboard(tmp_name, 11);
00803         saveHighscore(score,tmp_name);
00804       }
00805       score = 0;
00806       mode = MODE_PREGAME;
00807     }
00808   }
00809 }
00811 void stepPregame(){
00812   drawHighscores();
00814   if( counter%8 == 0 ){
00815     flash ^= 255;
00816   }
00817   if( flash ){
00818     gb.display.setColor(4);
00819     gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*3;
00820     gb.display.cursorY = HEIGHT - TEXT_HEIGHT*2;
00821     gb.display.print(("PRESS \25"));
00822     gb.display.setColor(1);
00823   }
00825   if( gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A) ){
00826     stage = 255;
00827     for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ){
00828       lullCities[i] = 1;
00829     }
00830     nextStage(); //Reset to stage 0
00831     mode = MODE_GAME;
00832   }
00833 }
00835 void loop() {
00836   if(gb.update()){
00838     switch( mode ){
00839       case MODE_GAME:
00840         stepGame();
00841         break;
00843       case MODE_LULL:
00844         stepLull();
00845         break;
00847       case MODE_DEAD:
00848       case MODE_POSTDEAD:
00849         stepDead();
00850         break;
00852       case MODE_PREGAME:
00853         stepPregame();
00854         break;
00855     }
00857     checkMenu();
00859     counter++;
00860   }
00861 }
00864 void loadHighscores(){
00866   uint32_t defdata[] = {10000,7000,5000,4000,2000};
00867   char defnames[NUM_HIGHSCORES][NAME_SIZE+1] = {"Crack Shot", "Defender", "Gunner", "We Tried", "No Hope"};
00868   // Initialize the cookie
00869   gamedata.begin("ArmageDD",gamedata);
00871   uint32_t allscores=0;
00872   for (int i=0;i<NUM_HIGHSCORES;i++) allscores += gamedata.highscores[i];
00874   if (gamedata.check_number != 12345) {
00875         //checknumber indicates that no highscores saved yet, so put in "defaults"
00876         for (int i=0;i<NUM_HIGHSCORES;i++) gamedata.highscores[i]=defdata[i];
00877         for (int i=0;i<NUM_HIGHSCORES;i++) strcpy(gamedata.names[i],defnames[i]);
00878         gamedata.check_number = 12345; // put the checking number
00879         gamedata.saveCookie();//save the default values
00880   }
00881   /*
00882   for( uint8_t entry = 0; entry < NUM_HIGHSCORES; entry++ ){
00883     for( uint8_t offset = 0; offset < ENTRY_SIZE; offset++ ){
00884       if( offset < NAME_SIZE ){
00885         names[entry][offset] = ENTRY_SIZE * entry + offset );
00886       }else{
00887         uint8_t* addr = (uint8_t*) &highscores[entry];
00888         addr+=offset-NAME_SIZE;
00889         *addr = ENTRY_SIZE * entry + offset );
00890       }
00891     }
00892   }
00893   */
00895 }
00897 uint8_t isHighscore(uint32_t score){
00898   if( score > gamedata.highscores[NUM_HIGHSCORES-1] ){
00899     return 1;
00900   }
00901   return 0;
00902 }
00904 void saveHighscore(uint32_t score, char* who){
00905   uint8_t found = 0;
00906   uint32_t tmp_score = 0;
00907   char tmp_name[10];
00908   for( uint8_t entry = 0; entry < NUM_HIGHSCORES; entry++ ){
00909     if( score > gamedata.highscores[entry] ){
00910       found = 1;
00911     }
00912     if( found ){
00913       tmp_score = gamedata.highscores[entry];
00914       strcpy(tmp_name,gamedata.names[entry]);
00916       gamedata.highscores[entry] = score;
00917       strcpy(gamedata.names[entry], who);
00919       score = tmp_score;
00920       strcpy(who, tmp_name);
00921     }
00922   }
00923   gamedata.saveCookie();
00924 /*Writing to EEPROM directly is deprecated and not necessary
00925   for( uint8_t entry = 0; entry < NUM_HIGHSCORES; entry++ ){
00926     for( uint8_t offset = 0; offset < ENTRY_SIZE; offset++ ){
00927       if( offset < NAME_SIZE ){
00928         EEPROM.write( ENTRY_SIZE * entry + offset, names[entry][offset] );
00929       }else{
00930         uint8_t* addr = (uint8_t*) &highscores[entry];
00931         addr+=offset-NAME_SIZE;
00932         EEPROM.write( ENTRY_SIZE * entry + offset, *addr );
00933       }
00934     }
00935   }
00936   */
00937 }
00939 void drawHighscores(){
00940   gb.display.setColor(4);
00941   gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH/2 - TEXT_WIDTH*5;
00942   gb.display.cursorY = TEXT_HEIGHT;
00943   gb.display.print(("HIGHSCORES"));
00944   gb.display.setColor(1);
00946   for( uint8_t entry = 0; entry < NUM_HIGHSCORES; entry++ ){
00947     gb.display.cursorX = 0;
00948     gb.display.cursorY = TEXT_HEIGHT*3 + TEXT_HEIGHT*entry;
00949     gb.display.print(gamedata.names[entry]);
00950     gb.display.cursorX = WIDTH - TEXT_WIDTH*6;
00951     if( gamedata.highscores[entry] < 100000 ){
00952       gb.display.print(0);
00953     }
00954     if( gamedata.highscores[entry] < 10000 ){
00955       gb.display.print(0);
00956     }
00957     if( gamedata.highscores[entry] < 1000 ){
00958       gb.display.print(0);
00959     }
00960     if( gamedata.highscores[entry] < 100 ){
00961       gb.display.print(0);
00962     }
00963     if( gamedata.highscores[entry] < 10 ){
00964       gb.display.print(0);
00965     }
00966     gb.display.print(gamedata.highscores[entry]);
00967   }
00968 }
00970 // Wave, pitch, duration, arpeggio step duration, arpeggio step size
00971 const int8_t sounds[][5] = {
00972   { 0, 20, 5, 1, 1 }, //Player launch
00973   { 0, 25, 5, 1, -1 }, //Enemy launch
00974   { 1, 10, 5, 1, -1 }, //Detonating enemy missile
00975   { 1, 10, 2, 0, 0 }, //Score pips
00976   { 1, 2, 10, 1, -1 }, //A city dies
00977   { 0, 20, 14, 3, -1 }, //Lose
00978 };
00980 void initSound(){
00981   gb.sound.command(CMD_VOLUME, 5, 0, 0);
00982   gb.sound.command(CMD_SLIDE, 0, 0, 0);
00983 }
00985 void playSound(uint8_t i){
00986   gb.sound.command(CMD_VOLUME, 5, 0, 0);
00987   gb.sound.command(CMD_SLIDE, 0, 0, 0);
00988   gb.sound.command(CMD_ARPEGGIO, sounds[i][3], sounds[i][4], 0);
00989   gb.sound.command(CMD_INSTRUMENT, sounds[i][0], 0, 0);
00990   gb.sound.playNote(sounds[i][1], sounds[i][2], 0);
00992   //gb.sound.playNote(20, 5, 0);
00993 }