pwm period is now 200us instead of the default 20ms veml6040 config is now AF_BIT | TRIG_BIT

Dependencies:   mbed MMA8451Q USBDevice WakeUp vt100

Fork of afero_node_suntory_2017_06_15 by Orefatoi

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00001 #include "Color_VEML6040.hpp"
00003 /* following 2 lines were added by Motoo Tanaka on 18-Oct-2017 */
00004 #define AF_BIT   0x02
00005 #define TRIG_BIT 0x04
00007 Color_VEML6040::Color_VEML6040()
00008 {
00009     CountDownToSystemReset::create(2);
00010     LED_Timer = new Timer();
00011     AHEAD_OF_TIME = 1;
00012     LEDs[0] = new PwmOut((PinName)PINS::LED_4_COLOR::R) ;
00013     LEDs[1] = new PwmOut((PinName)PINS::LED_4_COLOR::G) ;
00014     LEDs[2] = new PwmOut((PinName)PINS::LED_4_COLOR::B) ;
00015     LEDs[0]->write(1.0) ;
00016     LEDs[1]->write(1.0) ;
00017     LEDs[2]->write(1.0) ;
00018     LEDs[0]->period_us(200) ; /* pwm period 200us */
00019     LEDs[1]->period_us(200) ; /* pwm period 200us */
00020     LEDs[2]->period_us(200) ; /* pwm period 200us */
00021     m_veml6040 = new VEML6040((PinName)PINS::COLOR::SDA, (PinName)PINS::COLOR::SCL, SENSORS::VEML6040::ADDRESS);
00022     m_veml6040->setCOLORConf(0x00) ; /* default setting */
00023     callbackLED = &Color_VEML6040::prepare_LED;
00024     int i = 0;
00025     for(;i<3;++i)
00026     {
00027         ToDoQ::queuePut(&rSignal);
00028     }
00029     read();
00030     //interval_current = -1;
00031 }
00033 Color_VEML6040::~Color_VEML6040()
00034 {
00035     delete LEDs[0];
00036     LEDs[0] = NULL;
00037     delete LEDs[1];
00038     LEDs[1] = NULL;
00039     delete LEDs[2];
00040     LEDs[2] = NULL;
00041     delete m_veml6040;
00042     m_veml6040 = NULL;
00043 }
00045 void
00046 Color_VEML6040::checkIntervalUpdate()
00047 {
00048     if( interval_current != PREFERENCES::SENSING_INTERVAL[SENSORS::COLOR])
00049     {
00050         timeout->detach();
00051         backToNOP();
00052         callbackLED = &Color_VEML6040::prepare_LED;
00053         interval_current = PREFERENCES::SENSING_INTERVAL[SENSORS::COLOR];
00054         int32_t time = interval_current <= 10 ? 10 : interval_current - AHEAD_OF_TIME;
00055         timeout->attach( callback( this, &Color_VEML6040::read), time );
00056         SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("Color sensing interval updated : %d sec \n", time);
00057     }
00058 }
00060 void
00061 Color_VEML6040::toJSON(char *buf)
00062 {
00063     if(
00064         m_veml6040->getRData(&packet.color.R) ||
00065         m_veml6040->getGData(&packet.color.G) ||
00066         m_veml6040->getBData(&packet.color.B) )
00067     {
00068         CountDownToSystemReset::getSelf()->countDown();
00069         char *fmt = "{\"DEVICE\":\"COLOR\",\"PN\":\"VEML6040\",\"VAL_R\":\"##\",\"VAL_G\":\"##\",\"VAL_B\":\"##\",\"UNIT\":\"mW/cm2\",\"S\":\"%d\",\"E\":\"%d\"}";
00070         sprintf(buf,fmt,serialNum,error_count);
00071     }
00072     else
00073     {
00074         SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("RGB values read %.3f sec after LEDs are turned on\n", LED_Timer->read());
00075         char* &fmt = SENSORS::VEML6040::JSON_FMT;
00076         uint16_t &r = packet.color.R;
00077         uint16_t &g = packet.color.G;
00078         uint16_t &b = packet.color.B;
00079         sprintf(buf,fmt,r,g,b,serialNum,error_count);
00080     }
00081 }
00083 void
00084 Color_VEML6040::success()
00085 {
00086     doLEDs_ui16(0,0,0);
00088     ++serialNum;
00089     callbackLED = &Color_VEML6040::prepare_LED;
00090     int32_t delta = (int32_t)(LED_Timer->read());
00091     LED_Timer->stop();
00092     LED_Timer->reset();
00093     timeout->attach(callback(this, &Color_VEML6040::read), interval_current < delta ? interval_current : (interval_current - delta) );
00094 }
00096 Color_VEML6040::ResetSignal::ResetSignal()
00097 {
00098     bikkuri = true;
00099 }
00101 void
00102 Color_VEML6040::ResetSignal::toJSON(char *buf)
00103 {
00104     char *str;
00106     if(bikkuri==true)
00107     {
00108         bikkuri = false;
00109         str = "{\"DEVICE\":\"COLOR\",\"PN\":\"VEML6040\",\"VAL_R\":\"%s\",\"VAL_G\":\"!!\",\"VAL_B\":\"!!\",\"UNIT\":\"!!\"}";
00110     } else {
00111         bikkuri = true;
00112         str = "{\"DEVICE\":\"COLOR\",\"PN\":\"VEML6040\",\"VAL_R\":\"%s\",\"VAL_G\":\"**\",\"VAL_B\":\"**\",\"UNIT\":\"**\"}";
00113     }
00115     sprintf(
00116         buf,
00117         str,
00118         MCUResetReason::ref()->getResetReasonStr());
00119 }
00121 void
00122 Color_VEML6040::ResetSignal::getBytes(uint8_t *buf)
00123 {
00124 }
00126 void
00127 Color_VEML6040::getBytes(uint8_t *buf)
00128 {
00130 }
00132 void
00133 Color_VEML6040::doLEDs(uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B)
00134 {
00135     float fr, fg, fb ;
00136     fr = (float)(255-R)/255.0 ;
00137     fg = (float)(255-G)/255.0 ;
00138     fb = (float)(255-B)/255.0 ;
00139     LEDs[0]->write(fr) ;
00140     LEDs[1]->write(fg) ;
00141     LEDs[2]->write(fb) ;
00142 }
00144 void
00145 Color_VEML6040::doLEDs_ui16(uint16_t R, uint16_t G, uint16_t B)
00146 {
00147     float fr, fg, fb ;
00148     fr = (float)(65535-R)/65535.0;
00149     fg = (float)(65535-G)/65535.0;
00150     fb = (float)(65535-B)/65535.0;
00151     LEDs[0]->write(fr) ;
00152     LEDs[1]->write(fg) ;
00153     LEDs[2]->write(fb) ;
00154 }
00156 void
00157 Color_VEML6040::prepare_LED()
00158 {
00159     timeout->attach(callback(this,&Color_VEML6040::read),AHEAD_OF_TIME);
00160     callbackLED = &Color_VEML6040::registerForUpdate; //read_sensor_and_turn_off_LED;
00161     doLEDs_ui16(
00162         SENSORS::VEML6040::PWM_LED_R_UI16,
00163         SENSORS::VEML6040::PWM_LED_G_UI16,
00164         SENSORS::VEML6040::PWM_LED_B_UI16);
00165     m_veml6040->setCOLORConf(AF_BIT | TRIG_BIT) ; /* Force mode with Trigger */
00166     SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("LED:TURNED ON. Timer start\n");
00167     LED_Timer->start();
00168 }
00170 void
00171 Color_VEML6040::registerForUpdate()
00172 {
00173     ToDoQ::queuePut(this);
00174 }
00176 void
00177 Color_VEML6040::go()
00178 {
00179     (this->*callbackLED)();
00180     backToNOP();
00181 }