pwm period is now 200us instead of the default 20ms veml6040 config is now AF_BIT | TRIG_BIT

Dependencies:   mbed MMA8451Q USBDevice WakeUp vt100

Fork of afero_node_suntory_2017_06_15 by Orefatoi

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Show/hide line numbers AsymFIFO.hpp Source File


00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "Preferences.hpp"
00006 #include "TimeEventHandler.hpp"
00007 #include "Accelerometer.hpp"
00008 #include "CheckSum.h"
00009 #include "base64.h"
00011 #include <queue>
00013 using namespace std;
00015 namespace MaruSolSensorManager
00016 {
00017     class AsymFIFO
00018     {
00019         struct RECORD;
00020         queue<RECORD*> q_record;
00021         queue<char*> q_records;
00022         CheckSum *checkSum;
00023         struct RECORD
00024         {
00025             RECORD(time_t time, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z)
00026             {
00027                 this->data.time = time;
00028                 this->data.x = x;
00029                 this->data.y = y;
00030                 this->data.z = z;
00031             }
00032             union
00033             {
00034                 struct
00035                 {
00036                     int16_t x,y,z, dummy;
00037                     time_t time;
00038                 } data;
00039                 uint8_t bytes[12];
00040             };
00041         };
00042         uint32_t NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q;
00043     public:
00044         AsymFIFO()
00045         {
00046             checkSum = new CheckSum();
00047             NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q = 6;
00048         }
00049         uint32_t buffed()
00050         {
00051             return q_records.size();
00052         }
00053         void push(time_t time, short x, short y, short z)
00054         {
00055             RECORD *record = new RECORD(time,x,y,z);
00057             q_record.push(record);
00059             if(q_record.size()>=NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q)
00060             {
00061                 char *pRecords = new char[sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q];
00062                 memset(pRecords,'\0',sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q);
00063                 SERIAL_PRINT_DBG_FUNCNAME();
00064                 char *pRecords_crnt = pRecords;
00065                 while(q_record.size()>0)
00066                 {
00067                     RECORD *rec = q_record.front();
00068                     memcpy(pRecords_crnt, rec->bytes, sizeof(rec->bytes));
00069                     delete rec;
00070                     rec = NULL;
00071                     q_record.pop();
00072                     pRecords_crnt += sizeof(RECORD);
00073                 }
00074                 q_records.push(pRecords);
00075 SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("q_records.size=%d\n",q_records.size());
00076                 if(q_records.size()>=100)
00077                 {
00078 SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("Exceeded records number +100.  Drop the last record\n");
00079                     char *lastRecords = q_records.front();
00080                     q_records.pop();
00081                     delete[] lastRecords;
00082                     lastRecords = NULL;
00083                 }
00084             }
00085         }
00086         void pop(uint8_t *buf, PREFERENCES::_crc32 *crc32)
00087         {
00088             char *p = NULL;
00089             p = q_records.front();
00090             checkSum->reset();
00091             checkSum->calc((uint8_t*)p,sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q);
00092             PREFERENCES::_crc32 fCRC32 = checkSum->get();
00093 SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("crc32 old:%08X new:%08X\n",PREFERENCES::CRC32.ui32, fCRC32.ui32);
00094             if(PREFERENCES::CRC32.ui32 == fCRC32.ui32)
00095             {
00096                 q_records.pop();
00097                 delete[] p;
00098                 p = q_records.front();
00099                 checkSum->calc((uint8_t*)p,sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q);
00100                 fCRC32 = checkSum->get();
00101             }
00102             crc32->ui32 =
00103             fCRC32.ui32;
00104             uint8_t* workSpace = new uint8_t[255];
00105             memset(workSpace,0,255);
00106             memcpy(workSpace, p, sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q);
00107             memcpy(workSpace + sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q, fCRC32.ui8, sizeof(fCRC32));
00108 //            for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 255; ++i)
00109 //            {
00110 //SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("%02X-",workSpace[i]);
00111 //            }
00112             size_t olen;
00113             size_t src_size = sizeof(RECORD)*NUM_MAX_RECORD_Q+sizeof(fCRC32);
00114 //SERIAL_PRINT_DBG("src_size=%d\n",src_size);            
00115             mbedtls_base64_encode(buf, 255, &olen, workSpace,src_size);
00116             delete[] workSpace;
00117         }
00118     };
00119 };