I2C hang recover function added

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

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00001 #ifndef _EDGE_PIN_H_
00002 #define _EDGE_PIN_H_
00004 #if defined (TARGET_KL25Z)
00005 #define PIN_INTR      PTD4
00006 #define PIN_ASR_RESET PTA13
00007 #define PIN_SCK       PTD1
00008 #define PIN_MOSI      PTD2
00009 #define PIN_MISO      PTD3
00010 #define PIN_CS        PTD0
00011 /* ILI9341 */
00012 #define PIN_CS_TFT    PTC7
00013 #define PIN_RESET_TFT PTC4
00014 #define PIN_DC_TFT    PTC0
00015 #define PIN_BL_TFT    PTC3
00017 #define PIN_FRDM_LEDR PTB18
00018 #define PIN_FRDM_LEDG PTB19
00019 #define PIN_FRDM_LEDB PTD1  /* conflict with SCK orz */
00020 /* on board I2C0 */
00021 // #define PIN_I2C0_SCL  PTE24
00022 // #define PIN_I2C0_SDA  PTE25
00023 /* external I2C0 */
00024 #define PIN_I2C0_SCL  PTC8 
00025 #define PIN_I2C0_SDA  PTC9 
00026 #define PIN_I2C1_SCL  PTE1
00027 #define PIN_I2C1_SDA  PTE0
00028 #define PIN_AN0       PTB0
00029 #define PIN_AN1       PTB1
00030 #define PIN_AN2       PTB2
00031 #define PIN_LED_R     PTA5
00032 #define PIN_LED_G     PTA4
00033 #define PIN_LED_B     PTA12
00034 #define PIN_PRESS_EN  PTC5
00035 #endif /* TARGET_KL25Z */
00037 #endif /* _EDGE_PIN_H_ */