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00001 /*
00002     General BMS Library
00003     LTC681x.h
00004 */
00005 #ifndef LTC681X_H
00006 #define LTC681X_H
00008 #include "mbed.h"
00009 //#include <stdint.h>
00010 #include "bms.h"
00011 //#include "LT_SPI.h"
00013 //#define MBED
00014 //#ifdef MBED
00015 //#include "mbed.h"//remove when using with LINDUINO
00016 //#endif
00018 //#ifdef LINDUINO
00019 //#include <Arduino.h>
00020 //#endif
00022 //#define IC_LTC6813
00024 #define MD_422HZ_1KHZ 0
00025 #define MD_27KHZ_14KHZ 1
00026 #define MD_7KHZ_3KHZ 2
00027 #define MD_26HZ_2KHZ 3
00029 #define ADC_OPT_ENABLED 1
00030 #define ADC_OPT_DISABLED 0
00032 #define CELL_CH_ALL 0
00033 #define CELL_CH_1and7 1
00034 #define CELL_CH_2and8 2
00035 #define CELL_CH_3and9 3
00036 #define CELL_CH_4and10 4
00037 #define CELL_CH_5and11 5
00038 #define CELL_CH_6and12 6
00040 #define SELFTEST_1 1
00041 #define SELFTEST_2 2
00043 #define AUX_CH_ALL 0
00044 #define AUX_CH_GPIO1 1
00045 #define AUX_CH_GPIO2 2
00046 #define AUX_CH_GPIO3 3
00047 #define AUX_CH_GPIO4 4
00048 #define AUX_CH_GPIO5 5
00049 #define AUX_CH_VREF2 6
00051 #define STAT_CH_ALL 0
00052 #define STAT_CH_SOC 1
00053 #define STAT_CH_ITEMP 2
00054 #define STAT_CH_VREGA 3
00055 #define STAT_CH_VREGD 4
00057 #define DCP_DISABLED 0
00058 #define DCP_ENABLED 1
00060 #define PULL_UP_CURRENT 1
00061 #define PULL_DOWN_CURRENT 0
00065 #define NUM_RX_BYT 8
00066 #define CELL 1
00067 #define AUX 2
00068 #define STAT 3
00069 #define CFGR 0
00070 #define CFGRB 4
00071 #define CS_PIN 10
00073 //! Cell Voltage data structure.
00074 typedef struct
00075 {
00076   uint16_t c_codes[18];//!< Cell Voltage Codes
00077   uint8_t pec_match[6];//!< If a PEC error was detected during most recent read cmd
00078 } cv;
00080 //! AUX Reg Voltage Data
00081 typedef struct
00082 {
00083   uint16_t a_codes[9];//!< Aux Voltage Codes
00084   uint8_t pec_match[4];//!< If a PEC error was detected during most recent read cmd
00085 } ax;
00087 typedef struct
00088 {
00089   uint16_t stat_codes[4];//!< A two dimensional array of the stat voltage codes.
00090   uint8_t flags[3]; //!< byte array that contains the uv/ov flag data
00091   uint8_t mux_fail[1]; //!< Mux self test status flag
00092   uint8_t thsd[1]; //!< Thermal shutdown status
00093   uint8_t pec_match[2];//!< If a PEC error was detected during most recent read cmd
00094 } st;
00096 typedef struct
00097 {
00098   uint8_t tx_data[6];
00099   uint8_t rx_data[8];
00100   uint8_t rx_pec_match;//!< If a PEC error was detected during most recent read cmd
00101 } ic_register;
00103 typedef struct
00104 {
00105   uint16_t pec_count;
00106   uint16_t cfgr_pec;
00107   uint16_t cell_pec[6];
00108   uint16_t aux_pec[4];
00109   uint16_t stat_pec[2];
00110 } pec_counter;
00112 typedef struct
00113 {
00114   uint8_t cell_channels;
00115   uint8_t stat_channels;
00116   uint8_t aux_channels;
00117   uint8_t num_cv_reg;
00118   uint8_t num_gpio_reg;
00119   uint8_t num_stat_reg;
00120 } register_cfg;
00122 typedef struct
00123 {
00125   ic_register config;
00126   ic_register configb;
00127   cv   cells;
00128   ax   aux;
00129   st   stat;
00130   ic_register  com;
00131   ic_register pwm;
00132   ic_register pwmb;
00133   ic_register sctrl;
00134   ic_register sctrlb;
00135   bool isospi_reverse;
00136   pec_counter crc_count;
00137   register_cfg ic_reg;
00138   long system_open_wire;
00139 } cell_asic;
00144 /*!   calculates  and returns the CRC15
00145   @returns The calculated pec15 as an unsigned int
00146 */
00147 uint16_t pec15_calc(uint8_t len, //!< the length of the data array being passed to the function
00148                     uint8_t *data //!<  the array of data that the PEC will be generated from
00149                    );
00151 /*!  Wake isoSPI up from idle state */
00152 void wakeup_idle(uint8_t total_ic);//!< number of ICs in the daisy chain
00154 /*!  Wake the LTC6813 from the sleep state */
00155 void wakeup_sleep(uint8_t total_ic); //!< number of ICs in the daisy chain
00157 /*! Sense a command to the bms IC. This code will calculate the PEC code for the transmitted command*/
00158 void cmd_68(uint8_t tx_cmd[2]); //!< 2 Byte array containing the BMS command to be sent
00160 //! Writes an array of data to the daisy chain
00161 void write_68(uint8_t total_ic , //!< number of ICs in the daisy chain
00162               uint8_t tx_cmd[2], //!< 2 Byte array containing the BMS command to be sent
00163               uint8_t data[] //!< Array containing the data to be written to the BMS ICs
00164              );
00165 //! Issues a command onto the daisy chain and reads back 6*total_ic data in the rx_data array
00166 int8_t read_68( uint8_t total_ic, //!< number of ICs in the daisy chain
00167                 uint8_t tx_cmd[2], //!< 2 Byte array containing the BMS command to be sent
00168                 uint8_t *rx_data); //!< Array that the read back data will be stored.
00170 /*! Starts the Mux Decoder diagnostic self test
00172  Running this command will start the Mux Decoder Diagnostic Self Test
00173  This test takes roughly 1mS to complete. The MUXFAIL bit will be updated,
00174  the bit will be set to 1 for a failure and 0 if the test has been passed.
00175  */
00176 void LTC681x_diagn();
00178 //! Sends the poll adc command
00179 //! @returns 1 byte read back after a pladc command. If the byte is not 0xFF ADC conversion has completed
00180 uint8_t LTC681x_pladc();
00182 //! This function will block operation until the ADC has finished it's conversion
00183 //! @returns the approximate time it took for the ADC function to complete.
00184 uint32_t LTC681x_pollAdc();
00186 /*! Starts cell voltage conversion
00188   Starts ADC conversions of the LTC6811 Cpin inputs.
00189   The type of ADC conversion executed can be changed by setting the following parameters:
00190 */
00191 void LTC681x_adcv(uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00192                   uint8_t DCP, //!< Controls if Discharge is permitted during conversion
00193                   uint8_t CH //!< Sets which Cell channels are converted
00194                  );
00196 /*!  Starts cell voltage  and GPIO 1&2 conversion
00197 */
00198 void LTC681x_adcvax(
00199   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00200   uint8_t DCP //!< Controls if Discharge is permitted during conversion
00201 );
00204 /*!  Starts cell voltage self test conversion
00205 */
00206 void LTC681x_cvst(
00207   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00208   uint8_t ST //!< Self Test Mode
00209 );
00211 /*!  Starts cell voltage and SOC conversion
00212 */
00213 void LTC681x_adcvsc(
00214   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00215   uint8_t DCP //!< Controls if Discharge is permitted during conversion
00216 );
00217 /*!  Starts cell voltage overlap conversion
00218 */
00219 void LTC681x_adol(
00220   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00221   uint8_t DCP //!< Discharge permitted during conversion
00222 );
00224 /*!  Start an open wire Conversion
00225 */
00226 void LTC681x_adow(
00227   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00228   uint8_t PUP //!< Controls if Discharge is permitted during conversion
00229 );
00232 /*!  Start a GPIO and Vref2 Conversion
00233 */
00234 void LTC681x_adax(
00235   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00236   uint8_t CHG //!< Sets which GPIO channels are converted
00237 );
00239 /*!  Start an GPIO Redundancy test
00240 */
00241 void LTC681x_adaxd(
00242   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00243   uint8_t CHG //!< Sets which GPIO channels are converted
00244 );
00246 /*!  Start an Auxiliary Register Self Test Conversion
00247 */
00248 void LTC681x_axst(
00249   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00250   uint8_t ST //!< Sets if self test 1 or 2 is run
00251 );
00255 /*!  Start a Status ADC Conversion
00256 */
00257 void LTC681x_adstat(
00258   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00259   uint8_t CHST //!< Sets which Stat channels are converted
00260 );
00262 /*!   Start a Status register redundancy test Conversion
00263 */
00264 void LTC681x_adstatd(
00265   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Mode
00266   uint8_t CHST //!< Sets which Status channels are converted
00267 );
00270 /*!  Start a Status Register Self Test Conversion
00271 */
00272 void LTC681x_statst(
00273   uint8_t MD, //!< ADC Conversion Mode
00274   uint8_t ST //!< Sets if self test 1 or 2 is run
00275 );
00277 void LTC681x_rdcv_reg(uint8_t reg, //!<Determines which cell voltage register is read back
00278                       uint8_t total_ic, //!<the number of ICs in the
00279                       uint8_t *data //!<An array of the unparsed cell codes
00280                      );
00281 /*! helper function that parses voltage measurement registers
00282 */
00283 int8_t parse_cells(uint8_t current_ic,
00284                    uint8_t cell_reg,
00285                    uint8_t cell_data[],
00286                    uint16_t *cell_codes,
00287                    uint8_t *ic_pec);
00289 /*!  Read the raw data from the LTC681x auxiliary register
00291  The function reads a single GPIO voltage register and stores thre read data
00292  in the *data point as a byte array. This function is rarely used outside of
00293  the LTC681x_rdaux() command.
00294  */
00295 void LTC681x_rdaux_reg(  uint8_t reg, //Determines which GPIO voltage register is read back
00296                          uint8_t total_ic, //The number of ICs in the system
00297                          uint8_t *data //Array of the unparsed auxiliary codes
00298                       );
00299 /*!  Read the raw data from the LTC681x stat register
00301  The function reads a single GPIO voltage register and stores thre read data
00302  in the *data point as a byte array. This function is rarely used outside of
00303  the LTC681x_rdstat() command.
00304  */
00305 void LTC681x_rdstat_reg(uint8_t reg, //Determines which stat register is read back
00306                         uint8_t total_ic, //The number of ICs in the system
00307                         uint8_t *data //Array of the unparsed stat codes
00308                        );
00310 /*!  Clears the LTC681x cell voltage registers
00312 The command clears the cell voltage registers and initializes
00313 all values to 1. The register will read back hexadecimal 0xFF
00314 after the command is sent.
00315 */
00316 void LTC681x_clrcell();
00317 /*! Clears the LTC681x Auxiliary registers
00319 The command clears the Auxiliary registers and initializes
00320 all values to 1. The register will read back hexadecimal 0xFF
00321 after the command is sent.
00322 */
00323 void LTC681x_clraux();
00325 /*!  Clears the LTC681x Stat registers
00327 The command clears the Stat registers and initializes
00328 all values to 1. The register will read back hexadecimal 0xFF
00329 after the command is sent.
00330 */
00331 void LTC681x_clrstat();
00333 /*!  Clears the LTC681x SCTRL registers
00335 The command clears the SCTRL registers and initializes
00336 all values to 0. The register will read back hexadecimal 0x00
00337 after the command is sent.
00338 */
00339 void LTC681x_clrsctrl();
00341 /*! Starts the Mux Decoder diagnostic self test
00343 Running this command will start the Mux Decoder Diagnostic Self Test
00344 This test takes roughly 1mS to complete. The MUXFAIL bit will be updated,
00345 the bit will be set to 1 for a failure and 0 if the test has been passed.
00346 */
00347 void LTC681x_diagn();
00349 /*!  Reads and parses the LTC681x cell voltage registers.
00351  The function is used to read the cell codes of the LTC6811.
00352  This function will send the requested read commands parse the data
00353  and store the cell voltages in the cell_asic structure.
00354  */
00355 uint8_t LTC681x_rdcv(uint8_t reg, // Controls which cell voltage register is read back.
00356                      uint8_t total_ic, // the number of ICs in the system
00357                      cell_asic ic[] // Array of the parsed cell codes
00358                     );
00360 /*!  Reads and parses the LTC681x auxiliary registers.
00362  The function is used to read the  parsed GPIO codes of the LTC6811. This function will send the requested
00363  read commands parse the data and store the gpio voltages in the cell_asic structure.
00364 */
00365 int8_t LTC681x_rdaux(uint8_t reg, //Determines which GPIO voltage register is read back.
00366                      uint8_t total_ic,//the number of ICs in the system
00367                      cell_asic ic[]//!< Measurement Data Structure
00368                     );
00370 /*!  Reads and parses the LTC681x stat registers.
00372  The function is used to read the  parsed status codes of the LTC6811. This function will send the requested
00373  read commands parse the data and store the status voltages in the cell_asic structure
00374  */
00375 int8_t LTC681x_rdstat(  uint8_t reg, //!<Determines which Stat  register is read back.
00376                         uint8_t total_ic,//!<the number of ICs in the system
00377                         cell_asic ic[]//!< Measurement Data Structure
00378                      );
00379 /*!  Write the LTC681x CFGRA
00381  This command will write the configuration registers of the LTC681xs
00382  connected in a daisy chain stack. The configuration is written in descending
00383  order so the last device's configuration is written first.
00384  */
00385 void LTC681x_wrcfg(uint8_t total_ic, //The number of ICs being written to
00386                    cell_asic ic[] //A two dimensional array of the configuration data that will be written
00387                   );
00388 /*!  Write the LTC681x CFGRB register
00390  This command will write the configuration registers of the LTC681xs
00391  connected in a daisy chain stack. The configuration is written in descending
00392  order so the last device's configuration is written first.
00393  */
00394 void LTC681x_wrcfgb(uint8_t total_ic, //The number of ICs being written to
00395                     cell_asic ic[] //A two dimensional array of the configuration data that will be written
00396                    );
00397 /*!  Reads the LTC681x CFGRA register
00398 */
00399 int8_t LTC681x_rdcfg(uint8_t total_ic, //Number of ICs in the system
00400                      cell_asic ic[] //A two dimensional array that the function stores the read configuration data.
00401                     );
00403 /*!  Reads the LTC681x CFGRB register
00404 */
00405 int8_t LTC681x_rdcfgb(uint8_t total_ic, //Number of ICs in the system
00406                       cell_asic ic[] //A two dimensional array that the function stores the read configuration data.
00407                      );
00410 /*!  Reads pwm registers of a LTC6811 daisy chain
00411 */
00412 int8_t LTC681x_rdpwm(uint8_t total_ic, //!<Number of ICs in the system
00413                      uint8_t pwmReg, //!< The PWM Register to be written A or B
00414                      cell_asic ic[] //!< ASIC Variable
00415                     );
00417 /*!  Write the LTC681x PWM register
00419  This command will write the pwm registers of the LTC681x
00420  connected in a daisy chain stack. The pwm is written in descending
00421  order so the last device's pwm is written first.
00422 */
00423 void LTC681x_wrpwm(uint8_t total_ic, //!< The number of ICs being written to
00424                    uint8_t pwmReg,  //!< The PWM Register to be written
00425                    cell_asic ic[] //!< ASIC Variable
00426                   );
00428 /*!  issues a stcomm command and clocks data out of the COMM register */
00429 void LTC681x_stcomm();
00431 /*!  Reads comm registers of a LTC681x daisy chain
00432 */
00433 int8_t LTC681x_rdcomm(uint8_t total_ic, //!< Number of ICs in the system
00434                       cell_asic ic[] //!< ASIC Variable
00435                      );
00437 /*!  Write the LTC681x COMM register
00439  This command will write the comm registers of the LTC681x
00440  connected in a daisy chain stack. The comm is written in descending
00441  order so the last device's configuration is written first.
00442  */
00443 void LTC681x_wrcomm(uint8_t total_ic, //!< The number of ICs being written to
00444                     cell_asic ic[] ///!< ASIC Variable
00445                    );
00447 /*! Selft Test Helper Function*/
00448 uint16_t LTC681x_st_lookup(
00449   uint8_t MD, //ADC Mode
00450   uint8_t ST //Self Test
00451 );
00453 /*! Helper Function to clear DCC bits in the CFGR Registers*/
00454 void clear_discharge(uint8_t total_ic,
00455                      cell_asic ic[]);
00457 /*! Helper function that runs the ADC Self Tests*/
00458 int16_t LTC681x_run_cell_adc_st(uint8_t adc_reg,
00459                                 uint8_t total_ic,
00460                                 cell_asic ic[]);
00462 /*! Helper function that runs the ADC Digital Redudancy commands and checks output for errors*/
00463 int16_t LTC681x_run_adc_redundancy_st(uint8_t adc_mode,
00464                                       uint8_t adc_reg,
00465                                       uint8_t total_ic,
00466                                       cell_asic ic[]);
00468 /*! Helper function that runs the datasheet open wire algorithm*/
00469 void LTC681x_run_openwire(uint8_t total_ic,
00470                           cell_asic ic[]);
00472 /*! Helper Function that runs the ADC Overlap test*/
00473 uint16_t LTC681x_run_adc_overlap(uint8_t total_ic,
00474                                  cell_asic ic[]);
00475 /*! Helper Function that counts overall PEC errors and register/IC PEC errors*/
00476 void LTC681x_check_pec(uint8_t total_ic,
00477                        uint8_t reg,
00478                        cell_asic ic[]);
00480 /*! Helper Function that resets the PEC error counters */
00481 void LTC681x_reset_crc_count(uint8_t total_ic,
00482                              cell_asic ic[]);
00484 /*! Helper Function to initialize the CFGR data structures*/
00485 void LTC681x_init_cfg(uint8_t total_ic,
00486                       cell_asic ic[]);
00488 /*! Helper function to set appropriate bits in CFGR register based on bit function*/
00489 void LTC681x_set_cfgr(uint8_t nIC,
00490                       cell_asic ic[],
00491                       bool refon,
00492                       bool adcopt,
00493                       bool gpio[5],
00494                       bool dcc[12]);
00496 /*! Helper function to turn the refon bit HIGH or LOW*/
00497 void LTC681x_set_cfgr_refon(uint8_t nIC,
00498                             cell_asic ic[],
00499                             bool refon);
00501 /*! Helper function to turn the ADCOPT bit HIGH or LOW*/
00502 void LTC681x_set_cfgr_adcopt(uint8_t nIC,
00503                              cell_asic ic[],
00504                              bool adcopt);
00506 /*! Helper function to turn the GPIO bits HIGH or LOW*/
00507 void LTC681x_set_cfgr_gpio(uint8_t nIC,
00508                            cell_asic ic[],
00509                            bool gpio[]);
00511 /*! Helper function to turn the DCC bits HIGH or LOW*/
00512 void LTC681x_set_cfgr_dis(uint8_t nIC,
00513                           cell_asic ic[],
00514                           bool dcc[]);
00515 /*!  Helper function to set uv field in CFGRA register*/
00516 void LTC681x_set_cfgr_uv(uint8_t nIC,
00517                          cell_asic ic[],
00518                          uint16_t uv);
00520 /*!  Helper function to set ov field in CFGRA register*/
00521 void LTC681x_set_cfgr_ov(uint8_t nIC,
00522                          cell_asic ic[],
00523                          uint16_t ov);
00527 //#ifdef MBED
00528 //This needs a PROGMEM =  when using with a LINDUINO
00529 const uint16_t crc15Table[256] = {0x0,0xc599, 0xceab, 0xb32, 0xd8cf, 0x1d56, 0x1664, 0xd3fd, 0xf407, 0x319e, 0x3aac,  //!<precomputed CRC15 Table
00530                                 0xff35, 0x2cc8, 0xe951, 0xe263, 0x27fa, 0xad97, 0x680e, 0x633c, 0xa6a5, 0x7558, 0xb0c1,
00531                                 0xbbf3, 0x7e6a, 0x5990, 0x9c09, 0x973b, 0x52a2, 0x815f, 0x44c6, 0x4ff4, 0x8a6d, 0x5b2e,
00532                                 0x9eb7, 0x9585, 0x501c, 0x83e1, 0x4678, 0x4d4a, 0x88d3, 0xaf29, 0x6ab0, 0x6182, 0xa41b,
00533                                 0x77e6, 0xb27f, 0xb94d, 0x7cd4, 0xf6b9, 0x3320, 0x3812, 0xfd8b, 0x2e76, 0xebef, 0xe0dd,
00534                                 0x2544, 0x2be, 0xc727, 0xcc15, 0x98c, 0xda71, 0x1fe8, 0x14da, 0xd143, 0xf3c5, 0x365c,
00535                                 0x3d6e, 0xf8f7,0x2b0a, 0xee93, 0xe5a1, 0x2038, 0x7c2, 0xc25b, 0xc969, 0xcf0, 0xdf0d,
00536                                 0x1a94, 0x11a6, 0xd43f, 0x5e52, 0x9bcb, 0x90f9, 0x5560, 0x869d, 0x4304, 0x4836, 0x8daf,
00537                                 0xaa55, 0x6fcc, 0x64fe, 0xa167, 0x729a, 0xb703, 0xbc31, 0x79a8, 0xa8eb, 0x6d72, 0x6640,
00538                                 0xa3d9, 0x7024, 0xb5bd, 0xbe8f, 0x7b16, 0x5cec, 0x9975, 0x9247, 0x57de, 0x8423, 0x41ba,
00539                                 0x4a88, 0x8f11, 0x57c, 0xc0e5, 0xcbd7, 0xe4e, 0xddb3, 0x182a, 0x1318, 0xd681, 0xf17b,
00540                                 0x34e2, 0x3fd0, 0xfa49, 0x29b4, 0xec2d, 0xe71f, 0x2286, 0xa213, 0x678a, 0x6cb8, 0xa921,
00541                                 0x7adc, 0xbf45, 0xb477, 0x71ee, 0x5614, 0x938d, 0x98bf, 0x5d26, 0x8edb, 0x4b42, 0x4070,
00542                                 0x85e9, 0xf84, 0xca1d, 0xc12f, 0x4b6, 0xd74b, 0x12d2, 0x19e0, 0xdc79, 0xfb83, 0x3e1a, 0x3528,
00543                                 0xf0b1, 0x234c, 0xe6d5, 0xede7, 0x287e, 0xf93d, 0x3ca4, 0x3796, 0xf20f, 0x21f2, 0xe46b, 0xef59,
00544                                 0x2ac0, 0xd3a, 0xc8a3, 0xc391, 0x608, 0xd5f5, 0x106c, 0x1b5e, 0xdec7, 0x54aa, 0x9133, 0x9a01,
00545                                 0x5f98, 0x8c65, 0x49fc, 0x42ce, 0x8757, 0xa0ad, 0x6534, 0x6e06, 0xab9f, 0x7862, 0xbdfb, 0xb6c9,
00546                                 0x7350, 0x51d6, 0x944f, 0x9f7d, 0x5ae4, 0x8919, 0x4c80, 0x47b2, 0x822b, 0xa5d1, 0x6048, 0x6b7a,
00547                                 0xaee3, 0x7d1e, 0xb887, 0xb3b5, 0x762c, 0xfc41, 0x39d8, 0x32ea, 0xf773, 0x248e, 0xe117, 0xea25,
00548                                 0x2fbc, 0x846, 0xcddf, 0xc6ed, 0x374, 0xd089, 0x1510, 0x1e22, 0xdbbb, 0xaf8, 0xcf61, 0xc453,
00549                                 0x1ca, 0xd237, 0x17ae, 0x1c9c, 0xd905, 0xfeff, 0x3b66, 0x3054, 0xf5cd, 0x2630, 0xe3a9, 0xe89b,
00550                                 0x2d02, 0xa76f, 0x62f6, 0x69c4, 0xac5d, 0x7fa0, 0xba39, 0xb10b, 0x7492, 0x5368, 0x96f1, 0x9dc3,
00551                                 0x585a, 0x8ba7, 0x4e3e, 0x450c, 0x8095
00552                                };
00554 //#else
00555 //const uint16_t crc15Table[256] PROGMEM =  {0x0,0xc599, 0xceab, 0xb32, 0xd8cf, 0x1d56, 0x1664, 0xd3fd, 0xf407, 0x319e, 0x3aac,  //!<precomputed CRC15 Table
00556 //                               0xff35, 0x2cc8, 0xe951, 0xe263, 0x27fa, 0xad97, 0x680e, 0x633c, 0xa6a5, 0x7558, 0xb0c1,
00557 //                               0xbbf3, 0x7e6a, 0x5990, 0x9c09, 0x973b, 0x52a2, 0x815f, 0x44c6, 0x4ff4, 0x8a6d, 0x5b2e,
00558 //                               0x9eb7, 0x9585, 0x501c, 0x83e1, 0x4678, 0x4d4a, 0x88d3, 0xaf29, 0x6ab0, 0x6182, 0xa41b,
00559 //                               0x77e6, 0xb27f, 0xb94d, 0x7cd4, 0xf6b9, 0x3320, 0x3812, 0xfd8b, 0x2e76, 0xebef, 0xe0dd,
00560 //                               0x2544, 0x2be, 0xc727, 0xcc15, 0x98c, 0xda71, 0x1fe8, 0x14da, 0xd143, 0xf3c5, 0x365c,
00561 //                               0x3d6e, 0xf8f7,0x2b0a, 0xee93, 0xe5a1, 0x2038, 0x7c2, 0xc25b, 0xc969, 0xcf0, 0xdf0d,
00562 //                               0x1a94, 0x11a6, 0xd43f, 0x5e52, 0x9bcb, 0x90f9, 0x5560, 0x869d, 0x4304, 0x4836, 0x8daf,
00563 //                               0xaa55, 0x6fcc, 0x64fe, 0xa167, 0x729a, 0xb703, 0xbc31, 0x79a8, 0xa8eb, 0x6d72, 0x6640,
00564 //                               0xa3d9, 0x7024, 0xb5bd, 0xbe8f, 0x7b16, 0x5cec, 0x9975, 0x9247, 0x57de, 0x8423, 0x41ba,
00565 //                               0x4a88, 0x8f11, 0x57c, 0xc0e5, 0xcbd7, 0xe4e, 0xddb3, 0x182a, 0x1318, 0xd681, 0xf17b,
00566 //                               0x34e2, 0x3fd0, 0xfa49, 0x29b4, 0xec2d, 0xe71f, 0x2286, 0xa213, 0x678a, 0x6cb8, 0xa921,
00567 //                               0x7adc, 0xbf45, 0xb477, 0x71ee, 0x5614, 0x938d, 0x98bf, 0x5d26, 0x8edb, 0x4b42, 0x4070,
00568 //                               0x85e9, 0xf84, 0xca1d, 0xc12f, 0x4b6, 0xd74b, 0x12d2, 0x19e0, 0xdc79, 0xfb83, 0x3e1a, 0x3528,
00569 //                               0xf0b1, 0x234c, 0xe6d5, 0xede7, 0x287e, 0xf93d, 0x3ca4, 0x3796, 0xf20f, 0x21f2, 0xe46b, 0xef59,
00570 //                               0x2ac0, 0xd3a, 0xc8a3, 0xc391, 0x608, 0xd5f5, 0x106c, 0x1b5e, 0xdec7, 0x54aa, 0x9133, 0x9a01,
00571 //                               0x5f98, 0x8c65, 0x49fc, 0x42ce, 0x8757, 0xa0ad, 0x6534, 0x6e06, 0xab9f, 0x7862, 0xbdfb, 0xb6c9,
00572 //                               0x7350, 0x51d6, 0x944f, 0x9f7d, 0x5ae4, 0x8919, 0x4c80, 0x47b2, 0x822b, 0xa5d1, 0x6048, 0x6b7a,
00573 //                               0xaee3, 0x7d1e, 0xb887, 0xb3b5, 0x762c, 0xfc41, 0x39d8, 0x32ea, 0xf773, 0x248e, 0xe117, 0xea25,
00574 //                               0x2fbc, 0x846, 0xcddf, 0xc6ed, 0x374, 0xd089, 0x1510, 0x1e22, 0xdbbb, 0xaf8, 0xcf61, 0xc453,
00575 //                               0x1ca, 0xd237, 0x17ae, 0x1c9c, 0xd905, 0xfeff, 0x3b66, 0x3054, 0xf5cd, 0x2630, 0xe3a9, 0xe89b,
00576 //                               0x2d02, 0xa76f, 0x62f6, 0x69c4, 0xac5d, 0x7fa0, 0xba39, 0xb10b, 0x7492, 0x5368, 0x96f1, 0x9dc3,
00577 //                               0x585a, 0x8ba7, 0x4e3e, 0x450c, 0x8095
00578 //                                          };
00579 //#endif
00580 #endif