
Dependents:   MurataTypeYD_RPC_Sample

Fork of SNICInterface_mod by Toyomasa Watarai

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
C_SNIC_CoreInternal class used by any other classes
C_SNIC_UartCommandManagerInternal class for managing the SNIC UART command
C_SNIC_UartMsgUtilInternal utility class used by any other classes
C_SNIC_WifiInterfaceInterface class for using SNIC UART
EndpointIP Endpoint (address, port)
SocketSocket file descriptor and select wrapper
tagSCAN_RESULT_TScan result structure used by scanresults handler
tagWIFI_STATUS_TWi-Fi status used by getWifiStatus()
TCPSocketConnectionInterface class for TCP socket of using SNIC UART
TCPSocketServerInterface class for TCP server socket of using SNIC UART
UDPSocketInterface class for UDP socket of using SNIC UART