CAMCTL - One shot capture. - Calibration of camera to be able to work under different light conditions.

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00001 #include "camctl.h"
00003 /**********************************************************************************
00004 * Object declaration
00005 ***********************************************************************************/
00007 DigitalOut CAMCTL__xPinSI(PTD1);
00008 DigitalOut CAMCTL__xPinCLK(PTD3);
00009 AnalogIn CAMCTL__xPinAN(PTB2);
00010 DigitalOut debug(PTB3);
00011 DigitalOut debugGetData(PTB10);
00013 Timeout CAMCTL__xGlobalTimer;
00014 Timeout CAMCTL__xClkTimer;
00015 Timeout CAMCTL__xSiTimer;
00017 /**********************************************************************************
00018 * Local function prototypes
00019 ***********************************************************************************/
00020 static void CAMCTL__vGlobalTimer(void);
00021 static void CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_SI(void);
00022 static void CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_CLK(void);
00024 /**********************************************************************************
00025 * Local variables
00026 ***********************************************************************************/
00027 static CAMCTL__tstCameraOptions CAMCTL__stCameraOptions;
00028 static uint16_t CAMCTL__au16LineBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH] = {0};
00030 /**********************************************************************************
00031 * CAMCTL-Module
00032 ***********************************************************************************/
00033 static void CAMCTL__vGlobalTimer()
00034 {
00035     static bool boStartDone = false;
00036     if ( CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.enCaptureMode == nOneShot &&
00037          CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ActiveCapture == true    &&
00038          CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd == false &&
00039          boStartDone == false )
00040     {
00041         CAMCTL__xSiTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_SI, START_DELAY);
00042         CAMCTL__xClkTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_CLK, START_DELAY + CLK_PULSE_WIDTH_HALF);
00043         boStartDone = true;
00044     }
00045     else if( CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.enCaptureMode == nOneShot &&
00046              CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ActiveCapture == true    &&
00047              CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd == true &&
00048              boStartDone == true )
00049     {        
00050         boStartDone = false;
00051         CAMCTL__xGlobalTimer.detach();
00052         CAMCTL__xClkTimer.detach();
00053         CAMCTL__xSiTimer.detach();
00054     }
00055     else
00056     {
00057     }
00058     CAMCTL__xGlobalTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vGlobalTimer,BASE_PERIOD);
00059 }
00060 void CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_SI()
00061 {
00062     static bool boSIDone = false;
00063     if( boSIDone == false )
00064     {
00065         boSIDone = true;
00066         CAMCTL__xPinSI = true;
00067         CAMCTL__xSiTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_SI, SI_PULSE_WIDTH);
00068     }
00069     else
00070     {
00071         CAMCTL__xPinSI = false;
00072         boSIDone = false;
00073     }        
00074 }
00075 void CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_CLK()
00076 {
00077     static uint8_t u8PulseCtr = 0;
00079     if( u8PulseCtr < NO_OF_CLK_PULSES )
00080     {
00081         if ( u8PulseCtr == 0 )
00082         {
00083             CAMCTL__xPinCLK = true;
00084             u8PulseCtr++;
00085         }
00086         else
00087         {
00088             CAMCTL__xPinCLK = !CAMCTL__xPinCLK;
00089             if( CAMCTL__xPinCLK == false )
00090             {
00091                 if( ( u8PulseCtr >= 1 ) && (u8PulseCtr < BUFFER_LENGTH )  )
00092                 {
00093                     CAMCTL__au16LineBuffer[u8PulseCtr-1] = CAMCTL__xPinAN.read_u16();
00094                 }
00095                 u8PulseCtr++;
00096             }
00097         }
00098         CAMCTL__xClkTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vSignalHdlr_CLK, CLK_PULSE_WIDTH);
00099     }
00100     else
00101     {
00102         u8PulseCtr = 0;
00103         CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd = true;
00104     }
00106 }
00108 void CAMCTL_vTriggerOneShotCapture()
00109 {
00110     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ActiveCapture = true;
00111     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd = false;
00112     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.enCaptureMode = nOneShot;
00113     CAMCTL__xGlobalTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vGlobalTimer,BASE_PERIOD);
00114 }
00116 void CAMCTL_vTriggerContinuousCapture()
00117 {
00118     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ActiveCapture = true;
00119     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd = false;
00120     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.enCaptureMode = nContinuous;
00121     CAMCTL__xGlobalTimer.attach_us(&CAMCTL__vGlobalTimer,BASE_PERIOD);
00122 }
00124 void CAMCTL_vStopContinuousCapture( void )
00125 {
00126     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ActiveCapture = false;
00127     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.enCaptureMode = nNone;
00128     CAMCTL__xGlobalTimer.detach();
00129     CAMCTL__xClkTimer.detach();
00130     CAMCTL__xSiTimer.detach();
00131 }
00133 uint16_t * CAMCTL_pu16GetData( void )
00134 {
00135     debugGetData = !debugGetData;
00136     debug = CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd;
00137     if( CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd == true )
00138     {
00139         return CAMCTL__au16LineBuffer;
00140     }
00141     else
00142     {
00143         return NULL;    
00144     }
00145 }
00147 void CAMCTL_vInit(void)
00148 {
00149     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ActiveCapture = false;
00150     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.u8ClkEnd = false;
00151     CAMCTL__stCameraOptions.enCaptureMode = nNone;
00152 }
00154 bool CAMCTL_boCalibrateCamera(uint16_t* pu16ThreshCalibration, uint8_t u8Frames2Wait)
00155 {
00156     static uint8_t u8FrameCtr = 0;
00157     uint16_t* pu16DataBuffer;
00158     bool boConvDone = false;
00160     CAMCTL_vTriggerOneShotCapture();
00161     pu16DataBuffer = NULL;
00162     while( pu16DataBuffer == NULL )
00163     {
00164         pu16DataBuffer = CAMCTL_pu16GetData();
00165     }
00166     u8FrameCtr++;        
00167     if( u8FrameCtr > u8Frames2Wait )
00168     {
00169         u8FrameCtr = 0;
00170         boConvDone = true;
00171         memcpy( pu16ThreshCalibration, pu16DataBuffer, (BUFFER_LENGTH)*sizeof(uint16_t));
00172     }
00173     return boConvDone;
00174 }