Simple catch the dot game

Dependencies:   FXOS8700 Hexi_KW40Z NeatGUI

Fork of Hexi_Bubble_Game by Hexiwear

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00001 //HexiGame.cpp
00002 //R. Scott Coppersmith
00003 //Build 23 September 2016
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include <SSD1351_SPI.h>
00006 #include <HexiGame.h>
00007 #include "FXOS8700.h"
00008 #include "Hexi_KW40Z.h"
00010 #define LED_ON      0
00011 #define LED_OFF     1
00013 void StartHaptic(void);
00014 void StopHaptic(void const *n);
00015 AnalogIn analog(PTB2);
00016 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00017 unsigned int m_z = 22222;
00018 unsigned int m_w = 98764;
00019 unsigned int rgen (void)
00020 {
00022     m_z = 36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >>16);
00023     m_w = 18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >>16);
00024     return ((m_z <<16) + m_w);
00025 }
00027 //SSD1351_SPI ( mosi, miso, sclk, cs, dc ) ;  
00028 SSD1351_SPI OLED96x96(PTB22,PTB23,PTB21,PTB20,PTD15); 
00029 // Pin connections for Hexiwear
00030 FXOS8700 accel(PTC11, PTC10);
00031 // Storage for the data from the sensor
00032 float accel_data[3]; float accel_rms=0.0;
00033 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00034 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
00035 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
00036 DigitalOut BOOSTEN(PTC13);  //oled power enable
00037 DigitalOut haptic(PTB9);
00038 int count = 0;
00039 int count2 = 0;
00040 int count3 = 0;
00041 extern const uint8_t  Main_screen_bmp[ 36864 ];
00042 int argb = 0xff000000; 
00043 int rgbd = 0x00000000;
00044 int xposg = 0;
00045 int yposg = 0;
00046 int randx = 0;
00047 int randy = 0;
00048 int main() {
00049     led1 = 1;
00050     led2 = 1;
00051     led3 = 1;
00052     pc.printf("HexiGame \r\n");
00053     // Configure Accelerometer FXOS8700
00054     accel.accel_config();
00055     BOOSTEN = 1;
00057     OLED96x96.state(Display::DISPLAY_ON);
00058     OLED96x96.fillRect(16,0,111,96,0xff000000);//alpha, BGR
00059     for(int xpos=0;xpos<97;xpos++)
00060     {
00061         for(int ypos=0;ypos<96;ypos++)
00062         {
00063             rgbd = ((Main_screen_bmp[count+3]<<24)|(Main_screen_bmp[count]<<16)|(Main_screen_bmp[count+1]<<8)|(Main_screen_bmp[count+2]));
00064             OLED96x96.drawPixel(ypos+16,xpos,rgbd);
00065             count=count+4;
00066         }
00067     } 
00068     Thread::wait(6000);
00069     while(1)
00070     {    
00071         accel.acquire_accel_data_g(accel_data);
00072         xposg=(accel_data[1]*(-50.0));
00073         if (xposg > 36)
00074             xposg = 36;
00075         if (xposg < -36)
00076             xposg = -36;
00077         yposg=accel_data[0]*50.0;
00078         if (yposg > 36)
00079             yposg = 36;
00080         if (yposg < -36)
00081             yposg = -36;
00082         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,5,0xff00ff00);
00083         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,4,0xff00ff00);
00084         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,3,0xff00ff00);
00085         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,2,0xff00ff00);
00086         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,1,0xff00ff00); 
00087         Thread::wait(10);
00088         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,5,0xff000000);
00089         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,4,0xff000000);
00090         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,3,0xff000000);
00091         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,2,0xff000000); 
00092         OLED96x96.drawCircle(61-xposg,47+yposg,1,0xff000000);
00093         if ((61-xposg == 40+randx) and (47+yposg == 40+randy))
00094         {
00095           pc.printf("Hit!\r\n");
00096           led1 = LED_ON;
00097           haptic = 1;
00098           count3 = 0;
00099         }
00100         count3++;
00101         count2++;
00102         if ((count3 > 20)and (haptic == 1))
00103         {
00104           count2 = 101;  
00105           haptic = 0;
00106         }
00107         if (count2 > 100)
00108         {   //blank display to avoid image burn
00109             haptic = 0;
00110             count3 = 0;
00111             led1 = LED_OFF;
00112             OLED96x96.fillRect(16,0,111,96,0xff000000);//alpha, BGR
00113             count2 = 0;
00114             randx = rgen()%40;
00115             pc.printf("randx = %d\r\n",randx);
00116             randy = rgen()%40;
00117             pc.printf("randy = %d\r\n",randy);
00118             OLED96x96.drawCircle(40+randx,40+randy,3,0xffff00ff);
00119             OLED96x96.drawCircle(40+randx,40+randy,2,0xffff00ff);
00120             OLED96x96.drawCircle(40+randx,40+randy,1,0xff00ff00);
00121         }
00122             //BOOSTEN = 0;  //turn off display after about 1 minute to avoid image burn
00123     }
00125 }