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00004 /** 
00005  * GameOverManager Class
00006  * @brief A class for updating and drawing GameOver state.
00007  * @author Dmitrijs Griskovs
00008  * @date 30/04/2019
00009  */
00010 class GameOverManager {
00011 public:
00012     /** 
00013      * Constructor. 
00014      * @brief It init the GameOver with reseting 
00015      * the statrting sequence of the gameOver state.
00016      */ 
00017     GameOverManager() { reset(); }
00019     /** 
00020      * @brief Resets the gameOver to the animiation to appear again
00021      * @returns bool started, when GameOver begins.
00022      */
00023     void reset() { started = false; }
00024     /** 
00025      * @brief Updates and draws the game over animation.
00026      * @details It draws "GameOver" sprite from the leftside of the screen to the center
00027      * and "youDied" sprite from the right side to the center.  
00028      */
00029     void updateAndDraw() {
00030         if (!started) { startAnimation();}
00031         if (animation_counter < animation_length) {
00032             if (gamepad.check_event(gamepad.START_PRESSED)) {
00033                 gameOverLogo.pos.x = game_area_x - 29 + 42;
00034                 youDied.pos.x = game_area_width - 42;
00035                 animation_counter = animation_length;
00036             } else {
00037                 animation_counter++;
00038                 gameOverLogo.pos.x += 1;
00039                 youDied.pos.x -= 1;
00040             }
00041         }            
00042         drawSprite(gameOverLogo.pos, game_over_sprite);
00043         drawSprite(youDied.pos, you_died_sprite);
00044         gameOverPostAnimation();
00045         musicGameOver();
00046         ledsGameOver();   
00047     }
00049     /** 
00050      * @brief Checks for whether the animation of GameOver has stoped drawing or not
00051      * @details It check the value of the counter against the total length of the
00052      * animation play. When the counter equals to the total length, it indicates that
00053      * the animation has stopped  
00054      */
00055     bool isPlayingAnimation() {
00056         return animation_counter < animation_length;
00057     };
00059 private:
00060     void startAnimation() {
00061         started = true;
00062         gameOverLogo.pos.x = game_area_x - 29; // 0 - the sprite length
00063         gameOverLogo.pos.y = game_area_y;
00064         youDied.pos.x = game_area_width; 
00065         youDied.pos.y = game_area_y;
00066         animation_counter = 0;
00067         led_state = false;
00068         low_frequency_music_counter = 0;
00069         high_frequency_music_counter = 0;
00070     }
00072     void ledsGameOver(){
00073         gamepad.led(1,(float)led_state);
00074         gamepad.led(2,(float)!led_state);
00075         gamepad.led(3,(float)led_state);
00076         gamepad.led(4,(float)!led_state);
00077         gamepad.led(5,(float)led_state);
00078         gamepad.led(6,(float)!led_state);
00079         led_state = !led_state;   
00080     }
00082     void musicGameOver(){
00083         lowFrequencyPartMusic();
00084         highFrequencyPartMusic();
00085         high_frequency_music_counter++;
00086         low_frequency_music_counter++;//comment out this for epic game over beat.
00087         DG_PRINTF("Low frequency counter value:: %i\n", low_frequency_music_counter);
00088         DG_PRINTF("high frequency counter value:: %i\n", high_frequency_music_counter);
00089     }
00091     void lowFrequencyPartMusic(){
00092         // Low frequency
00093         if (low_frequency_music_counter == 0){ gamepad.tone(60,3);}
00094         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 3){gamepad.tone(90,3);}
00095         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 6){gamepad.tone(60,3);}
00096         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 9){gamepad.tone(80,3);}
00097         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 12){gamepad.tone(70,2);}
00098         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 14){gamepad.tone(60,2);}
00099         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 16){gamepad.tone(70,3);}
00100         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 19){gamepad.tone(50,1);}
00101         else if (low_frequency_music_counter == 20){gamepad.tone(40,3);}
00102         else if (low_frequency_music_counter== 23){
00103             gamepad.tone(60,2);
00104             low_frequency_music_counter = 0;
00105         } 
00106 }
00108     void highFrequencyPartMusic(){
00109         // High frequency
00110         if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 0){ gamepad.tone(300,0.1);}
00111         else if (high_frequency_music_counter == 3){gamepad.tone(250,0.1);}
00112         else if (high_frequency_music_counter == 6){gamepad.tone(230,0.2);}
00113         else if (high_frequency_music_counter == 9){gamepad.tone(250,0.1);}
00114         else if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 12){gamepad.tone(250,0.2);}
00115         else if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 14){gamepad.tone(220,0.1);}
00116         else if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 16){gamepad.tone(210,0.3);}
00117         else if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 19){gamepad.tone(200,1);}
00118         else if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 21){gamepad.tone(250,1);}
00119         else if ( high_frequency_music_counter == 22){
00120             gamepad.tone(200,1);
00121             high_frequency_music_counter = 0;
00122         }
00123     }
00124      void updateHighScore(){
00125         if (GameGlobals::high_score < GameGlobals::game_score){
00126             GameGlobals::high_score = GameGlobals::game_score;
00127         }
00128     }
00130     void gameOverPostAnimation(){
00131         char buffer[32];
00132         sprintf(buffer,"Score: %i", GameGlobals::game_score);
00133         updateHighScore();
00134         lcd.printString(buffer,0,3);   
00135         lcd.printString("Press Y",0,4);
00136         lcd.printString("to restart",0,5);
00137         gamepad.check_event(gamepad.START_PRESSED);
00138     }
00140     bool started;
00141     static const int animation_length = 42;
00142     int animation_counter;
00143     GameObject gameOverLogo;
00144     GameObject youDied;
00145     bool led_state;
00146     int low_frequency_music_counter;
00147     int high_frequency_music_counter;
00148 };
00150 #endif