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00001 #ifndef GAME_H
00002 #define GAME_H
00004 /** 
00005  * GameGlobals Class
00006  * @brief Globals that different places in code can modify
00007  * @author Dmitrijs Griskovs
00008  * @date 22/04/2019
00009  */
00010 class GameGlobals {
00011 public:
00012     static int game_score;
00013     static int score_count_for_difficulty;
00014     static int score_count_for_boss_mode;
00015     static int player_lifes;
00016     static int high_score;
00017     static bool is_shield_on;
00018 };
00020 /** 
00021  * Game Class
00022  * @brief Stores general game logic.
00023  * @author Dmitrijs Griskovs
00024  * @date 15/04/2019
00025  */
00026 class Game{
00027 public:
00028     /** 
00029      * Constructor. 
00030      * @brief It is crucial to init game_state to GameState_newgame, so it calls
00031      * startNewGame() on the first update. 
00032      */ 
00033     Game() : game_state(GameState_newgame) { }
00035     /** 
00036      * @brief The main game function where all the gameplay and rendering happens.
00037      * @details This is the main function of game.cpp, where the actual gameplay happens.
00038      * Here all other functions are activeated, and when the player dies, it
00039      * returns back to main menu "main.cpp" it also draws all sprites in the game.
00040      * @returns bool want_to_pause, when "START" button is pressed.
00041      */
00042     bool updateAndDraw();
00044     /**
00045      * @brief Resets all the in game variable when new game begins.
00046      * @details This function resets all the values to their intial states when 
00047      * the game is first began when the player dies and wants to restart the game.
00048      * It does not reset the values when the game is paused.
00049      */  
00050     void startNewGame();
00052     /** 
00053      * @brief Check whether the button R was pressed or not to turn ON/OFF the shield.
00054      * @details When the button R is pressed it sets bool "is_shield_active" to its opposite
00055      * value. If the shield is active then, a ship with force shield sprite is drawn and
00056      * the player's ability to shoot deactivates.
00057      */
00058     bool forceShildActivate();
00060 private:
00062     void checkButtonToShoot();
00063     bool checkForGameOver();
00064     void collideEnemiesAndBlasts();
00065     void collideEnemiesBlastsAndPlayer();
00066     void collideEnemiesAndPlayer();
00067     void collideBossAndPlayerBlasts();
00068     void collideBossBlastsAndPlayer();
00069     void starsSpawnDelay();
00070     void increaseGameDifficultyAndEnemySpawnDelay();
00071     void printMusicCountersTest();
00072     bool checkIfNeedsToReturnToMenu();
00073     void updateAndDrawGameplay();
00074     void updateAndDrawGameover();
00075     void updateAndDrawBossCutscene();
00076     void updateAndDrawBossGameplay();
00078     int enemy_ship_delay_counter;
00079     int enemy_ship_delay_max;
00080     bool is_boss_active;
00083     enum GameState {
00084         GameState_newgame,
00085         GameState_gameplay,
00086         GameState_boss_cutscene,
00087         GameState_boss_gameplay,
00088         GameState_gameover
00089     };
00090     GameState game_state;
00091 };
00094 #endif