In this lab, you will: Construct a prototype

Dependencies:   ADXL362 mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "ADXL362.h"
00004 // Interface pulled from ADXL362.cpp
00005 // ADXL362::ADXL362(PinName CS, PinName MOSI, PinName MISO, PinName SCK) :
00006 ADXL362 adxl362(PA_0,PA_7,PA_6,PA_1);
00007 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00008 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00010 int adxl362_reg_print(int start, int length);
00011 void adxl362_get_average(int16_t avg[]);
00013 int main() {
00014     pc.printf("Starting program\r\n");
00015     adxl362.reset();
00016     wait_ms(600); // we need to wait at least 500ms after ADXL362 reset
00017     adxl362.set_mode(ADXL362::MEASUREMENT);
00018     int16_t x,y,z; 
00019     int16_t avg[3]; // Avg values of x,y,z. x = avg[0], y = avg[1] z = avg[2]
00020     int countOverThreshHold = 0;
00021     adxl362_reg_print(1,0); // Test of axdl_reg_print
00022     wait_ms(1000); // wait so that values can be seen
00023     int threshHoldRange = 30; // threshhold difference between avg and read values
00024     adxl362_get_average(avg);// Generate an average of what x,y,z are.
00025     //pc.printf("xAvg = %d yAvg = %d zAvg = %d\r\n",avg[0],avg[1],avg[2]);
00026     while(1) {
00027         x=adxl362.scanx();
00028         y=adxl362.scany(); 
00029         z=adxl362.scanz();
00031         if (x > (avg[0] + threshHoldRange) || x < (avg[0] - threshHoldRange)
00032             || y > (avg[1] + threshHoldRange) || y < (avg[1] - threshHoldRange) 
00033             || z > (avg[2] + threshHoldRange) || z < (avg[2] - threshHoldRange)) {
00034             // commented out z as it gives weird values
00035             // ) {
00036             /* print cases used to test threshhold range
00037             pc.printf("x = %d y = %d z = %d\r\n",x,y,z);
00038             pc.printf("xAvg = %d yAvg = %d zAvg = %d\r\n",avg[0],avg[1],avg[2]);
00039             pc.printf("Threshold range is = %d\r\n", threshHoldRange);
00040             */
00041             //pc.printf("outside of threshold range\n\r");
00042             countOverThreshHold++;
00043             pc.printf("Gone over threshhold %d times\n\r", countOverThreshHold);
00044             myled = 1; // LED is ON
00045             wait_ms(1900); // Wait 1.9s.  Last .1 sec is done while getting average
00046             adxl362_get_average(avg); // Generate new average
00047             myled = 0; // LED is OFF
00048         }
00050         pc.printf("x = %d y = %d z = %d\r\n",x,y,z);
00051         wait_ms(100);
00052     }
00053 }
00055 void adxl362_get_average(int16_t avg[]) {
00056      // Generate an average of what x,y,z are.
00057     int numberOfPolls = 2;
00058     // reset average back to zero for each
00059     int tmp[3]; // required because avg was having integer overflow
00060     tmp[0] = 0;
00061     tmp[1] = 0;
00062     tmp[2] = 0;
00063     avg[0] = 0;
00064     avg[1] = 0;
00065     avg[2] = 0;
00066     int16_t x,y,z; 
00067     // Poll each value 10 times
00068     for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPolls; i++) {
00069         //pc.printf("x = %d y = %d z = %d\r\n",x,y,z);
00070         x = adxl362.scanx();
00071         tmp[0]+= x;
00072         y = adxl362.scany();
00073         tmp[1]+= y;
00074         z=adxl362.scanz();
00075         tmp[2]+= z; 
00076         wait_ms(10);
00077         //pc.printf("xAvg = %d yAvg = %d zAvg = %d\r\n",tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2]);
00079     } 
00080     // Divide each value by the number of polls to get the average
00081     tmp[0] = tmp[0] / numberOfPolls;
00082     tmp[1] = tmp[1] / numberOfPolls;
00083     tmp[2] = tmp[2] / numberOfPolls;
00084     // store values from the tmp to the passed in array
00085     avg[0] = tmp[0];
00086     avg[1] = tmp[1];
00087     avg[2] = tmp[2];
00088     pc.printf("New Average: xAvg = %d yAvg = %d zAvg = %d\r\n",avg[0],avg[1],avg[2]);
00089     wait_ms(5000);
00090 }
00092 int adxl362_reg_print(int start, int length) {
00093     int end = 0x2E;
00094     if ((start + length) < end) {
00095         end = (start + length); // so it only goes to the length
00096     }
00097     if (length == 0) { 
00098         end = 0x2E; // so it prints till the end
00099     }
00102     // Check if start is within registry
00103     if (start < 0 || start > 0x2E) {
00104         pc.printf("Error: start value passed to adxl362_reg_print outside of range of registry\n\r");
00105         return -1;
00106     }
00107     // check if length is negative
00108     if (length < 0) {
00109         pc.printf("Error: length passed to adxl362_reg_print is negative\n\r");
00110         return -1;
00111     }
00113     // check if valid communication with device going
00114     if (adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.DEVID_AD) != 0xAD) {
00115         pc.printf("Error: Unable to read from DEVID_AD register\n\r");
00116         return -1;
00117     } 
00118     // String array with all of the names of the different registers in order
00119     char regNames [40][20]  = {
00120          "DEVID_AD", "DEVID_MST", "PARTID",
00121          "REVID", "XDATA", "YDATA",
00122          "ZDATA", "STATUS", "FIFO_ENTRIES_L", 
00123          "FIFO_ENTRIES_H", "XDATA_L", "XDATA_H",
00124          "YDATA_L", "YDATA_H", "ZDATA_L",
00125          "ZDATA_H", "TEMP_L", "TEMP_H",
00126          "RESERVED", "RESERVED", "SOFT_RESET",
00127          "THRESH_ACT_L", "THRESH_ACT_H", "TIME_INACT_L",
00128          "TIME_ACT", "THRESH_INACT_L", "THRESH_INACT_H",
00129          "TIME_INACT_L", "TIME_INACT_H", "ACT_INACT_CTL",
00130          "FIFO_CONTROL", "FIFO_SAMPLES", "INTMAP1",
00131          "INTMATP2", "FILTER_CTL", "POWER_CTL",
00132          "SELF_TEST"};
00135     for (int hexValue = 0; hexValue < end; hexValue++) { 
00136         uint8_t tmp = 0; // hex value location of the register
00137         uint8_t arrayAddress = 0; // Hex value of the register
00138         // May need to increment the registers inside of the if, since the values 
00139         // are not always sequential
00140         // You can find registers inside of ADXL362.h file in ADXL362 folder
00141         // they are the ADXL362_register_t
00142         if (hexValue == 0) { 
00143             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.DEVID_AD);
00144             arrayAddress = 0;
00145         } else if (hexValue == 1) { 
00146             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.DEVID_MST);
00147             arrayAddress = 1;
00148         } else if (hexValue == 2) { 
00149             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.PARTID);
00150             arrayAddress = 2;
00151         } else if (hexValue == 3) { 
00152             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.REVID);
00153             arrayAddress = 3;
00154         } else if (hexValue == 8) { 
00155             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.XDATA);
00156             arrayAddress = 4;
00157         } else if (hexValue == 9) { 
00158             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.YDATA);
00159             arrayAddress = 5;
00160         } else if (hexValue == 0x0A) { 
00161             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.ZDATA);
00162             arrayAddress = 6;
00163         } else if (hexValue == 0x0B) { 
00164             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.STATUS);
00165             arrayAddress = 7;
00166         } else if (hexValue == 0x0C) { 
00167             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.FIFO_ENTRIES_L);
00168             arrayAddress = 8;
00169         } else if (hexValue == 0x0D) {
00170             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.FIFO_ENTRIES_H);
00171             arrayAddress = 9;
00172         } else if (hexValue == 0x0E) { 
00173             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.XDATA_L);
00174             arrayAddress = 9;
00175         } else if (hexValue == 0x0F) { 
00176             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.XDATA_H);
00177             arrayAddress = 10;
00178         } else if (hexValue == 0x10) { 
00179             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.YDATA_L);
00180             arrayAddress = 11;
00181         } else if (hexValue == 0x11) { 
00182             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.YDATA_H);
00183             arrayAddress = 12;
00184         } else if (hexValue == 0x12) { 
00185             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.YDATA_H);
00186             arrayAddress = 13;
00187         } else if (hexValue == 0x13) { 
00188             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.ZDATA_L);
00189             arrayAddress = 14;
00190         } else if (hexValue == 0x14) { 
00191             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.ZDATA_H);
00192             arrayAddress = 15;
00193         } else if (hexValue == 0x15) { 
00194             // RESERVED
00195         } else if (hexValue == 0x16) { 
00196             // RESERVED
00197         } else if (hexValue == 0x1F) { 
00198             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.SOFT_RESET);
00199             arrayAddress = 18;
00200         } else if (hexValue == 0x20) { 
00201             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.THRESH_ACT_L);
00202             arrayAddress = 19;
00203         } else if (hexValue == 0x21) { 
00204             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.THRESH_ACT_H);
00205             arrayAddress = 20;
00206         } else if (hexValue == 0x22) { 
00207             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.TIME_ACT);
00208             arrayAddress = 21;
00209         } else if (hexValue == 0x23) { 
00210             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.THRESH_INACT_L);
00211             arrayAddress = 22;
00212         } else if (hexValue == 0x24) { 
00213             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.THRESH_INACT_H);
00214             arrayAddress = 23;
00215         } else if (hexValue == 0x25) { 
00216             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.TIME_INACT_L);
00217             arrayAddress = 24;
00218         } else if (hexValue == 0x26) { 
00219             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.TIME_INACT_H);
00220             arrayAddress = 25;
00221         } else if (hexValue == 0x27) { 
00222             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.ACT_INACT_CTL);
00223             arrayAddress = 26;
00224         } else if (hexValue == 0x28) { 
00225             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.FIFO_CONTROL);
00226             arrayAddress = 27;
00227         } else if (hexValue == 0x29) { 
00228             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.FIFO_SAMPLES);
00229             arrayAddress = 28;
00230         } else if (hexValue == 0x2A) { 
00231             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.INTMAP1);
00232             arrayAddress = 29;
00233         } else if (hexValue == 0x2B) { 
00234             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.INTMAP2);
00235             arrayAddress = 30;
00236         } else if (hexValue == 0x2C) { 
00237             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.FILTER_CTL);
00238             arrayAddress = 31;
00239         } else if (hexValue == 0x2D) { 
00240             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.POWER_CTL);
00241             arrayAddress = 32;
00242         } else if (hexValue == 0x2E) { 
00243             tmp = adxl362.read_reg(adxl362.SELF_TEST);
00244             arrayAddress = 33;
00245         }
00246         if (hexValue != 0 && tmp != 0) {
00247             pc.printf("%#04x: %s=%#04x\n\r", hexValue, regNames[arrayAddress], tmp); // Print register
00248             // set both to zero so they don't show again
00249             arrayAddress = 0; 
00250             tmp = 0;
00251         }
00252     }
00253     return 0;
00255 // below is github with data for ADXL362 methods
00256  //   
00257 }