
Dependencies:   MPU6050 MS5607 SDFileSystem mbed

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00001 /*
00002 2017年3月 伊豆大島共同打上実験
00003 団体名:CORE
00004 チーム名:ムササビ
00005 該当電装:ロケット搭載用
00007 使用部品
00008 ・LPC1768(マイコン)
00009 ・MPU6050(加速度・ジャイロセンサ)
00010 ・MS5607(気圧・気温センサ)
00011 ・MicroSDスロット
00012 ・MG995(サーボモータ)×4
00014 使用ライブラリ
00015 ・MPU6050.h
00016    https://developer.mbed.org/teams/mbed/code/SDFileSystem/
00017 ・MS5607.h
00018    https://developer.mbed.org/users/yamaguch/code/MS5607/
00019 ・SDFileSystem.h
00020    https://developer.mbed.org/teams/mbed/code/SDFileSystem/
00021 */
00022 #include "mbed.h"
00023 #include "math.h"
00024 #include "MS5607I2C.h"
00025 #include "MPU6050.h"
00026 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00028 #define ACC_LAUNCH      4.0f//FIXME:本番は4g
00029 #define TOP_DROP_AMOUNT 1.5f
00030 #define TIME_REACH_TOP  12.5f
00032 #define RATE_LOG  1
00033 #define RATE_OPEN 10
00034 /*サーボ動作*/
00035 #define LOCK      0
00036 #define UNLOCK    1
00037 /*モード定義*/
00038 #define STANDBY   0
00039 #define TEST      1
00040 #define FLIGHT    2
00041 /*開放フェーズ定義*/
00042 #define SETUP     0
00043 #define LAUNCH    1
00044 #define RISE      2
00045 #define DROP      3
00046 /**/
00047 /*DCモータ動作*/
00048 #define FORW      0
00049 #define STOP      1
00050 #define BACK      2
00051 #define P0        1013.25f//海面気圧[hPa]
00052 #define ACC       4096.0f//加速度オフセット値
00054 /*目標地点の座標*/
00055 #define L_HOKUI  34.73416 //ムササビチーム目標地点
00056 #define L_TOUKEI 139.4227
00057 #define ECC2     0.00669437999019758
00058 #define A_RADIUS 6378137.000          //長半径(赤道半径)[m]
00059 #define B_RADIUS 6356752.314245     //短半径(極半径)(WGS84)->http://yamadarake.jp/trdi/report000001.html
00060 #define M_PI     3.1415926535897932384626433832795
00061 #define M_PI_2   1.57079632679489661923
00062 #define epsilon 1.0E-6
00064 /*ピン指定*/
00065 MS5607I2C     ms5607(p9, p10, false);
00066 MPU6050       mpu(p9,p10);
00067 BusOut        myled(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);
00068 SDFileSystem  sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
00069 Serial        device(USBTX, USBRX);
00070 DigitalIn     flightpin(p19);
00071 DigitalOut    RED(p30);
00072 Serial        twe(p13,p14);
00073 Serial        gps(p28,p27);       // tx, rx
00074 PwmOut        Door_UP(p21);
00075 PwmOut        Door_BOTTOM(p22);
00076 PwmOut        DC(p23);
00079 /*タイマー類*/
00080 Timer  timer;
00081 Ticker loop_log;
00082 Ticker loop_open;
00083 /*ログカウンタ*/
00084 bool   row = 0;
00085 int8_t col = 0;
00086 /*ログ格納用*/
00087 float alt_drop;
00088 FILE *fp;
00089 /*フェーズ変数*/
00090 int8_t Phase = SETUP;
00091 int8_t Mode  = STANDBY;
00092 char flight[5] = {};
00093 int i_f =0;
00094 /*判定用*/
00095 float  alt_buff[RATE_OPEN];
00096 static float  alt_max,alt_launch;
00097 float  t_drop,t_top,t_launch;
00098 int8_t cnt_judge = 0;
00099 int8_t col_open  = 0;
00100 /*入力用*/
00101 int8_t input_buff[2] = {};
00102 int8_t input_cnt = 0;
00103 int u;
00105 /*GPS変数*/
00106 const float dt =0.06;
00107 int i,mode,Step;
00108 int j = 0;
00109 char gps_data[256];
00110 char st,ns,ew;
00111 float w_time,hokui,tokei;
00112 float vel_norm,vel_head;
00114 float g_hokui,g_tokei;
00115 float d_hokui,m_hokui,d_tokei,m_tokei;
00116 float def;
00117 unsigned char c;
00118 float dy, dx;
00119 float yAve,n,m,ecc,w;
00120 float xDist, yDist, dist;
00121 float x_tgt[3]= {166.7,-199.7,0.0};
00123 /*関数*/
00124 void  _Open();
00125 //void  _Log();
00126 void  _GPS();
00127 void  _Motor(int8_t door_num, int8_t motion);
00128 void  _Input();
00129 float _Measure_Alt(float press, float temp);
00130 float _Median(float data[], int num);
00131 int set_input(bool gps_good, float x_s[], float vg_knot, float hdg_gps, float alt_s, float alt_max);
00132 int control(float r_rel[], float vw[], float v[], float hdg, float omg, float dist_tgt);
00133 void filter_x(float dt, float C, float x_est[], float x_gps[], float vg_gps[]);
00134 void periodize(float &x, float max, float min);
00135 float hdg_conv(float hdgN0deg);
00136 void windstar(float Vw[], float Vg0[], float Vg1[], float Vg2[]);
00137 void segmentBisector(float a[], float v1[], float v2[]);
00138 int intersection(float r[], float l[], float m[]);
00139 float dot2(float a[], float b[]);
00140 float norm2(float v[]);
00142 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00143 int main() {
00144    device.baud(115200);
00145    gps.baud(115200);
00146    twe.baud(115200);
00147    mpu.setAcceleroRange(2);
00148    mpu.setGyroRange(2);
00149    timer.start();
00150    Door_UP.period_ms(20);
00151    Door_BOTTOM.period_ms(20);
00152    DC.period_ms(20);
00153        ms5607.printCoefficients();
00155    // _Motor(1,UNLOCK);//todo:当日は状態記憶に仕様変更予定?
00156    // _Motor(2,UNLOCK);//
00157    fp = fopen("/sd/log.txt", "a");
00158    device.attach(&_Input,Serial::RxIrq);
00159    loop_open.attach(&_Open,1.0/RATE_OPEN);
00160    while(1);
00161 }
00162 /*開放用関数 RATE_OPEN[Hz]で判定を行う*/
00163 void _Open(){
00164    myled = 1 << (Phase-1);
00165    switch (Phase) {
00166       case SETUP://セットアップモード(発射判定不可)
00167                   break;
00168       case LAUNCH://点火モード(発射判定可)
00169             device.printf("Phase:LAUNCH\r\n");
00171             float acc_buffx2 = (float)mpu.getAcceleroRawX()/(ACC*0.981);
00172             float acc_buffy2 = (float)mpu.getAcceleroRawY()/(ACC*0.981);
00173             float acc_buffz2 = (float)mpu.getAcceleroRawZ()/(ACC*0.981);
00175             float x_acc=acc_buffx2*acc_buffx2;
00176             float y_acc=acc_buffy2*acc_buffy2;
00177             float z_acc=acc_buffz2*acc_buffz2;
00179             float acc_sum = (x_acc+y_acc+z_acc)*1.0;
00180                   alt_buff[col_open] = ms5607.getAltitude();
00181                   if(acc_sum>ACC_LAUNCH||flightpin==1){
00182                      if(cnt_judge++==3){
00183                         Phase = RISE;
00184                         alt_launch = _Median(alt_buff, RATE_OPEN);
00185                         cnt_judge = 0;
00186                      }
00187                      device.printf("launch:%f",alt_launch);
00188                      t_launch = timer.read();
00189                      alt_max = alt_launch;
00190                   }else{
00191                      if(timer.read()>t_launch+1.0) cnt_judge = 0;
00192                   }
00193                   break;
00194       case RISE://上昇中(パラシュート開放判定)
00195                   device.printf("Phase:RISE\r\n");
00196                   float alt_rising = ms5607.getAltitude();
00197                   if( alt_rising>alt_max && alt_rising-alt_max < 10.0 ) alt_max = alt_rising;
00198                   if(alt_rising<alt_max-TOP_DROP_AMOUNT){
00199                      if(cnt_judge++==3){
00200                         twe.printf("Phase:RISE.ALT Open.\r\n");
00201                            gps.attach(&_GPS,Serial::RxIrq);
00203                         _Motor(1,UNLOCK);
00204                         Phase = DROP;
00205                         cnt_judge = 0;
00206                      }
00207                      t_top = timer.read();
00208                   }else{
00209                      if(timer.read()>t_top+1.0) cnt_judge = 0;
00210                   }
00211                   if(timer.read()-t_launch>TIME_REACH_TOP){
00212                      _Motor(1,UNLOCK);
00213    gps.attach(&_GPS,Serial::RxIrq);
00215                      Phase = DROP;
00216                      cnt_judge = 0;
00217                   }
00218                   break;
00219       case DROP://降下中(缶サット開放判定)
00221             //device.printf("%d %c %f %f %f %f \n\r",u,st,vel_norm, vel_head, alt_drop, alt_max);
00222             //device.printf("Phase:DROP. Input:%d /r/n",u);
00224             //_Measure alt 現在の高度 + dt->60ms
00226                   break;
00227    }
00228    if(col_open++==RATE_OPEN) col_open = 0;
00229 }
00230 /*
00231 void _Log(){
00232    if(t[row][col] = timer.read()>=30.0*60.0){
00233       timer.reset();
00234       t[row][col] = timer.read();
00235    }
00236    pressure[row][col]    = ms5607.getPressure()/100;
00237    temperature[row][col] = ms5607.getTemperature();
00238    fprintf(fp,"%d,%f,%f\r\n",t[row][col],pressure[row][col],temperature[row][col]);
00239    if(col++==RATE_LOG){
00240       col = 0;
00241       row =! row;
00242       fclose(fp);
00243       fp  =  fopen("/sd/log.txt", "a");
00244    }
00245 }
00246 */
00247     void _Motor(int8_t num, int8_t motion) {
00248         if(num==1) { //扉
00249             if(motion==UNLOCK) {
00250                 Door_UP.pulsewidth(0.0015);
00251                 Door_BOTTOM.pulsewidth(0.0023);
00252                 wait(1.0);
00253                 Door_UP.pulsewidth(0);
00254                 Door_BOTTOM.pulsewidth(0);
00255             } else if(motion==LOCK) {
00256                 Door_UP.pulsewidth(0.0023);
00257                 Door_BOTTOM.pulsewidth(0.0015);
00258                 wait(1.0);
00259                 Door_UP.pulsewidth(0);
00260                 Door_BOTTOM.pulsewidth(0);
00261             } else {
00262                 device.printf("error%f\r\n",motion);
00263             }
00264         } else if(num==2) { //DC
00265             if(motion==FORW) {
00266                 DC.pulsewidth(0.001);
00267                 wait(0.2);
00268             } else if(motion==STOP) {
00269                 DC.pulsewidth(0.0015);
00270                 wait(0.2);
00271             } else if(motion==BACK) {
00272                 DC.pulsewidth(0.002);
00273                 wait(0.2);
00274             } else {
00275                 device.printf("error%f\r\n",motion);
00276             }
00277         } else {
00278             device.printf("Motor error:%d\r\n",num);
00279         }
00280     }
00281 void _GPS() {
00282   static int cnt=0;
00283   cnt++;
00284   RED =1;
00285   c = gps.getc();
00286   if( c=='$' || i == 256){
00287     mode = 0;
00288     i = 0;
00289     for(int j=0; j<256; j++){
00290         gps_data[j]=NULL;
00291     }
00292   }
00293   if(mode==0){
00294     if((gps_data[i]=c) != '\r'){
00295       i++;
00296     }else{
00297       gps_data[i]='\0';
00299       if( sscanf(gps_data, "$GNRMC,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f,%f",&w_time,&st,&hokui,&ns,&tokei,&ew,&vel_norm,&vel_head) >= 1){
00300           //logitude
00302           d_tokei= int(tokei/100);
00303           m_tokei= (tokei-d_tokei*100)/60;
00304           g_tokei= d_tokei+m_tokei;
00305           //Latitude
00306           d_hokui=int(hokui/100);
00307           m_hokui=(hokui-d_hokui*100)/60;
00308           g_hokui=d_hokui+m_hokui;
00310           dy = (L_HOKUI-g_hokui)/180*M_PI;
00311           dx = (L_TOUKEI-g_tokei)/180*M_PI;
00312           yAve = (g_hokui+L_HOKUI)/2/180*M_PI;
00313           w = sqrt(1-ECC2*sin(yAve)*sin(yAve));
00314           m = A_RADIUS*(1-ECC2)/(w*w*w);
00315           n = A_RADIUS/w;
00316           dist = sqrt((dy*m)*(dy*m)+(dx*n*cos(yAve))*(dx*n*cos(yAve))/1);
00317           xDist = dx*n*cos(yAve);
00318           yDist = dy*m;
00320                 float alt = ms5607.getAltitude();
00321                 //device.printf("Lon:%.6f, Lat:%.6f,vel_norm:%f,vel_head:%f\r\n",g_tokei, g_hokui,vel_norm,vel_head);
00322                 device.printf("Radio \r\n");
00324 /*
00325           static int k=0;
00326           if (k++ % 6 == 0){
00327                 float alt = ms5607.getAltitude();
00328                 //device.printf("Lon:%.6f, Lat:%.6f,vel_norm:%f,vel_head:%f\r\n",g_tokei, g_hokui,vel_norm,vel_head);
00329                 device.printf("Radio \r\n");
00331                 twe.printf("%c,%f %f %f %f %f %d \r\n",Phase,hokui,tokei,vel_norm,vel_head,alt,alt_launch,u);
00332                 fprintf(fp,"%c,%f %f %f %f %f %d \r\n" ,Phase,hokui,tokei,vel_norm,vel_head,alt,alt_launch,u);
00334                 if(k % 30 == 0){
00335                     k = 0;
00336                     row =! row;
00337                     fclose(fp);
00338                     fp  =  fopen("/sd/log.txt", "a");
00339                 }
00340           }                  
00341 */          static float alt_drop2=ms5607.getAltitude();
00342             alt_drop2=ms5607.getAltitude();
00343           alt_drop=alt_drop2-alt_launch;
00345            float x_s[] = { xDist, yDist };
00346            device.printf("x_s %f %f drp:%f max:%f \r\n",x_s[0],x_s[1],alt_drop,alt_max - alt_launch);
00347         u = set_input(st == 'A', x_s, vel_norm, vel_head, alt_drop, alt_max - alt_launch);
00348             device.printf("%d",u);
00349             twe.printf("%d,%f %f %f %f %f %d \r\n",cnt,hokui,tokei,vel_norm,vel_head,alt_drop,alt_max - alt_launch,u);
00351             static int ui = 0;
00352             const int ui_max = 30, ui_min = 10;   // ui_min = 0 ?
00353             if (ui < ui_min) u = 1;
00354             else if (ui > ui_max) u = -1;
00355             ui += u;
00357             if(u == -1) _Motor(2,FORW);//右旋回
00358             else if(u == 0) _Motor(2,STOP);
00359             else if(u == 1) _Motor(2,BACK);//左旋回
00362           sprintf(gps_data, "");
00363       }//if
00364     }
00365   }
00366 }
00368 void _Input(){
00369    input_buff[input_cnt] = device.getc();
00370    device.printf("\r\n");
00371    switch (Mode) {
00372       case STANDBY:
00373                   if(input_cnt==0){
00374                      if(input_buff[0]=='S'){
00375                         device.printf("U >> UNLOCK\r\n");
00376                         device.printf("L >> LOCK\r\n");
00377                      }else if(input_buff[0]=='M'){
00378                         device.printf("S >> STANDBY\r\n");
00379                         device.printf("F >> FLIGHT\r\n");
00380                      }else{
00381                         device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[0]);
00382                         device.printf(">>MAINMENU<<\r\n");
00383                         device.printf("S >> Servo Operation\r\n");
00384                         device.printf("M >> Mode Change\r\n");
00385                         device.printf("-->>");
00386                         return;
00387                      }
00388                   }else if(input_cnt==1){
00389                      if(input_buff[0]=='S'){
00390                           if(input_buff[1]=='U')_Motor(1,UNLOCK);
00391                           else if(input_buff[1]=='L')_Motor(1,LOCK);
00392                           else{
00393                             device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[1]);
00394                             device.printf("U >> UNLOCK\r\n");
00395                             device.printf("L >> LOCK\r\n");
00396                             device.printf("-->>");
00397                             return;
00398                           }
00399                      }else if(input_buff[0]=='M'){
00400                         if(input_buff[1]=='S'){
00401                            Mode = STANDBY;
00402                         }else if(input_buff[1]=='F'){
00403                            Mode = FLIGHT;
00404                            Phase = LAUNCH;
00406                            device.printf("FLIGHT-Mode ON!\r\n");
00407                            device.printf("***alert***\r\n");
00408                            device.printf("You will be able to reset only!\r\n");
00409                            return;
00410                         }else{
00411                            device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[1]);
00412                            device.printf("S >> STANDBY\r\n");
00413                            device.printf("F >> FLIGHT\r\n");
00414                            device.printf("-->>");
00415                            return;
00416                         }
00417                      }
00418                      input_cnt = 0;
00419                      device.printf(">>MAINMENU<<\r\n");
00420                      device.printf("S >> Servo Operation\r\n");
00421                      device.printf("M >> Mode Change\r\n");
00422                      device.printf("-->>");
00423                      return;
00424                   }
00425                   device.printf("-->>");
00426                   input_cnt++;
00427                   break;
00428       case FLIGHT://reset only
00429                   break;
00430    }
00431 }
00433 /*その他雑関数*/
00434 float _Measure_Alt(float press/*[hPa]*/, float temp/*[℃]*/){
00435    return (pow((P0/press), (1.0f/5.257f))-1.0f)*(temp+273.15f)/0.0065f;
00436 }
00437 float _Median(float data[], int num){
00438    float median;
00439    float *sort = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*num);
00440    for(int i=0; i<num; i++) sort[i] = data[i];
00441    for(int i=0; i<num; i++){
00442       for(int j=0; j<num-i-1; j++){
00443          if(sort[j]>sort[j+1]){
00444             float buff = sort[j+1];
00445             sort[j+1] = sort[j];
00446             sort[j] = buff;
00447          }
00448       }
00449    }
00450    if(num%2!=0)median = sort[num/2];
00451    else median = (sort[num/2-1]+sort[num/2])/2.0;
00452    free(sort);
00453    return median;
00454 }
00456 int set_input(bool gps_good, float x_s[], float vg_knot, float hdg_gps, float alt_s, float alt_max)
00457 {
00458     // グローバルにするかも?
00459     const int dn = 40;                          // windstarのベクトルを取得するステップ間隔
00460     const float vz_est = 4.62;                  // パラフォイルのsinkrate[m/s]
00461     const float dist_tgt = 30.0;                // 目標旋回半径[m]
00462     const float alt_unctrl = 50.0;              // 無制御で降下する高度[m]
00464     static int gps_step = 1;
00465     float u = 0.0;
00466     if (gps_good)
00467     {
00468         enum Phase
00469         {
00470             WIND_EST,
00471             CTRL
00472         };
00473         static Phase phase = WIND_EST;
00475         // sensor data
00476         float dt_ = dt*gps_step;
00477         gps_step = 1;
00479         // state variable estimation
00480         float hdg_s = hdg_conv(hdg_gps);
00481         static float hdg0 = hdg_s;
00482         float omg_calc = hdg_s - hdg0;
00483         if (omg_calc >= M_PI) omg_calc -= 2 * M_PI;
00484         else if (omg_calc <= -M_PI) omg_calc += 2 * M_PI;
00485         omg_calc /= dt_;
00486         hdg0 = hdg_s;
00488         // static float alt0 = alt_s;
00489         // float vz_calc = (alt_s - alt0) / dt_;
00490         // alt0 = alt_s;
00492         float vg_s[] = { vg_knot*0.514444444*cos(hdg_s), vg_knot*0.514444444*sin(hdg_s) };
00493         // if want to use estimated position, uncomment below
00494         // float x_est[2] = {};
00495         // filter_x(dt_, 0.1, x_est, x_s, vg_s);
00497         // wind estimation sequence
00498         static float vw_est[2] = {};
00499         switch (phase)
00500         {
00501             case WIND_EST:
00502             {
00503                          const int dn2 = 2 * dn;
00504                          static int n = 0;
00505                          float vw_t[2] = {};
00506                          static int cnt = 0;
00507                          if (n >= dn2)
00508                          {
00509                              static int j = 0;
00510                              static float vg_buf[dn2][2] = {};
00511                              windstar(vw_t, vg_buf[n % dn2], vg_buf[(n + dn) % dn2], vg_s);
00512                              vw_est[0] = (vw_est[0] * j + vw_t[0]) / (j + 1);
00513                              vw_est[1] = (vw_est[1] * j + vw_t[1]) / (j + 1);
00514                              j++;
00515                              vg_buf[n % dn2][0] = vg_s[0];
00516                              vg_buf[n % dn2][1] = vg_s[1];
00517                          }
00518                          n++;
00520                          if (alt_s < alt_max - alt_unctrl) // 
00521                             if (cnt++ >= 3) phase = CTRL;
00522             }
00523             break;
00524             case CTRL:
00525             {
00526                      float t_flt_est = (alt_s - x_tgt[2]) / vz_est;
00527                      if (abs(vz_est) <= epsilon) t_flt_est = 0.0;
00528                      float windoffset[2] = { -vw_est[0] * t_flt_est, -vw_est[1] * t_flt_est };
00529                      if (windoffset[1] > 200.0) windoffset[1] = 200.0;
00530                      float x_virt[2] = { x_s[0] + windoffset[0], x_s[1] + windoffset[1] };
00531                      // if want to use estimated position, comment out above and uncomment below
00532                      // float x_virt[2] = { x_est[0] + windoffset[0], x_est[1] + windoffset[1] }; 
00533                      float x_virt_rel[2] = { x_virt[0] - x_tgt[0], x_virt[1] - x_tgt[1] };
00534                      u = control(x_virt_rel, vw_est, vg_s, hdg_s, omg_calc, dist_tgt);
00535             }
00536             break;
00537         }
00539     }
00540     else
00541         gps_step++;
00543     return u;
00544 }
00546 int control(float r_rel[], float vw[], float v[], float hdg, float omg, float dist_tgt)
00547 {
00548     const float threshold = 0.20;
00550     float theta = atan2(r_rel[1], r_rel[0]);
00552     float dist = norm2(r_rel);
00553     float Vr = dot2(r_rel, v) / dist;
00554     float Vtheta = (r_rel[0] * v[1] - r_rel[1] * v[0]) / dist;
00556     float hdg_tgt = 0.0;
00557     float alpha = atan(0.5*(dist - dist_tgt));
00558     float limitalpha = M_PI_2 - asin(dist_tgt / dist);
00559     if (alpha > limitalpha) alpha = limitalpha;
00560     if (Vtheta > 0)
00561         hdg_tgt = theta + M_PI_2 + alpha;
00562     else
00563         hdg_tgt = theta - M_PI_2 - alpha;
00564     periodize(hdg_tgt, M_PI, -M_PI);
00566     float dhdg = hdg - hdg_tgt;
00567     periodize(dhdg, M_PI, -M_PI);
00569     float domg = omg - Vtheta / dist;
00570     float Kp = 0.5, Kd = 3.0;
00571     float u = -Kp*dhdg - Kd*domg;
00573     if (dist < 200.0)
00574     {
00575         if (Vtheta > 0) u += 0.05*Vr;
00576         else u -= 0.05*Vr;
00577     }
00579     if (u > threshold) return 1;
00580     else if (u < -threshold) return -1;
00581     else return 0;
00582 }
00584 void filter_x(float dt, float C, float x_est[], float x_gps[], float vg_gps[])
00585 {
00586     static float x0[] = { x_gps[0], x_gps[1], x_gps[2] };
00587     static int called = 0;
00588     if (!called)
00589     {
00590         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
00591             x_est[i] = x0[i];
00592         called++;
00593         return;
00594     }
00595     float xt[2];
00596     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
00597     {
00598         xt[i] = x0[i] + vg_gps[i] * dt;
00599         x_est[i] = C*x_gps[i] + (1 - C)*xt[i];
00600         x0[i] = x_est[i];
00601     }
00602 }
00604 float hdg_conv(float hdgN0deg)
00605 {
00606     hdgN0deg *= -M_PI / 180.0;
00607     hdgN0deg += M_PI_2;
00608     periodize(hdgN0deg, M_PI, -M_PI);
00609     return hdgN0deg;
00610 }
00611 void periodize(float &x, float max, float min)
00612 {
00613     float range = max - min;
00614     while (x > max) x -= range;
00615     while (x < min) x += range;
00616 }
00618 void windstar(float Vw[], float Vg0[], float Vg1[], float Vg2[])
00619 {
00620     float l[3][3] = {};  // line coeffs l[0]*x + l[1]*y + l[2] = 0
00621     segmentBisector(l[0], Vg0, Vg1);
00622     segmentBisector(l[1], Vg1, Vg2);
00623     segmentBisector(l[2], Vg2, Vg0);
00624     float r[3][3] = {};  // intersection point
00625     intersection(r[0], l[0], l[1]);
00626     intersection(r[1], l[1], l[2]);
00627     intersection(r[2], l[2], l[0]);
00628     Vw[0] = (r[0][0] + r[1][0] + r[2][0]) / 3;
00629     Vw[1] = (r[0][1] + r[1][1] + r[2][1]) / 3;
00630 }
00631 void segmentBisector(float a[], float v1[], float v2[])
00632 {
00633     a[0] = v2[0] - v1[0];
00634     a[1] = v2[1] - v1[1];
00635     a[2] = -0.5*(a[0] * (v1[0] + v2[0]) + a[1] * (v1[1] + v2[1]));
00636 }
00637 int intersection(float r[], float l[], float m[])
00638 {
00639     float det = l[0] * m[1] - l[1] * m[0];
00640     if (abs(det) < epsilon) return -1;
00641     r[0] = (-m[1] * l[2] + l[1] * m[2]) / det;
00642     r[1] = (m[0] * l[2] - l[0] * m[2]) / det;
00643     return 0;
00644 }
00646 float dot2(float a[], float b[])
00647 {
00648     return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1];
00649 }
00650 float norm2(float v[])
00651 {
00652     return sqrt(dot2(v, v));
00653 }