This is THE 447 FINAL PROJECT this is the frame work put your code in the spot where the it suppose to go and. Make sure you import this into your complier and work on your section, once you done just commit the changes and fork to a new folder

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed draw_test EALib SWSPI

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00001 #include <stdio.h>
00002 #include <stdlib.h>
00003 #include <iostream>
00004 #include <time.h>
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00006 #include "cmsis_os.h"
00007 #include "MMA7455.h"
00008 #include "SWSPI.h"
00009 #include "game_board.h" //duck soup
00010 // need to configure uart to 115200 for game shot placement  using uart;
00011 //SPI 2 is use// SPI0 is use
00012 using namespace std;
00013 game_board battle;
00014 RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // uart //not conflit
00015 RawSerial xbee(P4_22, P4_23); // uart //not conflit
00016 MMA7455 accSensor (P0_27, P0_28); //acceleronmeter i2c // no conflit
00017 SPI LEDs(p5, NC, p7); // LEDs driver spi used
00018 //SPISlave test(p18,p19,p20,p17);
00019 //SPI between board
00020 DigitalOut cs (p30); //no conflict 
00021 //SWSPI Sender(p17,p18,p19); // p11,p12,p13
00022 //DigitalOut b_cs (p20);
00023 //SPI SLAVE to receive;
00024 //SPISlave Receiver(p11,p12,p13,p14);
00026 AnalogIn trimpot(p15);//might need to change the trimpot location if conflict with spi
00027 //SPI (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel=NC) //check mapping for pin
00028 //SPISlave (mosi, miso, sclk, ssel) //check mapping for pin
00030 //joystick
00031 DigitalIn Up(p32);
00032 DigitalIn Down(p38);
00033 DigitalIn Left(p39);
00034 DigitalIn Right(p37);
00035 DigitalIn Center(p31);
00036 //joystick done
00038 //RGB LED
00039 DigitalOut led1(p25); //red
00040 DigitalOut led2(p26);//green
00041 DigitalOut led3(p28);//blue
00042 //RGB LED
00043 int initlize = 0;
00044 //declare your input pin and output pin here:
00045 //DigitalOut led1(p25);
00046 //DigitalOut led2(p26);
00047 //DigitalOut led3(p28);
00048 //
00049 // declare you globle variable here:
00050 unsigned char my_X_coor = 1, my_Y_coor = 1;
00051 uint8_t my_LEDs = 0x1A;
00052 uint8_t SPI_X_send = 0x01,SPI_Y_send = 0x01;
00053 unsigned char other_X_coor = 0, other_Y_coor = 0;
00054 int friendly [6][6]; // array to determine friendly location
00055 int winner; 
00056 int A_x_old = 0,A_y_old = 0,A_z_old = 0;
00057 int send_check = 0;
00058 int update_game_look = 0;
00059 int turns = 0;
00060 //X_coor is x coordinate from 0 to 6
00061 //Y_coor is y coordinate form A to F
00062 //
00063 //
00064 //
00065 void LEDsoutput(uint8_t value) {
00066     cs.write(0);
00067     LEDs.write(value);
00068     cs.write(1);
00069 }
00070 // this thread is your SPI communication between 2 board
00071 void SPI_communication(void const *args) {
00072     //send my_X_coor and my_Y_coor if the center button is hit
00073     //receive other board x_coor and y_coor
00074     //spi code here
00075     //turn 1 :friendly
00076     //       player1 send shooting location
00077     //       player1 get shooting location and whether it hit or miss
00078     //turn 1 :enemy
00079     //       get enemy shooting location
00080     //       check wheather is it a hit or miss
00081     //       echo enemy shooting location and hit/miss flag
00082     //send out winner status 
00083     //       0 = still no winner
00084     //       1 = i am lose
00085     //       so if you receive a 1 that mean you win
00086     //SPI implementation could not get it to work due to run out out spi
00087     //port for design purpose software spi does not compatible
00088     //while (true) {
00089         //if (send_check == 1) {
00090         //    int message = 0;
00091         //    int Echo = 0;
00092         //    message = (SPI_X_send << 4)|SPI_Y_send;
00093         //    pc.printf ("send message %d\n\r",message);
00094         //    //b_cs.write(0);
00095         //    //Echo = Sender.write(0x12);
00096         //    //osDelay (10);
00097         //    b_cs.write(1);
00098         //    pc.printf("get from echo 1 %d\n\r",Echo);
00099         //    b_cs.write(0);
00100         //    Echo = Sender.write (0x1FF);
00101         //    b_cs.write(1);
00102         //    pc.printf("get from echo 2 %d\n\r",Echo);
00103         //    bool stat = (Echo &0x100)>>8;
00104         //    int x_coor = (Echo & 0x0F0)>>4;
00105         //    int y_coor = (Echo & 0x00F);
00106         //    battle.place_hit_miss_enemy(x_coor,y_coor,stat);
00107         //    update_game_look = 1;
00108         //    send_check = 0;
00109         //}
00110         //if (//Receiver.receive()) {
00111         //    bool status = 0;
00112         //    int R_message =;
00113         //    pc.printf("receive message = %d\n\r",R_message);
00114         //    if ((R_message & 0x200) !=  0) {
00115         //        winner = 1;
00116         //    }
00117         //    else if (R_message != 0x1FF) {
00118         //        int Y_coor = R_message & 0x00F;
00119         //        int X_coor = (R_message & 0x0F0) >> 4;
00120         //        status = battle.place_hit_miss_friendly (X_coor,Y_coor);
00121         //        int E_message = (status << 8)|R_message;
00122         //        Receiver.reply(E_message);
00123         //        pc.printf("echo message = %d",E_message);
00124         //        update_game_look = 1;
00125         //    }
00126         //}
00127         //osDelay (30);
00129     //}
00130     //uart xbee impletation it is/
00131     while(true)
00132     {
00133         char R_message [5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
00134         int got_mess = 0;//temp
00135         int i = 0;
00137         if(send_check == 1)
00138         {
00139             xbee.printf ("S00%d%dE",SPI_X_send,SPI_Y_send);
00140             send_check = 0;
00141         }
00143         while(xbee.readable())
00144         { 
00145             char temp;
00146             temp = xbee.getc();
00147             R_message[i] = temp;
00148             i = i+1;  
00149             got_mess = 1;
00150             osDelay(10);
00151         }
00152         if (R_message[0] == 'S')
00153         {
00154             int x_coor,y_coor;
00155             int hit_miss;
00156             x_coor = (int)R_message[3] - 48;
00157             y_coor = (int)R_message[4] - 48;
00158             hit_miss = battle.place_hit_miss_friendly(y_coor,x_coor);
00159             xbee.printf ("E0%d%d%dE",hit_miss,x_coor,y_coor);
00160             //pc.printf ("x=%d y=%d\n\r",x_coor,y_coor);
00161             update_game_look = 1;
00162         }
00163         else if (R_message[0] == 'E')
00164         {
00165             int x_coor,y_coor;
00166             int hit_miss;
00167             hit_miss = (int)R_message[2] - 48;
00168             x_coor = (int)R_message[3] - 48;
00169             y_coor = (int)R_message[4] - 48;
00170             battle.place_hit_miss_enemy(y_coor,x_coor,(bool)hit_miss);
00171             update_game_look = 1;
00172         }
00173         else if (R_message[0] == 'W')
00174         {
00175             winner = 1;
00176         }
00177         //osDelay(30);
00178     }
00179 }
00181 // joystick update x_coor and y_coor here
00182 void joy_stick_read(void const *args) { //might be an interrupt thread here for interrupt read of joystick
00183     // joy stick to update global val of x_coor and y_coor;
00184     // convert y coor to hex offset
00185     // update the 8 LEDs here
00186     while (true) {
00187         //pc.printf ("in joystick");
00188         if ( == 0) {
00189             my_Y_coor = my_Y_coor + 1;
00190             if (my_Y_coor == 7) {
00191                 my_Y_coor = 1;
00192             }
00193         } else if ( == 0) {
00194             my_Y_coor = my_Y_coor - 1;
00195             if (my_Y_coor == 0) {
00196                 my_Y_coor = 6;
00197             }
00198         } else if ( == 0) {
00199             my_X_coor = my_X_coor + 1 ;
00200             if (my_X_coor == 7) {
00201                 my_X_coor = 1;
00202             }
00203             //my_LEDs = my_X_coor;
00204         } else if ( == 0) {
00205             my_X_coor = my_X_coor - 1;
00206             if (my_X_coor == 0) {
00207                 my_X_coor = 6;
00208             }
00209         }
00210         //my_LEDs = my_X_coor;
00211         else if ( == 0) {
00212             //pc.printf ("got middle\n\r");
00213             SPI_X_send = my_X_coor;
00214             SPI_Y_send = my_Y_coor;
00215             //pc.printf ("spi x = %d\n\r",SPI_X_send);
00216             //pc.printf ("spi y = %d\n\r",SPI_Y_send);
00217             send_check = 1;
00218         } else {
00219             my_X_coor = my_X_coor;
00220             my_Y_coor = my_Y_coor;
00221         }
00222         my_LEDs = (my_X_coor << 5)|(0x0F-(my_Y_coor-1));
00223         LEDsoutput (my_LEDs);
00224         osDelay (170);
00225     }
00226     //joystick is done and over with DO NOT touch
00228 }
00230 // this thread use to update the game board
00231 void game_view_update (void const *args) {
00232     // board of this game will be a class this update and get info to and from the class
00233     // update the by led game update
00234     // Uart runing at 921600 max speed; hopefully print 1 line and out;
00235     // using an interger then cycle through the get string function to put it inti the printf function
00237     // * = hit
00238     // o = miss
00239     // > = your ship ship
00241     // 1) check for a hit
00242     // 2) update the game board
00244     // BLANK game Board
00245     // F _ _ _ _ _ _   F _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00246     // E _ _ _ _ _ _   E _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00247     // D _ _ _ _ _ _   D _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00248     // C _ _ _ _ _ _   C _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00249     // B _ _ _ _ _ _   B _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00250     // A _ _ _ _ _ _   A _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00251     //   1 2 3 4 5 6     1 2 3 4 5 6
00252     // Friendly        Enemy
00254     // Example of running game
00255     // F _ O _ > _ _   F _ O _ _ _ _ 
00256     // E > _ O _ > _   E _ _ * _ _ _ 
00257     // D _ _ > _ _ _   D _ _ _ O _ _ 
00258     // C O _ _ _ _ _   C _ O _ _ _ _ 
00259     // B _ * _ O _ _   B _ _ _ * _ _   //X on friendly mean your ship got destroy 
00260     // A _ _ _ > _ _   A _ _ _ _ _ _ 
00261     //   1 2 3 4 5 6     1 2 3 4 5 6
00262     // Friendly        Enemy
00263     // Turn 1 = miss at 2F
00264     // Turn 2 = We sink an enemy battle ship at 3E
00265     // Turn 3 = miss at 4D
00266     // Turn 4 = miss at 2C
00267     // Tunr 5 = We sink an enemy battle ship at 4B
00268     while (true) {
00269         if (update_game_look == 1) {
00270             turns = turns + 1;
00271             update_game_look = 0;
00272             int i;
00273             pc.printf ("\fTurn :%d\n\r",turns);
00274             for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
00275                 string a;
00276                 a = battle.get1row(i);
00277                 pc.printf ("%s", a);
00278             }
00279         }
00280         osDelay (30);
00281     }
00283 }
00285 // code here to check for winer and turn on the RGB
00286 void winnercheck (void const *args)
00287 {
00288     //check for winner by destroy all enemy ship;
00289     while (true) {
00290         bool gamelost = 0;
00291         gamelost = battle.looser();
00292         //winner = 1;
00293         if (gamelost == 1) {
00294             led1 = 1;
00295             led2 = 1;
00296             led3 = 1;
00297             xbee.printf("W0000E");
00298             while(winner == 0)
00299             {
00300                 osDelay(30);
00301             }
00302             //this board is loser
00303             //send a message of 0x200 to the winner
00304         } else if (winner == 1) { //spi message is the winner)
00305             pc.printf("Spectacular Battle commander\n\r");
00306             while (winner == 1) {
00307                 //pc.printf ("%d \n\r",rand()%2);
00308                 led1 = (rand()%2);
00309                 led2 = (rand()%2);
00310                 led3 = (rand()%2);
00311                 osDelay(30);
00312             }
00313         }
00314         else {
00315             led1 = 1;
00316             led2 = 1;
00317             led3 = 1;
00318         }
00320     }
00321 }
00323 //read the accele
00324 void checkreset (void const *args)
00325 {
00327     //read the acceleron meter and compare against the previous value to
00328     //determine if the board have been shake the reset the game board;
00329     //the determinant is the x axis
00330     while (true) {
00332         int Ax,Ay,Az;
00333         int x_old = 0, y_old = 0;
00334         int x, y;
00335         int i;
00336         int seed =*1000;
00338         srand (seed);
00339         if(!,Ay,Az)) {};
00340         if (abs(Ax-A_x_old) > 20) {
00341             winner = 0;
00342             turns = 0;
00343             pc.printf ("\fNew Game: Battle Ship Θ\n\r");
00344             battle.new_game_board();
00345             //randomize ship position 6 ship total
00346             for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
00347                 x = (rand()%6 +1);
00348                 while (x == x_old) {
00349                     x = (rand()%6 +1);
00350                 }
00351                 x_old = x;
00352                 y = (rand()%5 +1);
00353                 while (y == y_old) { 
00354                     y = (rand()%5 +1);
00355                 }
00356                 y_old = y;
00357                 battle.place_ship(x,y);
00358             }
00359             //pc.printf ("\f");
00360             for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
00361                 string a;
00362                 a = battle.get1row(i);
00363                 pc.printf ("%s", a);
00364             }
00365             Ax = 0;
00366             A_x_old = 0;
00367         } else
00368             A_x_old = Ax;
00369         osDelay(500);
00370     }
00371     //reset is done and working do not touch
00372 }
00375 osThreadDef(SPI_communication, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE); //comm between 2 board define thread
00376 osThreadDef(joy_stick_read, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);//might be an interrupt define thread
00377 osThreadDef(game_view_update, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);//update game view write to the fifo uart buffer define thread
00378 osThreadDef(winnercheck, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE); //check for winner define thread
00379 osThreadDef(checkreset, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE); //check for reset define thread
00381 int main() {
00382     osThreadCreate(osThread(SPI_communication), NULL);//done but now is uart
00383     osThreadCreate(osThread(joy_stick_read), NULL); //done
00384     osThreadCreate(osThread(game_view_update), NULL);//done
00385     osThreadCreate(osThread(winnercheck), NULL);//buggy
00386     osThreadCreate(osThread(checkreset), NULL);//done
00388     if (initlize == 0)
00389     {
00390         int x_old = 0, y_old = 0;
00391         int x, y;
00392         int i;
00393         int seed =*1000;
00394         winner = 0;
00395         srand (seed);
00396         pc.baud(921600);
00397         xbee.baud(115200);
00399         pc.printf("Battle Ship by Andy, Adam, Loc, Ivan\n\r");
00400         while(!accSensor.setMode(MMA7455::ModeMeasurement)) {
00401            pc.printf("Unable to set measurement mode.\n\r");
00402         }
00403         while(!accSensor.setRange(MMA7455::Range_8g)) {
00404            pc.printf("Unable to set the range.\n\r");
00405         }
00406         while(!accSensor.calibrate()) {
00407            pc.printf("Unable to calibrate\n\r");
00408         }
00409        battle.new_game_board();
00410        for (i = 1; i < 9; i++){
00411             string a;
00412             a = battle.get1row(i);
00413             pc.printf ("%s", a);
00415         }
00416         //randomize ship position 6 ship total
00417         for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
00418             x = (rand()%6 +1);
00419             while (x == x_old) 
00420             {
00421                 x = (rand()%6 +1);
00422             }
00423             x_old = x;
00424             y = (rand()%5 +1);
00425             while (y == y_old) 
00426             {
00427                 y = (rand()%5 +1);
00428             }
00429             y_old = y;
00430             battle.place_ship(x,y);
00431         }
00432         pc.printf("\fBattle Ship by Andy, Adam, Loc, Ivan\n\r");
00433         for (i = 1; i < 9; i++){
00434             string a;
00435             a = battle.get1row(i);
00436             pc.printf ("%s", a);
00437         }
00438         initlize = 1;
00440     }
00441     //Main Thread
00442     while (true) {
00443         osDelay (30); 
00444     }
00445 }