Working reset, flipped logic

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem emic2 mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BAT_senior_design_Nhi by BAT

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #ifndef BUTTON_H
00004 #define BUTTON_H
00006 // This is a button class for our custom button
00007 class button {
00009 // pins connected to the button
00010 private:
00011     PwmOut servo;
00012     DigitalIn pb;
00013     int state; // where is the button (0 - 4)
00014     int press; // is the button up or down
00015     int id;    // this is the ID, each button should have a unique id
00016     // int mode; // is the system in reading or typing mode
00017     //AnalogIn linpot;
00019 public:
00020     // constructors
00021     button(); // Default
00022     button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb, int id);
00023     //button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb, AnalogIn linpot);
00025     // button(PwmOut servo, DigitalIn pb, AnalogIn linpot);
00026     // functions
00027     PwmOut getServoPin(); // get the servo pin
00028     //void setState(int state); // set state
00029     //void setMode(int mode); // set mode
00030     void setState(int);     // set what state the button is in - up or down
00031     void setPress(int);     // set the button press
00032     void moveServoIn();   // move servo into the slot
00033     void moveServoOut();  // move servo out of the slot
00034     int getID();
00035     int updateState();
00036     int getState();
00037     int getPress();
00038     int getLp();
00039     void setup();
00040 };
00042 #endif