Get basic debug info from the WNC M14A21.

Dependencies:   JSON M2XStreamClient-JMF WNCInterface mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of WNCInterface_HTTP_example by Avnet

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Nov 19 16:44:33 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

WNCInterface.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/WNCInterface.lib	Thu Nov 17 18:37:59 2016 +0000
+++ b/WNCInterface.lib	Sat Nov 19 16:44:33 2016 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Nov 17 18:37:59 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Nov 19 16:44:33 2016 +0000
@@ -25,30 +25,29 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "WNCInterface.h"
-#include "Socket/Socket.h"
-#include "Socket/TCPSocketConnection.h"
-#include "Socket/UDPSocket.h"
 #define DEBUG
 #include "HTTPClient.h"
+#define DELAY_INTERVAL 10000
 #define CRLF    "\n\r"
 #define ntohl(n)    ((n & 0xff) << 24) |\
                     ((n & 0xff00) << 8) |\
                     ((n & 0xff0000UL) >> 8) |\
                     ((n & 0xff000000UL) >> 24)
 int main() {
     int ret;
     WNCInterface wnc;
     MODSERIAL pc(USBTX,USBRX,256,256);
-    pc.printf("STARTING WNCInterface & Socket Test" CRLF);
+    pc.printf("STARTING WNCInterface Info" CRLF);
-    ret = wnc.init();                     
+    wnc.doDebug(3); 
+    ret = wnc.init();
     pc.printf("WNC Module %s initialized (%02X)." CRLF, ret?"IS":"IS NOT", ret);
     if( !ret ) {
         printf(" - - - - - - - ALL DONE - - - - - - - " CRLF);
@@ -57,148 +56,10 @@
     ret = wnc.connect();                 
     printf("IP Address: %s " CRLF CRLF, wnc.getIPAddress());
-//demonstrate a TCP connection
-    TCPSocketConnection tsock;
-    printf("\n\n\n\n------------------------------------" CRLF "starting TCP Socket Test..." CRLF);
-    tsock.connect("", 80);
-    printf("Connected!" CRLF );
-    char http_cmd[] = "GET /media/uploads/mbed_official/hello.txt HTTP/1.0\n\n";
-    ret=tsock.send_all(http_cmd, sizeof(http_cmd)-1);
-    printf("TCP Socket sent %d bytes.\r\n",ret);    
-    char buffer[1500];
-    tsock.set_blocking (false, 1000);    
-    while (ret>0) {
-        ret = tsock.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
-        buffer[ret] = '\0';
-        if( ret > 0 )
-            printf("Received %d chars from server:" CRLF "<----->" CRLF "%s" CRLF 
-                   "<----->" CRLF, ret, buffer);
-    }
-    tsock.close();      
-//demonstrate a UDP connection
-    printf("\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------" CRLF);
-    printf(        "starting UDP Socket Test..." CRLF);
-//#define UDP_URL ""
-//#define UDP_PORT 37
-#define UDP_URL ""
-#define UDP_PORT 123
-    UDPSocket usock;
-    usock.init();
-    Endpoint nist;
-    nist.set_address(UDP_URL, UDP_PORT);
-    printf("Endpoing set to '%s'/%s/%d, try sending data." CRLF,
-        UDP_URL, nist.get_address(), nist.get_port());
-//    char out_buffer[] = "plop"; // Does not matter
-  char out_buffer[48];
-    out_buffer[0] = 0xE3;         // LI, Version, Mode
-    out_buffer[1] = 0;            // Stratum, or type of clock
-    out_buffer[2] = 6;            // Polling Interval
-    out_buffer[3] = 0xEC;         // Peer Clock Precision
-    // 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion
-    out_buffer[12]  = 49;
-    out_buffer[13]  = 0x4E;
-    out_buffer[14]  = 49;
-    out_buffer[15]  = 52;
-    ret = usock.sendTo(nist, out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer));
-    printf("sent buffer to UDP IP/Port (ret=%d)" CRLF "Now try receiving." CRLF,ret);
-    usock.set_blocking (false, 1000);    
-    char in_buffer[50];
-    int n = usock.receiveFrom(nist, in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer));
-    printf("Received %d bytes via UDP IP address %s on port %d." CRLF, 
-            n, nist.get_address(), nist.get_port());
-    usock.close();
-//demonstrate HTTPClient operations
-    HTTPClient http;
-    char str[512];
-    printf("\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------" CRLF);
-    printf(        "starting HTTPClient Socket Test..." CRLF);
-    //GET data
-    printf(">>>>Fetch a page..." CRLF);
-    ret = http.get("", str, strlen(str));
-    if (!ret)
-    {
-      printf("Page fetched successfully - read %d characters" CRLF, strlen(str));
-      printf("<----->" CRLF "Result: %s" CRLF "<----->" CRLF, str); 
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d" CRLF, ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
-    }
-    //POST data
-    HTTPMap map;
-    HTTPText inText(str, 512);
-    map.put("Hello", "World");
-    map.put("test", "1234");
-    printf(CRLF CRLF ">>>>Post data..." CRLF);
-    ret ="", map, &inText);
-    if (!ret)
-    {
-      printf("Executed POST successfully - read %d characters" CRLF, strlen(str));
-      printf("<----->" CRLF );
-      printf("Result: %s" CRLF "<----->" CRLF, str);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d" CRLF, ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
-    }
-    //PUT data
-    strcpy(str, "This is a PUT test!");
-    HTTPText outText(str);
-    printf(CRLF CRLF ">>>>Put data..." CRLF);
-    ret = http.put("", outText, &inText);
-    if (!ret)
-    {
-      printf("Executed PUT successfully - read %d characters" CRLF, strlen(str));
-      printf("<----->" CRLF );
-      printf("Result: %s" CRLF "<----->" CRLF, str); 
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d" CRLF, ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
-    }
-    //DELETE data
-    printf(CRLF CRLF ">>>>Delete data..." CRLF);
-    ret = http.del("", &inText);
-    if (!ret)
-    {
-      printf("Executed DELETE successfully - read %d characters" CRLF, strlen(str));
-      printf("<----->" CRLF );
-      printf("Result: %s" CRLF "<----->" CRLF, str);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d" CRLF, ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
-    }
     printf(" - - - - - - - ALL DONE - - - - - - - " CRLF);
-    while(1) {}