This example project explains the following: * Reading and writing NFC tag * Use Flash storage to store Javascript source code which can be executed when the board is turned on. * Downloading JavaScript program from url. Project demo: Writes and runs JS program from Flash storage by downloading from internet using URL from NFC tag. NFC tag must contain the following info: 1- Password 2- URL separated by: , Note: This project is based on Mbed JavaScript and hence cannot be compiled using MBed Compiler. Read for information about compiling and running this project.



File content as of revision 0:1cefa69131b8:

var js_manager = new JSManager();

//print("\r\njs_manager.js has finished executing.");

run_program_from_flash = function(){
    print('\33[36mRunning js from flash...\33[0m'); // color back to normal
    var result = js_manager.run_js_flash();
    if(result == 0){
        print("\33[32mProgram execution successful!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 1){
        print("\33[35mFlash is empty!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 2){
        print("\33[31mProgram execution failed! Error parsing code.\33[0m");
    else if(result == 3){
        print("\33[31mProgram execution failed! Error in execution.\33[0m");

load_http_program = function(url){
    var result = js_manager.load_http_program(url);

    if(result == 0){
        print("\33[32mProgram downloaded successfully!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 1){
        print("\33[31mServer could not be located!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 2){
        print("\33[31mProgram not found!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 3){
        print("\33[31mInvalid Program file! Contains errors.\33[0m");
    else if(result == 4){
        print("\33[31mNetwork could not be initalized!\33[0m");
    return result;

load_nfc_program = function(file){
    var s = String.fromCharCode(47);
    var protocol =  'http:'; //http:' + '/' + '/' + 'www' + '.indigost' + '.com' + '/' + 'code.js';
    var div = s + s;
    var website = '' + s + 'cloud' + s + 'index.php' + s + 's';

    var link = protocol + div + website + s + file + s + 'download';
    var result = js_manager.load_http_program(link);

    if(result == 0){
        print("\33[32mProgram downloaded successfully!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 1){
        print("\33[31mServer could not be located!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 2){
        print("\33[31mProgram not found!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 3){
        print("\33[31mInvalid Program file! Contains errors.\33[0m");
    else if(result == 4){
        print("\33[31mNetwork could not be initalized!\33[0m");
    return result;

gg = function(){
    // Symbol / is causing problems sometimes in a string so we get it this way 
    var s = String.fromCharCode(47);
    var protocol =  'http:'; //http:' + '/' + '/' + 'www' + '.indigost' + '.com' + '/' + 'code.js';
    var div = s + s;
    var website = '';
    var file = 'code.js';
    var link = protocol + div + website + s + file;

    print('Opening: ' + link);
    var result = js_manager.load_http_program(link);

    if(result == 0){
        print("\33[32mProgram downloaded successfully!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 1){
        print("\33[31mServer could not be located!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 2){
        print("\33[31mProgram not found!\33[0m");
    else if(result == 3){
        print("\33[31mInvalid Program file! Contains errors.\33[0m");
    else if(result == 4){
        print("\33[31mNetwork could not be initalized!\33[0m");
    return result;

erase_flash = function(){
    var result = js_manager.erase_flash();
    if(result == 0 ){
        return ('Flash erased successfully!');
        return ('Flash erasing failed with error code: ' + result);

reboot = function(){
    return js_manager.reboot();

module.exports = js_manager;