11 years ago.

mbed as dvr ?

is mbed controller can used for analog video capturing and storing ? if not then can i used usb video capture device to store videos in hard drive using mbed ?

2 Answers

11 years ago.

The mbed is not suitable for that. I won't say it is completely impossible, but it really isn't the tool you want to be using.

Accepted Answer
11 years ago.

thank you, can you please suggest good tool / single board processor for dvr alternative ?

It is not really my field, so it is hard to say for me what you can use best. However you can for example consider a Raspberry Pi, essentially a mini-linux computer. It can store data on a harddisk, so then you need to find out if there is a USB video capture device that is compatible with the raspberry.

posted by Erik - 05 May 2013

thank you

posted by rajas jorwekar 05 May 2013