4 years, 6 months ago.

No MBED target detected

I'm not sure what happened to the LPC55S69 I'm working with but it is no longer detected by mbed-cli tool and doesn't enumerate as a disk drive on Windows when I plug into the debug USB port.

I'm able to put it into DFU mode and run the "Program LPC-Link2 with CMSIS-DAP" but when I power-cycle without the DFU jumper I don't see any drive device. I do however see the LPC-LinkII uCom port

Can someone help me understand what's going on and how to restore this?

Edit: I just tried with a board fresh out of the box and see the same symptoms. It would appear it's a driver issue?

1 Answer

4 years, 6 months ago.


I would new DAPLink firmware. Look instructions from here: https://armmbed.github.io/DAPLink/ Search from Interface Firmware Updates using board name: FF_LPC546XX

Regards, Pekka