4 years, 6 months ago.

How to debug in Mbed Studio using ST-link/v2 (clone)?

Hi, I'm using cheap BlackBoard STM32F407VET6 + STlink/v2. In Mbed Studio I choose seeedArchMax as a target, cause it has the same microcontroller. After it compiles, i can upload bin-file, using STlink Utility. It works fine, but i was wondering, if i can somehow turn on debug function in MbedStudio? It should become active automatically, when you plug in your target, but maybe there is a way to activate it for stlink?

1 Answer

4 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Alex,

Mbed Studio is capable of debugging ST MCU with internal PyOCD, please make sure your already update STLink to the latest and select "Debug" in Build profile field.

Regards, Desmond

I've updated STlink, nothing has changed. Buttons "run" and "debug" are not active. I can only build a program, but not run it.

posted by Alex Lav 28 Oct 2019