5 years, 8 months ago.

STM32 nucleo-64 stm32f303RE change to stm32f303RC

how to change the mcu stm32f303re to stm32f303rc using the mbed?

1 Answer

5 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Daniel,

The procedure for porting to a new target is documented here:

While this may seem intimidating it should actually be relatively easy for the STM32F303RC. Mbed already supports the DISCO_F303VC based on the STM32F303VC (see /targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F3/TARGET_STM32F303xC) so much of the work has already been done. You can use that target's same device folder which has the tool-specific startup and scatter/linker files.

You will need to update the targets.json file as described in the porting article and then add your new custom board folder under TARGET_STM32F303xC. We haven't checked what differences there are in the peripherals between the two devices but they should be relatively minor. It's certainly worth checking that /TARGET_STM32F303xC/device/stm32f303xc.h doesn't need any modifications for the STM32F303RC.

Let us know if you encounter any difficulties along the way.


Ralph, Team Mbed