5 years, 10 months ago.

Comilation error for nRF51-DK1 board (nRF 51822) template project BLE_Button

Hi, I created a new project for nRF51-DK1 board, the template project BLE_Button. Their is one compilation error: Error: Undefined symbol assert_nrf_callback (referred from /extras/mbed/TARGET_NRF51_DK/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/app_pwm.o).

I think this error is due to the update of mbed OS, as it was fine before Feb 2018.

Please fix the bug.

Regards Helen

3 Answers

5 years, 10 months ago.

Hello Helen,

Can you try compiling with the mbed-os version of the project?


I was able to compile it with the nRF51-DK. Hope this helps!

-Karen, team Mbed

If this solved your question, please make sure to click the "Thanks" link below!

Hi Karen, Thanks for working on this. Yes I am able to compile by importing the example. But it is now impossible to creat a new project for nRF51-DK, even the HelloWorld template gives the following error message: Error: Symbol user_perthread_libspace multiply defined (by /build/mbed-os.lib/rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/rtx5/RTX/Source/rtx_lib.NRF51_DK.o and /build/mbed-os.lib/rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/mbed_boot.NRF51_DK.o). Regards Helen

posted by helen ji 06 Jul 2018

Hello Helen,

There is a github issue that has been raised for that error:


It seems like Jerome has a found a solution that may work for you. Under the Compile button, navigate to Compile Macros and add _RTE_ in the text box. Then try recompiling. Hope that helps!

-Karen, team Mbed

posted by Karen Yen 06 Jul 2018
5 years, 10 months ago.

It seems like Jerome has a found a solution that may work for you. Under the Compile button, navigate to Compile Macros and add _RTE_ in the text box. Then try recompiling. Hope that helps!

Thanks. It solved the blinky error: symbol user_pthread_... but the BLE problem that has the message: Undefined symbol assert_nrf_callback.... is still there.

posted by helen ji 09 Jul 2018
5 years, 10 months ago.


Same thing here...I am trying to compile a program for nRF51-DK and the following error appears : Error: Undefined symbol assert_nrf_callback (referred from /extras/mbed/TARGET_NRF51_DK/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/app_pwm.o).

NB : I can compile using the following target : Nordic nRF51822

Regards, Fred

Hello Frederic,

I would suggest trying to compile with an older version of the mbed 2 library. You could also import and compile a program that uses the mbed-os library (programs that are mbed 5 enabled) such as these:


Hope this helps!

-Karen, team Mbed

posted by Karen Yen 11 Jul 2018

Hi Karen,

Using an older version of the mbed 2 library is working! Thank a lot!


posted by Frederic Guiet 22 Jul 2018