5 years, 11 months ago.

DigitalOut read() method


I've just started playing with F303K8 Nucleo board.

I tried to modify the blink example as follows:

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalOut myled(D4,0);

DigitalOut t(D5,0);

int main() {

    while(1) {

        myled.write(1); // LED is ON

        int k=myled.read();


        wait(1.0); // 1s

        myled.write(0); // LED is OFF



        wait(1.0); // 1 sec



The problem is that k is 0 when myled is on and 1 when myled is off.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance !

I've tested with Nucleo f103rb and ir works as it should. So maybe is something related to the board.

posted by P. Xrist 28 May 2018

1 Answer

5 years, 10 months ago.

Hello there,

It could be that that board was made active low (i.e. LED is on when it is set to 0 and vice versa). Hope this helps!

-Karen, team Mbed