6 years, 2 months ago.

EFM32 Wonder Gecko Hard Fault when I replace system_efm32wg object file with .c file

I've exported the SkywirePearlGecko demo from the online Mbed compiler to Keil's uVision V5.24.2.0 and re-targeted from the Pearl Gecko to my own Wonder Gecko platform using an EFM32WG230F256. Of course, I cannot get the Wonder Gecko to communicate to Nimblink's NL-SW-LTE-TSVG Skywire modem. I'm using a cheap Saleae 16 Logic Analyzer and when I communicate via 115200 the initial characters ("AT\r") arrive at the Skywire incorrectly according to the cheap analyzer. In an effort to make sure the clocks were set up correctly I wanted to replace the object files with my own .c and .S files; but, when I do the EFM32 immediately goes into a Hard Fault condition. I have attached the system_efm32wg.o file with system_efm32wg.c and the startup_efm32wg.o file with startup_efm32wg.S


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