6 years, 2 months ago.

Atollic support and ST hardware peripheral APIs?


It seems like a natural progression for STM and mbed users that there must be export and import integration between Atollic and mbed due to the weak debugging capabilities in mbed.

The mbed APIs make programming much easier but using STM hardware peripherals in mbed is cumbersome. Why does STM not develop APIs for its hardware peripherals which is as easy to use as the mbed APIs?

Are there any future plans to address these questions? A response from STM will be appreciated.

Roco Za

Question relating to:

1 Answer

5 years ago.

Здравствуйте. С 2017 года компания ST фактически прекратила поддержку неопытных пользователей, и платформу mbed. Я потратил два месяца своей жизни чтобы попытаться реализовать в mbed свой проект. я потерял много времени и потерпел убытки. Этот же проект я соберу на Arduino за два дня. У меня только одни нехорошие слова в адрес компании ST. Я надеюсь в ближайшее время найти время и написать в русскоязычном сообществе, что данная продукция рассчитана только на опытных пользователей. Ублюдки, из за компании ST я на два месяца просрочил платеж по ипотеке и теперь у меня заберут мой дом.

Hello. Since 2017, ST has virtually ceased support for inexperienced users, and the mbed platform.  I spent two months of my life trying to implement my project in mbed. I lost a lot of time and suffered losses. The same project I will assemble on the Arduino in two days. I have only one bad words addressed to ST.  I hope in the near future to find time and write in the Russian-speaking community that this product is intended only for experienced users. Bastards, because of the company ST, I have delayed my mortgage payment for two months and now my house will be taken away from me.

Hi. Since 2017, ST has virtually stopped supporting inexperienced users and the mbed platform. I spent two months of my life trying to implement my project in mbed. I lost a lot of time and suffered losses. I will assemble the same project on Arduino in two days. I have only one bad word for the company ST. I hope in the near future to find time and write in the Russian-speaking community that this product is designed only for experienced users. Bastards, because of the St company, I'm two months behind on my mortgage, and now they're gonna take my house.