6 years, 10 months ago.

NRF52832 uVisor address space error in linker script


I ported the NRF52832 to mbed uVisor,following the uVisor porting guide https://docs.mbed.com/docs/uvisor-and-uvisor-lib-documentation/en/latest/api/md_docs_core_PORTING.html Afterwards I tried to compile my project, but the linker always gives me an error:

Link: uvisor_example2 ./BUILD/NRF52_DK/GCC_ARM/.link_script.ld:178 cannot move location counter backwards (from 000000002001a260 to 000000002000f800) collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status [ERROR] ./BUILD/NRF52_DK/GCC_ARM/.link_script.ld:178 cannot move location counter backwards (from 000000002001a260 to 000000002000f800) collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

How can I solve this issue? My linker script is attached to this question. /media/uploads/gruenwaldemar/nrf52832.ld

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