7 years, 8 months ago.

Beginner !! New to the Mbed

Hi All, I am new to this Mbed GR Peach Board. Started off with blinking of LED and establishing Serial Terminal Connection for Windows OS. Can anyone help on more examples i can try out to get familiarised with the Board. I want to use Board for the Data acquisition and Processing and further to Display the data ! Also, i want to know, what are the features available for GUI development using the board? Can I create a GUI on some other platform like Android Studio and use the Real time Variables or data processed on the Board for the Display ? Need Inputs, As I am totally newbie here. Thank You, SBW

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

Hi SB,

Glad to have you on board. :)

I assume you have looked at the following examples?


You are also welcome to try all the other code available to all targets on this site :)

You can also look at the following for an example of how to connect to the internet


Have a look at the following:


Datasheet of RZ/A1H


Optional Shields and modules

CORE corporation (GR-PEACH hardware developer) site


Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer