7 years, 8 months ago.

Linker Error L6236E with uVision 5 with blinky code.

Hi All, I am using the following compiler and IDE to build the blinky project:

uVision v5.17 and armcc v5.06 update 1

When I export the project to uvision 5 and build it, I am getting this error.

..\..\mbed-os\hal\targets\cmsis\TARGET_STM\TARGET_STM32F4\TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE\TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD\stm32f401xe.sct(34): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/LAST.

Has anyone encountered this before. Looks like very basic issue to me?

Cheers, Jain.

F401RE target, what revision of mbed lib ? or mbed-dev used ? how do you export, from the online ide?

This error means there are two linker files (for instance), I had it when I had mbed 2x in my project (sources and mbed library), or missing linker file.

posted by Martin Kojtal 24 Aug 2016

I could make it work. I think the export is not adding the assembler files for some reason. I added the startup and SVC_Table.s manually and it could build just fine.

posted by Vineet Jain 24 Aug 2016

Ill have a look at this, thanks for reporting

posted by Martin Kojtal 25 Aug 2016
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