7 years, 8 months ago.

Can I program my PCA10028 chip using .hex ?

I am building a circuit using PCA10028 MCU of the nrf51 board... how to program the new circuit using my mbed program that I made with nrf51 board ???


Could you please outline your plans, have you designed a custom board based on the PCA10028?


- Andrea, team mbed.

posted by Andrea Corrado 12 Aug 2016

Andrea, I didn't build that yet but I want to make a circuit based on PCA10028 connecting to some sensors (adafruit_GPS, BMP180, load sensor...)

posted by Aymen Dhaker 12 Aug 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.


Thanks for clarifying your question.

I would just like to place the hardware schematics and files for PCA10028 here for you when you come to design: https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/nordic/download_resource/38675/6/78333716

In terms of programming the PCA10028 there are multiple ways to do this and is a compromise between ease of hardware design or ease of software development.

One route you could do:

Hardware: Design PCA10028 with sensors, no interface chip (no drag and drop like mbed) device on board.

Software: Use of Segger J-link, U-link Pro to program the PCA10028 using SWD. Use of Offline compiler such as Keil uVision.

Another Route:

Hardware: Design PCA10028 with sensors and with DAPlink interface chip (allows drag and dropping mbed)

Software: You are not limited for software choice here and you will not need an external interface like U-link pro. Use of mbed online compiler or offline compiler.

In terms of those two routes i think you should consider the following

For the first route a cheap external programmer to program over SWD is readily available at:


With this attached to your device via the 10 pin Cortex debug connector you can then drag and drop and program.

For the second route look at the DAPlink github repository, this outlines how to design a DAPlink drag-drop interface on your board with the PCA10028.


For further more in-depth details and questions on nordic devices don't be afraid to check out their forums too https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/questions/

Let me know if i can do anything else to help :)


Andrea, team mbed.