8 years ago.

Nucleo f446re USB

I am trying to use USB on the Nucleo F446re and not seeming to have any luck.

I have tried USBSerial usb; for declaration. Even doing this and nothing else locks up my code when loaded to the board. I am not seeing any other examples of USB.

Is there an issue with this Class? or a different way to go about handling USB in mbed?


1 Answer

8 years ago.

Need more info... You have connected up your own shield with a USB connector and power control on it? I trust you don't mean the debug USB (CN1) on the board. That is a serial connection over to the F446.

I have not put any shield on. I am just at this point wanting to us PA_11/OTG_FS_DM and PA_12/OTG_FS_DP which it shows to be the USB ports in datasheet. right now i have nothing connected to them. I can not even declare USBSerial on those pins without it locking up my code.

posted by jon martin 05 May 2016

Any idea what may be going on?

posted by jon martin 06 May 2016