8 years, 5 months ago.

how can i write texts and strings out off this demo?

Firstly i would like to thank you for this demo. at least i know that the LCD can be used from the MBED platform.

I decided to take the Tiger_LCD demo for a stroll... since I only want to work on LCD workings(for now), and the USB serial seemed to be in the way, I chucked out the serial programs and the loop() (sorry...). Hence, the appearance of the Mandelbrot. Funny thing is, it can only be displayed when the screen is totally devoted for the Mandelbrot (i only let the Mandelbrot to run based on the initial set value) or else, the mandelbrot would show up with an offset.

I intend to write texts and strings and chars and draw like i did with the 16x2 lcd.BTW, is the ssd1289 library required... because so far, I have not include the ssd library for the mandelbrot.

When, I tried to write something by using myGLCD.DisplayString (8, 1, (unsigned char*) "Hi Willem"); it only shows scattered colored pixels on top of the somehow now offset mandelbrot. Can u show me how to do this?

Question relating to:

Landtiger (LPC1768) graphics LCD demo. LandTiger, LCD, LPC1768, SSD1289

1 Answer

8 years, 5 months ago.

Hi Dosh, as I said in previous post, it has been quite a while since I played with this software and I recall the state was not stable. I dont have the board available at the moment and cant say when I will have time to look into this.

Accepted Answer

Ok.. Thank you so much. But do let me know if you somehow get time to go thru the landtiger again ya? Thank you again.

posted by dosh demo 12 Nov 2015

I have cleaned up the code above: removed mandelbrot stuff etc. This new version works fine on my LandTiger with SSD1289 LCD controller. Graphics primitives work and so does regular printf() formatted strings. Some pics are on the LandTiger Notebook page. Make sure that the reported controller ID is 8989 for the SSD1289. Any other ID indicates that your LCD board has a different controller. You will then have to change the GLCD_config.h file.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 24 Nov 2015