8 years, 6 months ago.

Where have the Mbed Nordic HAL links been moved to?

On the https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os page, the Nordic HAL links are dead.

mbed-hal-nordic, implementation for Nordic Semi devices.

mbed-hal-nrf51822-mcu, implementation for the nRF51822 wireless MCU.

mbed-hal-mkit, implementation for the Nordic nRF51822-mKIT development board.

These links are dead. Where is this info located?

If it has bee removed, why?

Is Nordic removing support for Mbed?

1 Answer

8 years, 6 months ago.


for questions regarding mbed OS, is better if you can ask in forums.mbed.com. You can find an answer to your question why they are not yet public http://forums.mbed.com/t/adding-nordic-targets/345/9

Accepted Answer